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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, November 16, 2010,
Item 8

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8, consider and take appropriate action on proposed phasing plan for departmental moves associated with the 700 lavaca street facility.

>> it's on exhibit 1 in your backup.
and phase 1-a and it's on the critical pass.
and the critical pass some move has to happen in order to make the move successful.
I can go through all of this at this time but I want to emphasize on phase 1-a because this is critical pass.
the department on phase 2, they can be moved -- we put some target date, you know, for them to move as far as a month and year, but they can be moved earlier or later depends on how the schedule goes.
but mainly let's go back to the phase 1.
it's a critical pass.
we have to have some of the first floor so we can move forward with the i.t.s.
in order for us to move in August, we have to vacate two floors.
and one of those floors is 11th floor where the d.a.
is right now.
and the d.a.
has to move to granger building on the fifth floor so this way we have to have p.b.o.
and i.t.s.
moving completely from the fifth floor in granger so we can have the d.a.
situated temporarily on the first floor.
and with this, the critical path, we have to have the milestone which is the p.b.o.
and i.t.s.
on April 15th and the auditor on may -- on August 12th.
that's a move-in.
those are the critical path.
and that means the d.a.
has to move out of there no later than may 13th so we can start construction.
what it shows under the f.y.
11, I cannot have the move later than those dates shown otherwise we'll have domino effect on the move.
the other moves, for instance, the precinct 4 Commissioner would be on April 29th.
still have some float in there about two weeks.
it's not a critical path but it's the two months -- I mean two weeks from the 15th.
and purchasing really right now we're saying it can be moved on October rather than on June.
we are looking -- we are working toward getting into June, but probably the purchasing department has some other issues whether they cannot move in June so they can move in October.
so I believe this is the schedule I presented to you today.
it's been looked at by the team and been approved and I believe this is the best way to move forward to get people -- to get some department on 700 lavaca and I will answer any questions.

>> questions?
have we chatted with the d.a.
about the scheduled move?

>> personally I did not, but one of my team members did and I believe they are okay to move between April and may.
but depends on their cases.
this is what I know.

>> somebody has been looking at this floor already and I don't know that these dates jive because we're -- well, or maybe they need to be told that the date that -- they are saying March that they are moving over in March.
I guess we need to tell them it's really may.

>> it's no later than -- they can move between April 15 when p.b.o.
and i.t.s.
vacate the fifth floor, from either that time to may 13.

>> I see.
so it's a range.

>> some float, yeah.

>> okay.

>> because we are very sensitive to their workload and the cases they have.

>> so that first item there tenant vacates, we have identified a tenant on fourth floor that will vacate that?

>> right.

>> questions?
so are you asking for approval of the phasing plan?

>> yes, please.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:20 PM


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