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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, November 16, 2010,
Citizen's Communication

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Citizen's communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes .
will the following three persons please come forward.
gust pena, john kim, ronnie referseed.
as one finishes I will call another speaker.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioner gus pena, united states marine corps veteran .
I shout out to mr. Ward, proud marine corps veterans also.
judge and commission, I know you read the Sunday paper.
the invisible folks among us, it talks about the Austin city manager, ott living allegedly as homeless person would under the bridge, et cetera.
what this story does not tell u and everything I have been talking about the last ten, 12 years, let's help homeless families.
you have the husband and wife, families, kids.
talking about singles.
I知 all for it, support that whole heartedly.
we have been doing that a long time.
the issue is we leave out the homeless veterans with families also and that is not good.
the city has two items on the agenda this coming Thursday, item number 1 four fund forg the salvation funding to provide sorth services for homeless women and dependent children.
we need more of this.
negotiate the removal of the agreement for homeless women and children.
outstanding again.
what about when the family has a dad, mom and children?
they are being left out of the loop completely from the dialogue.
another thing I would ask this Commissioner's court, and I did already direct it to the mayor and council and city manager, look at the social context, evaluate for effectiveness, and thoroughness, and what funding has gone, for example, for sal ration or any other things, direct services, see how effective these programs are in helping the people out.
you cannot attain self-sufficiency if you don't have a job.
veterans are being denied a housing voucher for the va, veteran affairs supportive housing voucher, you have to have a job or income otherwise you are being denied.
this is a good article.
I thank you mark ott, I consider him a friend.
last item, please volunteer to become a men tor to students who need help or assistance for math reading.
we're losing a lot of students to the dropout rate and also to the absent ee rate also.
just not helping them out.
lastly, a society's is measured by the treatment of its less fortunate.
thank our veterans returning back and insewer they have the social service agencies to help them out, comprehensive job training.
thank you very much.
have a good day.

>> thank you, mr. Pena.
john kim is next.
and would vicky good win please come forward.

>> thank you, judge.

>> good morning.
wonderful day to all of you.
honorable Commissioners and honorable county judge.
and I am here, I am here to appreciate all of you and to praise america.
I do not have an opportunity to greatly appreciate the united states and the states and Travis County court, all of you.
you are great.
I知 speaking my wonderful hop to you and to the public as well as jeese cries--jesus christ here in this honorable county court.
preacherless speaking.
jesus christ would surely help this honorable court, all of you certainly resurrect my college teaching and job at ac c.
and constitutionally and to democratically killed by the other administrators and by state government officials of wonderful Texas and wonderful government officials of the united states of american democracy here and the american democracy better than heaven.
this is the letter from the united states education secretary duncan authorized acc not to release my student accommodation, two pages completed in 2006, four years ago.
the united states authorized acc to violate the united states rule and the constitutions.
this is the newspaper, Austin american statesman, August 14.
this year.
Austin american statesman reported the story.
superintendent, ph.d.
from harvard university, Austin school district, they are the administration, this administrator refused to release her job performance to the media.
they spent 1500, no, $150,000 not release it.
but Austin american statesman and the other people contact attorney generally greg abbott.
that office allowed to release to the media.
but Austin asa refused to replease to me.
not only media.
that is what I知 doing here, that is why I知 here, to ask you.
and I spoke to the media.
no one said anything about it at all so far.
no change, not any at all.
the same is not enough.
I can talk to you.
so I will come continuously so that I can speak to you all the stories.
thank you, I really appreciate.
I need to keep and protect the time.
thank you.

>> thank you, dr. Kim.
mr. Refer seed is next.
and would palm baget come forward.
good morning.

>> good morning, thank you, sir.
I am ronnie refer seed screaming hey, kids, love your minds now.
you will be an adult soon enough so don't wreck it with drugs, like cigarettes or alcohol.
that first hit off a cigarettor joint the first swig of alcohol, your childhood is finished.
instead, I say no, stop the killing, pointless endless war against the fastest growing religion on earth today, islam.
only the slimy servants want to destroy the world with big on thed pointless endless war.
so no.
we don't need to kill anyone by the way, September 11 was an inside job as revealed this week by geraldo.
last week.
mainstream news now.
pay attention.
alex joins at info has been sharing the facts for years.
listen to 90.1 fm from 11-2 p.m.
on week dates, 4-6 on Sunday, for news and links for more info et cetera.
also, Ron and call toll free, for weekly updates from dr. Ron paul.
yes, it's true, kentucky has now elected his son, dr. Ran paul to the u.s.
two is better than one.
rejoice .
also, release from su from house release.
tap water, complains his daughter is upset after reading my flier.
she should be upset.
why isn't her father upset?
magnolia apartments they already limit me to only one flier and now they don't want to see that tap water is poison flier because some people just don't want to know.
self-imposed ig ignorance is no execution for inaction.
don't shoot the messenger.
instead thank me and start attending Austin city council meetings and shout at the criminals and killers to change things.
to learn more, visit msds, sodium fluoride on line.
get the facts.
let's all work hard to e lee place all those criminals and killers from cd government.
go to a city council government to experience a sickening contempt for pay try on thes and truth tellers like me by the entire kabala of criminals.
especially the mayor.
they never admit drinking sludge they make us drink.
so visit the websites.
yes, we can demand safe water for our children, pets and gardens.
it's worth fighting for, people rejoice.
we are winning with the truth.
say good buy to our killer of our mayor and the entire clan of conspirators.
you recall a finished politically.
good ridance.

