Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, December 14, 2010,
Item 29
>> 29 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding renewal of contract with envision central Texas.
ms. Campbell sheer and we've had this item on the agenda for last few years.
and this looks like each year we take action for that particular year.
andrew mcintosh the current contract expires -- and the current contract expires December 31st of 2010.
and the backup does contain deliverables.
what we need to do, though, if we decide to renew the contract is to direct an appropriate county staff prepare an appropriate contract, including these deliverables, and identify a source of funding and historically I think we have -- we have taken the $25,000 from allocated reserve.
any questions for ms. Campbell?
>> no.
I don't have any.
I’m cool with it, judge.
>> Commissioner Huber?
>> I would just like to say that I think that this is really an important continuance of the efforts of envision central Texas with our participation.
particularly because with campo moving in the direction of the center's approach and this is basically the primary concept that the envision central Texas supports, that there is continued collaborative efforts on that that are very beneficial to moving forward with our regional planning.
>> our goal would be to have this on the court's agenda I guess if not next week, the 28th, and the contract that we've used in the past has been good, these deliverables are new.
so if we substitute these deliverables for the old ones, it should be fine and I would recommend that we just take the money from allocated reserve.
>> I second that, judge, if that's in the form of a motion.
>> it is now.
>> all right.
I’ll second it.
>> any discussion on the motion.
ms. Campbell, any comments?
>> thank you very much.
>> annually we get a report on the work of envision central Texas.
what month do we normally get that in?
>> December.
at the end of December when the year is over.
>> let's do something new and different and have it in January this year.
how is that?
>> that sounds fine.
>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much for coming down.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 2:33 PM