Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, October 26, 2010,
Item 23
23 is to receive briefing and take appropriate action regarding the previously approved proposal for the veterans and peace officers memorials at wad man see plaza -- wood man see plaza.
and we'll call up nine and 12 next for tnr.
>> good morning, judge and Commissioners.
roger el khoury.
on this item the Commissioners' court voted on June 30th, 2009 to authorize the veterans and peace officer memorial committee to provide with the fund-raising and plan the memorial for veteran and peace officer at woodmansee plaza.
>> good morning, judge and Commissioners.
with me as part of the committee is john, frank and david.
we are very pleased to announce the progress that we have made towards this project.
it's been a long journey, but we're at the point now that we can just hold our head up high and say that this will happen.
we are proposing right now a dedication date of December the 10th.
that the monument will be presented to the public.
along that same line the woodmansee plaza will be refurbished and rededicated for lack of a better term, again at that particular time.
the sheriff's office is working on the program and making all of the arrangements to have certain sites and certain areas secured for the dedications.
we have purchased challenge coins and also lapel pins that we are going to distribute to the individuals who attend at the time.
we're making a real strong effort in trying to get out to the survivors of both the peace officers and the veterans to make sure that they do know and that they have the opportunity to attend.
we've even gone through to point of putting in an article in the newspaper asking for individual survivors or family members or friends that know of these individuals to contact us.
at this point we're just so elated to -- what we have accomplished so far.
if there are any questions I could pass -- to pass the mic to, my other committee members, but we'll entertain any questions if you have them.
we were very successful in our fund-raising efforts too.
>> very gratifying.
>> and all the members of the Commissioners' court will be receiving an invitation and we'll be keeping you apprised of the program as we plug in names and speakers and whatnot, but we're looking for hopefully all of y'all will be able to come and participate with us in this dedication ceremony.
>> what day of the week is December 10th?
do you know offhand?
>> it's a Friday, sir.
>> okay.
thank you.
so in terms of fund-raising we think we raised the amount needed and no supplement from the county will be needed?
>> that's correct.
>> okay.
questions or comments?
any other comments from any of the visitors, guests, speakers?
>> one other thing.
I would like to thank roger and the facilities for what they have done in supporting this project.
and it has been flawless to the point that there's no conflict of any way.
one step after step after step the design and placement of the base, the location, meeting roger and lloyd evans, I’d just like to say that I think and appreciate their -- I thank and appreciate their initiative in helping us out with this.
>> and thank you for your patience in working with our central business district redesign too so they could make sure that no effort was duplicated or undone by some of the other wheels that were turning.
I really appreciate your patience.
>> yes.
>> I would like to just say that from our very first meeting with the Commissioners' court, once you directed us in the direction that we needed to go, it has been smooth sailing ever since.
we really just followed through and everybody was so helpful and so cooperative dealing with all the issues that we have to come through.
I think it was a very, very successful mission and I really thoroughly enjoyed working with all those people.
>> I would like to add, I think when y'all see the monuments, you will be very proud.
>> really.
>> we appreciate your assistance with this.
was I invited to play in that golf tournament?
>> [ laughter ] did I play in it?
>> I think I saw you out there.
>> [ laughter ]
>> I was out of town.
we saw you there, judge, and we didn't get a chance to speak with you, but we're going to have another tournament here before too long and we'll let you know about that one too.
>> [ laughter ]
>> okay.
move approval.
>> second.
>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.
>> good partnership.
>> thank you.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:00 PM