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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, October 19, 2010,
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. This item gives citizens an opportunity to give comment on any matter not on the agenda. Would the following three individuals come forward. Gus pena, fire chief florencio solis and john k. Kim.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners. Gus pena. I want to urge all the others vs to exercise your right to vote, and I apologize, I have a bad sore throat, but that is not going to quiet gus pena. Your vote does make a difference. Educate yourselves on the candidates and their platforms and issues. Excuse me. Second of all, judge and Commissioners, the school district right now mandate is that they wait until the first six weeks has ended to assess and monitor what deficiencies students have. We can lose students to dropout rate. That is one way to assure the students stay in school and are able to grasp the subject material. A lot of teachers provide tutorial services, but sometimes the kids cannot accommodate their schedule according to the schedule of the teachers so it's very important to have mentors. Please volunteer to mentor a student. We need u they are failing in math, history and reading. Voters -- veterans issues. It is tragic and unacceptable for the Austin school district, all districts in the state of Texas or Austin not to declare veterans day a holiday to allow students and staff to participate in acknowledging the efforts and accomplishments the veterans have done for our country and democracy and safety and independence. I hope in the future that we can get the school district to agree to declare veterans day a holiday so everybody can participate even at the parades. Social service funding is very key and crucial now. I called, I called the recession November and December of '07, nobody would believe me. Then the newspaper came out in February ever '08 and said we have been in recession since November, December '07. Judge and Commissioners, it's very important that we keep the status quo on funding for social service agencies. You are going to have more people out homeless, families homeless and motels and maybe in their cars. I hope to god we do not see this again. This is united states of america. It should not happen. Last thing I want to say is this is that society's worth is measured by its treatment of the less fortunate and I want to say that tim shoelock will be a good judge. Vote for tim and I recommend that you vote for judge Sam Biscoe to continue to be our judge. Everybody has difference of opinions but he has done great for the people and god bless america and you all have a good day.

>> thank you, mr. Pena. Fire cheer solis.

>> good morning. Judge Biscoe, Commissioner eckhardt, Commissioner huber. What I have behind me is cadet class number 11 for Travis County number 4. I want to thank you all for continue the funding for this cadet class and actually we have 21 smiley faces. This is day 2. We started yesterday. I want to thank you all for allowing us to continue this program. This is a, once again

>> [indiscernible]. I also want to pass out a thank you to sheriff hamilton because we have formed a partnership and we are conducting our fire academy at the tcso site on bill price road. As part of that regional effort they have and that I have also. So I’m just here to introduce you to our cadet class of day 2 and we'll bring them back here probably end of April as we graduate them. Really I’m just here to say thank you very much for supporting the program.

>> thank you very much. Welcome to all of you.

>> [applause]

>> and if we see you in April, we know you've graduated. Thank you. Good luck to you.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Kim is next.

>> thank you. This is a prayerful petition to keep american democracy perfect in Travis County and at Austin community college as well. Above all, I greatly appreciate all of you for the best government of the united states of american democracy of the people, by the people and for the people as abraham lincoln acted as so and said so. We the people enjoy the best government of the human history ever here in the united states of america. And in Travis County as well. Especially thanks to you all. I cannot appreciate too much for your possible best contribution always to keep american democracy, our Travis County perfect. I thank to you a great assistance from Travis County and I stand up here hoping that the more people will know this case to improve democracy of Travis County and Austin community college as well as the district court of Travis County and the circuit court of appeals and Texas supreme court as well. I contacted all of them. They don't know democracy. The mine even knees of john k. Kim, I live in district of honorable Commissioner sarah elkhart. I have lived in the state of Texas for more than 28 years, since 1982. I have no other place to go

>> [indiscernible] except Travis County. So far Travis County is better than heaven for me to thank to you all. In February 2006 when I had lived in denton, Texas, for 24 years, Austin community college to hire a full-time instructor of government for full semester to 2006. And I found it in internet. I applied for it in February 2006. Acc government department chair gave me a call to me in denton, Texas. He invited me for a job interview. On may 26, 2006. On may 26, 2006, three -- three hiring committee members of Austin government department, Austin college government department chair, and mr. A.j. And one other gentleman observed my classroom lecture for 20 minutes in front of three cabinet members in an empty classroom

>> [indiscernible] campus. City members unanimously hired me on may 26, 2006. Government department chair asked me if I would start my teaching in the summer class starting from may 30, 2006, even though acc hired me for full semester 2006.

>> mr. Kim, we're out of time.

>> time is up.

>> yes, sir.

>> mr. Kim --

>> that little beep was three minutes. We went about 45 seconds over. But I would like to get the rest of that story next week.

>> I’ll come back.

>> citizens communication.

>> yes, sir.

>> thank you very much.

