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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, September 28, 2010,
Item 50

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Number 50, consider and take appropriate action regarding position announcement for executive manager, transportation and natural resources.

>> in your backup you should have the job description we submitted for your approval and i'm sure you've gone through it. Basically we tried to rewrite the job description to take out some of the redundancy and it has the duties an executive would expected to be performing as well as the areas of responsibility for transportation and natural resources. We did try to also make sure that it was very clear what the level of authority was and what areas it pertained to. Joe.

>> the job description that was written about a year ago was generic to all the executives managers so there's quite a bit packed into it. Fairly lengthy. Mainly we tried to organize it and make it specific to the functions that the transportation and natural resources area have. And so i think in that regard it's much clearer about what someone is applying for and what duties they have as a result. Otherwise i don't think there's anything substantive change in the job description. I think the basic requirements are there, the experience is there. A lot of the skill sets pretty much the same. We probably emphasize executive management in the job description a little more than it might have before, but certainly all the reporting functions are the same. So at this point unless you wanted to make some substantive changes to what that executive manager does, i think this is ready for -- for action.

>> why do we end up -- let me say this to the hrmd folks, i think you did a real good job on laying out, you know, where you could really look at it and condense the job description not only for t.n.r. But also for administrative operations, the executive manager of that. But i -- i -- i kind of not wondered but i just was kind of curious to find out why we looked at naming any -- naming a chief executive -- executive t.n.r. Or either -- even administrative ops situation where in the past they weren't referred to as chiefs. You know, it's almost like a c.e.o., you know, chief executive officer. I'm just wondering what spearhead -- what led to this new name, a new term as far as chief is concerned.

>> well, for me -- to me it more accurately describes the position. Scooter manager may not always be clear to someone and when it says liaison, it doesn't relate to me that it is the chief executive for this area of the organization. To me it did make it sound more managerial and it had more of a flavor of a job. And that being said, it's a term that can be changed.

>> okay, well, it sounds -- it's pretty consistent because as we look at each one of those particular job descriptions, and i guess as -- and i guess sooner or later i guess this same effort not only for the administrative ops vacancy, basically all these different areas basically were the same as far as consistency. And, of course, it appeared to have been reduced a lot from the way the old job description is compared to the new one. My question is now at this point will this be applicable to all of the executive managers, in other words, will this rewrite as far as the job description be applicable to the other remaining executives -- i guess we'll call them chief now.

>> i think executive manager is fine, but i think that's up to you.

>> i'm going to have to get used to --

>> i have no problem rewriting their job descriptions if you think this is more reflective --

>> i don't have any complaints about it. I'll have to get used to saying chief joe instead of executive joe.

>> he might not have given his resignation had he known, right?

>> i went through this pretty thoroughly and i saw where you compare -- if you were to take -- well, we're not an item 22 at this point, but if you look at the job description for the t.n.r. Executive, well, chief executive, call it chief scooter now, and you compare it with the administrative ops, it basically is similar. I don't think it's any variation as far as some of the departments, of course, --, of course, they will be different as far as that's concerned, as far as the department and that's responsible -- that they are responsible for come up under their particular jurisdiction. But basically they are both pretty similar.

>> i would agree, i think the terms budgetary authority, some of the things that the executive manager of t.n.r. Has in this job description would be the same for the other executive managers. I think you vest those executive managers with certain authorities and i think in that regard i think you -- you would find similarities between the job description if they were to be rewritten. With that said, there are some things that functionally this executive manager does that are different than p.b.o. Or health and human services and so i think each job description should be specific to that executive manager. This one clearly -- there's a lot of things it doesn't do because that's not part of my job.

>> exactly.

>> let me ask this question. On the -- on page 1, fsla status exempt. On page 3 of three, highlighted in the box at the bottom are several things including overtime eligibility.

>> forget about that.

>> thank you, joe. I didn't know whether -- i didn't know whether you were trying to brownnose your successor or not, but for our executive managers, we don't even want that hinted, do we?

>> on this page 3 you are talking about.

>> page 3 of three, the little box, the box at the bottom. Specifically next to the last line.

>> yeah, this is a disclaimer that's put on all the -- it's part of the -- i'm sure we can change that. No overtime.

>> i think we ought to delete it. I don't want the executive managers getting happy about overtime when -- it would be history making for one to have the nerve to submit one.

>> this is just generic on all the job description, but we can take that off. We can certainly do that.

>> i would feel a whole lot better if we do.

>> okay.

>> any objection to that?

>> no.

>> truth in work circumstances. Anything else? Looks good to me. Move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion? And so we have posted the posting. This is just a more specific job description.

>> this is a job description that we'll send out to candidates.

>> any discussion on the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you all.

>> i guess everybody will be here anyway. We did indicate we would call those budget items up at 2:00. For those that may have governed their day accordingly, let's call up the budget items and then we'll go back and pick up the executive manager of administrative operations item. And the budget items begin with item 17. We did have a public hearing this morning and that was item number 4.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 3:37 PM


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