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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, November 16, 2010,
Item 19

View captioned video.

>> 19 is to receive update and take appropriate action on the process to identify an appointee to the central health, Travis County healthcare district board of managers including extension of the application deadline.

>> good afternoon, judge, Commissioner sherrie flemming for health and human services.
staff came to you about a month ago to discuss with you the process for soliciting nominations for the central health board of directors.
that process opened approximately October 18th and is due to close on this Friday, November 19th.
staff was asked to bring you an update midway through the process.
I need to report to you that we have had inquiries about service and time commitment and those things.
but to date, we have not received any actual applications.
and so staff has before you today the recommendation in terms of extending the process.
we've given you two options and those two options are as a result of the last time we initiated the process.
we did get some concern expressed by constituents that the process was sending during the holidays.
and if I may, just for a little bit of background, at the formation of the district, the appointments actually expired around July the 1st or June 30th.
it was the consensus of the Commissioners court and the central health board of directors to initiate this process while everyone was involved in the budget was not necessarily the optimal time.
it was written so the board of managers will serve through December 31st.
we generally provide you notice sometime in mid to late summer regarding your appointees' interest either to be reappointed or their position will be vacant and we need to initiate the process.
I think the conundrum is we end up soliciting nominations during the christmas holidays.
and as a result of our last solicitation, we did get some feedback.

>> [one moment please for change in captioners]

>> we can -- well, we will, I think, simulate interest simply by pushing this information out again by extension of the process.
we did in our previous solicitation run an advertisement, although I can't tell you that the advertisement initiated a great deal of response.
so in terms of the cost versus the number of applications it generated, you may not see that as a viable option.
I think that we will continue to push this information out.
it's on the county's website.
we will ask for assistance from central health.
central health is aware there's a vacancy to be filled so we will do everything in our power to continue to get this word out.
I think we can also send out a press release and encourage the media to put this information out in that format.
my hope would be we would not come back to you at the first of the year and ask for an ad to be run.
I think we can continue to push it out through email and various sources.

>> if you have a press release or a summary you can put in our email last, that would be helpful.

>> we prepared something brief that we sent out to several of our partners that have websites and listings for nonprofit service and that sort of thing.
I can send you that and see if that meets your needs.
if not we're happy to flesh it out.

>> I believe I recall that the director says the board really needs somebody with a medical background.

>> that's my understanding of their interest at this time, yes, sir.

>> if available.

>> yes.

>> but if not available, I guess any other background is sufficient.

>> uh-huh.
and I’ve spoken with trish young brown and, you know, we've discussed the -- you know, needing to stimulate some interest and they have committed to assisting us.
they also informed us dr. Patrick is continuing to attend meetings while this process is underway.

>> okay.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.
roger el khoury nearby?
we'll call up item 8.
we have two items regarding 700 lavaca.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:20 PM


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