>> thank you, mr. Refer seed.

>> thank you.

>> vicky good win next, and pat johnson please come forward.
good morning.

>> andy rovik is here and he is also with our group, if you don't mind his joining us.

>> I don't mind at all.

>> good morning, I知 vicky good win.
I am on the shady hollow board of directors and here to once again support the building of sh 45.
I know y'all have heard what I have to say about the road, so I have some comments from other individuals in the area that I壇 like the read.
first a comment from julie in manchaca.
anyone who has to travel Monday through Friday in the most of these and returning in the evening will know how desperate this road is needed.
just to get to south mopac from 1626 takes 45 minutes in the morning.
heaven forbid when it rains.
this is unfair to shady hollow to have this much traffic in the neighborhood.
from lee in buda, all I can add, please get this done.
I love living in the community by the eight mile community of 30 minutes or more is wearing thin.
why have we still not started this project?.
from layer in Austin.
as a former residents of shady hollow, sh 45 is definitely needed.
although I do not currently live in the area my kids do and attend skills on both sides brody lane.
the traffic would be greatly redeesed if the Commissioners would move to continue the completion of the roadway.
slaughter lane would benefit also.
from norma in Austin.
as a member of shady hollow I strongly encourage the construction of sh 45, the amount of traffic in this area has become a hazard to our children and community.
from laura in buta.
as mother of three I can say that not only has the traffic gotten progressively worse on brody lane but also feels dangerous to drive on the road not built for the traffic flow.
the situation is only going to get worse.
please move the project forward.
from melissa in buta.
as supporter of familiar lilce for safe mobility.
I assisted the vote..
please build sl 45 as soon as possible.
from amber in buta.
the daily traffic on brody between slaughter and fm 1626 is absurd.
on some days it can take over 25 minutes to drive from one end of the paved road to the other.
a lot of this congestion could be avoided if sh 45 was completed.
many people traveling on this road are traveling from the downtown area to the suburbs and are attempting to avoid the equally large mess on I 35.
please finish the road, as the traffic is unbearable and the area only seems to be growing.
I can't imagine the problem it would become in the future if action isn't taken soon.
from tim in Austin.
as others have stated, the traffic on brody lane is terrible.
thank you.

>> thank you.
ms. Baget or mr. Johnson.

>> this is a letter from marry ann rear done.
she like a lot of other people have to work.
not to say we don't but we set our hours easier.
as long-term residents I have seen traffic increase to the point it can be called traffic.
when brody lane was opened at fm 1626 we anticipated more vehicles coming up from hays county but also expected that sh 45 was being built to alleviate that concern.
little did we realize the housing boom taking place in hays would cause major traffic problems. Here we are years later still waiting for that promised relief.
our first home in shady hollow was on the east side of broad yo lane and my children had to cross to get to school.
I知 not sure I would let my children run that gaunt let today.
few mothers do the posted 35 miles per hour and many run the red lights since they know it's bumper to bumper ahead.
brody lane was not built to be a major thorough fare.
we were promised sh 45.
voters approved the bonds that paid for the land acquisition and several environmental studies have been conducted.
we keep being told another year, another year.
this is the year.

>> thank you.

>> (applause)

>> ms. Johnson.

