Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, October 26, 2010,
Item 30
30, consider and take appropriate action on interlocal with the Texas conference of urban counties for Travis County.
>> joe harlow, director of i.t.s.
several counties within the cuc are looking at a planning process to determine where they are going to go with case management.
one faction in the county cuc group has selected the tyler services as a provide for case management for courts.
the larger counties are looking at, well, will that really work or do we need to contract or modification to that.
so this first project is nothing but a planning project.
for us to participate in that planning effort and to update the integrated justice plans for the c.u.c.
and for the state.
we participated about five years ago and it's part of this effort that will update the plan.
probably the biggest thing we get out of it is e-filing, when e-filing started with the civil courts, the state dictated how it was going to work.
one of the first deliverables out of this project is to develop our view of what criminal e-filing should look like.
and so, you know, I’ve asked the district clerk and the courts team to participate in this project.
>> and they are asking for a contribution?
>> yes.
>> and what is that?
>> it was around 9,000, and they've got a couple other counties that have now joined in so it's going to be in the 6,000 range.
>> my question last time was whether the appropriate folk at Travis County had been contacted and by now they have.
>> right.
>> those are the criminal judges, administrators, et cetera.
>> right.
I get feedback from deborah in the court system and then marker erwin is the court --
>> for the reason this makes sense, they are the ones that -- with that I second the motion to approve.
>> yes.
>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> should we try to rush through the cdbg or first thing this afternoon?
>> this afternoon.
>> after the corporations, probably 1:40, 1:45.
move we recess until 1:30.
>> second.
>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:00 PM