>> mr. Kim, could you provide your written testimony? That way we could read it -- we could read it between now and then. Also I believe this is an issue with the district court with judge dietz. Is that --

>> more than this, 10 judges and Texas supreme court and district -- state commission conduct and Texas attorney general all are involved here in this case. The case is pending right now district court. More than ten judges reviewed this case and dismissed it. I can't believe it.

>> and you -- you have the telephone number for the -- the telephone number for the grievance line at the state bar? Because we don't --

>> I contact the state bar. They don't know what they are doing. No.

>> we're out of time.

>> let me give you this.

>> I really appreciate you.

>> we are missing sign-in form number 3. Morris priest followed by ronnie reeferseed and bill bunch.

>> judge, Commissioners, morris priest speaking on my own behalf. We have federal leadership not only on our judicial level but at Commissioners court. Our Commissioners have been quite interrupt I have many times when people are trying to speak. Our judge is given old reasons for being elected. Some for when before he even came into office. We need leadership in Travis County. We have the worst bond package that I saw on the ballot yesterday when I voted. I spoke to many people. Some of them bill white supporters and some said they weren't supporting our Commissioner or our judge. We have people in this community that are waking up to see that we have situations at a local level and all government is local. And we see that this transportation bond was -- even with the county level, many of the things that our county Commissioners and our campo board have been rejected by the Texas department of transportation. Whether it's poor financing keep such as passing financing on 973 or the many other issues. We're having bond money spent on maintenance. 20 and 30-year bonds to do maintenance. This is a poor way of financing our road structure. These roads will be worn out and we'll still be paying for them years after paying for them. We see in this bond package with the city of Austin what they are doing to third street. We're going to end up with a city with no bike lanes, but our bike lanes are going to be in the streets with shared lanes. We see that our campo board put in 20 signals that we asked for for years. Six or eight were already built. They had to do a revote. People have gone down to campo and txdot and gotten things such as ramp on cameron road on 130 pulled and funded with stimulus money. We've not used the stimulus money as we could have used it. We've used it to basically build toll roads. Our entire campo board has been nothing but tollers, and, of course, financing schemes that I’ve seen. We have the most enormous debt. We hear our county judge tell us we enjoy a triple a bond rating. Our u.s. Government is in jeopardy of losing our triple a bond rating due to the obama administration borrowing more than any other administration previously. In fact, all combined. Our debt is so enormous. We see so much waste in our county budget and have our taxes raised, yet they give elected officials raises. 1120 people voted for mike mcnamara for county judge and he didn't need to give a reason for firing you, judge Biscoe. The voters of Travis County spoke this well in our March 2 primary with 1120 people choosing mike mcnamara. We have people in this community waking up to the fact that we need change in Travis County.

>> [buzzer sounding] we need change in every level of government and we need to start here and we need to start now. Vote early and vote often.

>> thank you, mr. Priest. Mr. Reeferseed.

>> hip okay is he is our nation's number one suicidal export. As a tactic, hello, to destroy ourselves with toxic sludge and liberty and our constitution. Number 2 is a tactic to illegally inflict military political assassinations around the world through drones, an actual weapon of war criminality. Hello, people. Those are war crimes against -- that we're all guilty of so wake up, it's real important. Nationwide water poisoning for years and many concerned citizens have been dutifully informing that we are poisoning all with toxic sludge and recently the mayor supposedly watched a 30 minute film about flurry arrowhead poisoning our matter. Now the mayor will have to begin to defend this devotion to toxic sludge poisoning. Shockingly my apartment complex, they don't understand the constitution. They banned info wars, a flier here that there is poison in the tap water. Which there is. Anyway, so despite this, we can rejoice people because this important victory in our ongoing information war about this very issue is happening. The people of Austin unite to continuously refuse to pay to poisoning our babies and gardens and imagine all the people. Austin citizens can start this revolution against toxic poisoning of our babies thus Austin can help save our world with freedom to drink toxic sludge-free water to help conserve our dwindling taxpayer dollars that we just don't have. And also by the way, how do we demand that the powers that be release this vast information about real actual technology that truly exists now such as super productive solar power that was yielding quantumly more power with mirrors, computers, et cetera, and that's developed at u.t. That I heard about once and only one on local t.v. News. Imagine the less -- the less cost for more power and less -- less power plants, less power lines, et cetera, it's a win, win, win situation. So we really need to get on top of this and also not to mention the fact if we want to learn more through dr. Ron paul for weekly updates. Online visit, campaign for and my favorite Great stuff. Check out american free press, a weekly newspaper for u.s. Constitutional enthusiasts with articles about taboo subjects like Ron paul, et cetera. Yes, ob-gyn Ron paul --

>> [buzzer sounding]

>> okay. Thanks so much for your time.

>> thank you, mr. Reeferseed. Bill bunch.


>> [inaudible].

>> I’m missing a few slips. If you would like to give comments under citizens communication on any matter not on the agenda, this is your time.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 2:33 PM


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