>> good morning, Commissioners.
my name is pat johnson.
I spoke to you all.
ms. Huber, you weren't here before, nor were you, ms. Eckhardt.
we talked about, about three years, talked to you all about setting the nine percent toll fees.
at the time when I spoke with y'all, y'all informed me that the counties didn't have the jurisdiction .
well, the legislature in the last session gave the counties the judicial authority to set the nonconsent toll fees.
these fees are the fees that towing companies charge motorists towed from the unincorporated areas in the county.
tdlr, Texas department of license regulation, was mandated by legislature to conduct a toll fee study, which other cities around, and municipalities around the state are using as guide to set the fee in their jurisdictions.
so you don't have to expend funds to conduct this.
morningside did the study.
tnr set the maximum allowed to be charge but maximum is still higher than what, say for instance, the city of Austin allows to charge no more than $150.
if the vehicle is fully rated for transport, that means take it down the roadway, toll lights and dollies and all, it's $50.
but if it's not ready to transport they have to release for free in the city limits of Austin.
but in the county since we have so many parking facilities, apartment complexes, shopping centers, whatever, these wrecker drivers are charging people the max.
you wake up in the morning, say you live off 620, around Lake Travis in that area, you get up in the morning and find your car got towed because of inspired inspection sticker.
if you work downtown and they tow your car you find out it's $300 because you are going to have $40 in storage related fees as state law.
but because y'all are not regulating setting the maximum fee that can be charged in the county, the towing companies are charging the maximum fee.
you should not allow them to charge any fee unless the vehicle makes it to the storage facility.
because as long as they know that they cannot charge until they get to the storage facility we had a lady that was drug down the parking lot.
that is my car, my car, stop stop, and she grabbed a hold of her car and got drugged down the side of the highway until she finally fell off.
what happened?
Travis County deputy, well, it's civil matter.
no, it's a criminal matter.
the issue at hand, if you continue to allow people to take advantage of our citizens, an even people who come to our county for whatever event, vacation, business event or whatever, and they end up having to pay $300 over some bogus tow with no recourse, especially if they are out of town, it leaves a bad taste in someone's mouth.
so let's remember.

>> we're out of time mr. Johnso.

>> yeah.

>> you're about 30 seconds over.
you're out of time.

>> out of time?

>> yes, sir.

>> well, I just wants to encourage y'all to take a hard look at setting those fees.
thank you.

>> thank you very much.
mr. Rebok.

>> thank you kindly, judge and Commissioners.
I知 here to speak to 45, southwest had a--45.
I知 a resident of shady hollow and engineer in the state of Texas and work primarily in water resources and systems. I don't know anything about this poison tap water, but in water resources and water system, you generally don't feed a 12 inch pipe with six inch pipe.
it's not good engineering.
and yet this is what we are doing.
we have 1826, a two lane road, feeding into a divided four lane section of 45, which in turn feeds into a divided four lane section of mopac.
both of these roads are severely underutilized and this is costing money in terms of maintenance for extra road capacity that is not being utilized at present.
now, generally on a project like this, you start out with a plan.
I think we had a good plan here.
as I understand it, the road was a go, 45 was to go at least from 290 down to I 35.
as we heard testimony earlier, right-of-way has been purchased for additional sections of 45.
so we have a good plan.
all that remains is to implement it.
we know that takes resources.
I知 here to urge you to help find those resources that we can build phase two of had a--phase two of 45.
thank you.

>> thank you very much.
paul lavinia.

>> .

>> good morning, Commissioners.

>> good morning.

>> I have been telling you about the official corruption for a while.
it doesn't mean we're are going to act up on it.
I want you to hear me again that Texas department of public safety engaged in i.d.
theft and insurance protection that provides for the school district policies to safeguard spots for caw --caucasians and Austin police.
this time they have three judges.
two judges might have open the court to speculators .
wub might really open his court to speculators to the point of letting this lawyer set a fine for himself while in court.
one case, three judges, one fine happy lawyer, and no trial yet.
this happens in here courts all the time because they usually don't have a reporter and no microphone.
so what happens in small courts stays in small courts.
that is why I mention judge richards court often because he pummeled blacks with gust toe.
if this is not enough for you, next time I will be telling you about a district judge.
if you look at yourself, you can see that your presence in these parts is due to fortunate circumstances.
I can see faces from port gal, africa, africa and ireland, poland, germany.
we didn't want you here, not your laws, not your agreed--your greed.
sinks --since you are here and you have the toy to good fortune shouldn't you be thinking about the tragedies that befell your anne assist torse?
you have higher moral standards because of those events?
instead you get pretty crazy when a developer or a law draft be comes to you and voids max mex kens, blacks, chi canos from the project.
what do we get?
prostitution and violence.
about my three judges.
judge number two said why are you add at me after the lawyer gave mer a dirty like for being so dismissive.
I had though ask her to recuse herself from the case.
I知 not the defendant this time.
I think I知 going lose this case.
thank you.

>> thank you.
those are the ones who signed in to speak under citizens communication.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:20 PM


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