This is the official website of Travis County, Texas.

Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, September 14, 2010,
Item 1

View captioned video.

Item number 1 is a public hearing to receive comments regarding a plat for recording in precinct 3, the estates of commanders point final plat, six total lots, five single-family residential, one water quality lot, 5.634 acres, agarita cove, water and wastewater service will be provided by wcid number 17, city of Austin e.t.j.
I move the public hearing be open.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
of the three present.

>> good morning, anna bolin Travis County t.n.r.
the purpose of this final plat is to create five residential lots and one water quality lot.
prior to this morning -- let me try this one.
prior to this morning I had heard of no objection to the plat, but this morning some constituents have come forward and they do have some concerns that -- and I believe they would like to be heard.

>> what's this item about, briefly?

>> this item is about resubdividing a lot into five residential lots and one water quality lot.

>> this is a public hearing.
if you would like to give comments during this public hearing, please come forward.
and if you would give us your name, we would be happy to get your comments.

>> hello.

>> hello.
please have a seat and get as comfortable as you can.

>> thank you.
my name is thomas miner and I've lived in this proposed subdivision for 12 years.
this has always been two lots.
there's not really access to these lots and to subdivide them into five and put five more families on this point is going to forever change our neighborhood.
and I'm also concerned with the tie-in to the wcid water treatment plant, which is straight uphill probably a quarter to a half a mile from this.
they've already torn our neighborhood up twice putting in a county water and then phi hydrants.
to join the subdivision would require tearing the road that goes to these lots up one more time, which would further impede the access.
so I think it needs to be examined really carefully.
thank you.

>> okay.
thank you.
yes, sir.

>> yes, I live immediately next door to the west of this development and I wasn't --

>> and your name, please.

>> oh, my name is michael winier.
and I have no specific objection to the -- to the development next door to me, but I do have a question.
I have a question from seeing the plats for the city of what the road access would be.
and that wasn't at all clear.

>> anna, can you answer that today?

>> certainly.
I believe we answered that before he came and spoke, but if I'm not mistaken, the access -- let me get my planner here to just verify this.
this easement right here is the access easement that they would be taking to the tract.
this one.
that appears -- that appears to be another access easement, but they would be using this one.

>> I'm not sure there's easement across -- I'm not sure -- wait a minute.

>> why don't we give you all a couple of minutes to go into the adjacent room, the executive session room and see if you can answer --

>> oh, this one here.

>> certainly.

>> see if you can answer the other questions he might have, then let us know whether we need to take another week or so.

>> okay.

>> anyone else here on item number 1, the public hearing?

>> move the public hearing be closed.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we will delay the action item until we hear back from you.
and you may want to go in there too and get further information if you have questions.
ms. Bolin and other staff members will be happy to address those.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:57 PM


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