This is the official website of Travis County, Texas.

Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, September 21, 2010,
Item A1

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A-1 is to receive comments regarding the travis county tax rate for the fiscal year 2011 county budget. No action is required on this item today. This is a public hearing.

>> good morning, judge, commissioners.

>> good morning.

>> rodney rhoades, planning and budget. This is the first of two public hearings for the proposed fy 11 tax rate, the proposed rate is 46.58 cents. Leroy will go into a little detail shortly on the comparison from fy 10 to 11. Just background on the certified roll. The certified roll came in at 99.08 -- excuse me, at 94.39 billion for fy 11, by comparison the fy 10 certified roll is 99.108 so we did have a decrease in the certified values this year. New construction for fy 11 was certified at 1.78 billion. By comparison, for fy 10, that was 2.93 billion so we had over a billion dollar drop in new construction. And just by way of comparison, going back to 2009, which was our highest year for new construction, we had a certified new construction value of 3.9 billion. So we've had in the last couple of years over 2 billion-dollar drop in new construction. Again, this is the first of two public hearings. We have the second public hearing on friday morning, the 24th of september, 9:00 a.m. And are scheduled to adopt the budget on tuesday, september 28th. With that i'll turn it over to leroy and he will go through some specifics on the tax rate.

>> we've presented in the preliminary budget which was referenced from the guidelines at the court, directed p.b.o. To bring the preliminary budget in at no more than 3% above the effective m&o debt rate. I distributed to you page 31 in the preliminary budget that essentially showed the tax rate in fy 10 as being 42.15. The proposed tax rate in the preliminary budget was 46.58. And then basically on the bottom of that sheet on page 31 in the preliminary budget we did break it out between the adopted fy 10, the effective m&o plus debt rate, which was 45.23, which showed your difference between the fy 10 adopted rate, the 42.15, and the effective m&o plus debt of 45.23. That essentially was a 7.3% increase going from adopted to the effective m&o plus debt. Within the guidelines established by the court that we were to bring the preliminary budget in at no more than 3% above the effective m&o plus debt, which you can see that we did. Now, when you compare the total increase from the fy 10 adopted budget, it's 3% above that 7.3%. So we did receive certified tax values from the central appraisal district after that, and at the preliminary budget on the average homestead, which was 273,177, you -- you would see a $47.74 increase. On the certified tax roll, it actually come in less than that at 42.26 on the average homestead. Now, this is the average for entire travis county. And there are significant differences between the average taxable values in the various sectors of travis county. For example, del valle's average taxable homestead is 89,674 for a total tax bill of $417. Then for out in manor, the average tax -- taxable value is 117,955. Substantially less than the 273. Likewise, the eanes school district being the western part, the average taxable homestead is 630,382. When they brought -- when we brought the certified tax numbers in, the proposed tax rate of 46.58 does represent a 2.28% increase above the effective m&o plus debt rate and i'll be glad to answer any questions.

>> any questions, court members? This is a public hearing. On the travis county tax rate for the fiscal year 2011 county budget. If you would like to give testimony, please come forward at this time. No action will be taken on this item today.

>> move the public hearing be closed.

>> second.

>> but action will be taken on the tax rate in the county budget --

>> on september 28th during the regular commissioners court meeting.

>> those who wish more information about the fy 2011 proposed budget can contact our planning and budget office, the travis county website.

>> yes, sir.

>> or any member of the travis county commissioners court. We will give you more details than you wish. Thank you.

>> thank you, judge.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 7:57 PM


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