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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, February 1, 2011,
Item 2

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Item number 2 is to consider and take appropriate action on an order concerning outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Travis County.

>> good morning, judge and Commissioners.
since you met last week I’ve again talked to the fire chiefs.
the situation is still very serious.
there have been -- last time I reported to you was over the past seven days there had been 16 fires, I believe, or 17.
that number has increased only slightly, but it has remained basically the same.
the moisture we received overnight is going to be gone shortly.
there will be -- we have predicted three days of 20 miles per hour winds and then a day just less than that.
some of the good news is there's some moisture predicted for the upcoming weekend.
what I had like to bring forth is I know that your phone continues to ring as does mine.
the farmers are ringing my phone daily.
is the possibility of amending the current burn ban to either allow it to expire this coming Friday night at midnight, which will give the farmers and ranchers Saturday, Sunday and Monday then to take care on burning that they need to do and then the court will meet on Tuesday, and depending upon what happens on the weekend, the court may decide then to take action the following Tuesday on extending that or not having a burn ban or putting a burn ban back in place.
but for the next three or four days, it's just too dangerous to burn under any circumstances.
to make the recommendation to lift it today I do not think is a good recommendation for me to make.
so -- but there's there is moisture again predicted possibly in the form of snow Thursday and Friday.
so if the court -- if we could figure out a way to do something with our outdoor burn ban where the public would be allowed to burn Friday, Saturday, Sunday and then me get back to you on next Tuesday morning to evaluate that and take action at that time.

>> I guess my question, though, is how would we allow folks to foe if we take action today for -- folks to know if we take that action today for that short window, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, how would we expedite that information to the community to make sure that that's what we're doing if the court decide to take action on this today?
I’m concerned because there may be someone that may fall outside the range of this particular suggestion or recommendation that you're bringing dowrt.

>> I understand, Commissioner.
and --

>> so since it is -- what with we aggressively do to make sure that folks -- go ahead, I’m sorry.
I didn't mean to cut you off.

>> that's fine.
when the court takes action, whether it's putting a burn ban in, lifting a burn ban, something like that, my office sends out a press release usually within the hour of that action.
we can -- depending on the action of the court today, we can do that.
again, today saying what the intent of the court is.
and then should it be that that action will allow a change in the current burn ban status, we can redo that Friday or Saturday or whatever day the court might choose.

>> normally for clarity -- let's say that the Friday, Saturday and Sunday is in place and we go ahead and follow through with what's your recommendation.
I’m thinking about your office, the weekend situation, would those numbers still be available if there's any confusion or anything like that since it is a weekend situation?

>> typically the complaints come in to the sheriff's office about whether or not -- what the status of the burn ban is, and the sheriff's office is on our list of people that we send that information out to.
so our office will be manned through Friday afternoon at 4:00 p.m., but over the weekend our business number is not answered and calls I think probably would go to the sheriff's office.

>> so it rolls over to the sheriff's office if anyone was to call you?

>> the number does not roll, but the complaints I think would go there.
or the questions would go there.
so we will be sure to inform the sheriff's office today of any change or if there is no change in that status.
even over the weekend this would give the farmers and the ranchers -- I have a list of numbers on my desk of people that I told them that I would call back today and let them know the decision of the court today.
but there are a number of those people that have -- really have a need because of getting crops in, getting pastures ready for the green-up.
but it's just really for people that just want to burn out of convenience.
it's really not a good time to be doing that.
they need to wait until the green-up before something like that is done.
this would be just -- my thought in this is it would be for the benefit of the people who have a need for agricultural or something of that nature.

>> I understand.

>> so your recommendation is that we lift the band Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
afortd have it bash ol -- and have it back on the agenda on Tuesday.

>> that's correct, judge.

>> and you have chatted with mr. Connally and he has assured you that we can legally do that?

>> he has some recommendations.

>> you have two options with regard to how to do that, jumg.
you can either lift the ban that you put in place on January 11th which currently has an expiration date of next February, February 8th.
lift that one today and implement a new burn ban order, which would expire on Friday or Saturday or whatever day you decide.
or you could amend the order that you have in place now to change the expiration date.
I think the legal effect of either of those actions would be the same.
so if you want to amend the current burn ban order to change the expiration date from February eighth to some earlier date, you can do that.

>> it seems to me it would be cleaner to amend the current order then.

>> that would be fine.

>> but you're saying both of those options are legal.

>> yes, sir.

>> questions, comments?
move that we amend the current burn ban to lift it Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

>> second.

>> and have this matter back on the court's agenda on Tuesday for further consideration.
that we proactively notify that we know those that are interested in us lifting the ban so they will be able to take whatever actions they deem appropriate this weekend.
and that any public release that we have contain appropriate cautionary statements.
so you still want to say if you don't really desperately need to burn, don't do so.

>> that's correct.

>> okay.

>> and clarification, judge.
that's to amend the current order so that to change the expiration date to -- when did you say?

>> Friday at midnight.

>> Friday at midnight.
I will prepare such an order for you today.

>> what's that date?

>> the fourth.

>> February 4th, I believe.

>> February 4th at midnight.
you prepare that, the judge will sign it, if this motion passes.
how's that?

>> sounds fine to me.

>> any discussion on the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

>> thank you very much.
thank you very much, mr. Lee.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February, 2011 2:19 PM


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