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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, September 7, 2010,
Item 16

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16. Consider and take appropriate actions on budget amendments -- I got part of my questions answered outside of the courtroom just before we came back this afternoon.
the -- what kind of threw me off was that -- that we have been working on this matter of funds for court appointed lawyers.
I had -- I had my mind stuck on an earmark of 800,000 to cover anticipated invoices -- anticipated invoices for services provided over the past three or four years or more.
and I was wondering why we were basically putting that money in another line item.
but in fact we're talking about two separate amounts.
and unfortunately that -- the amount that we're looking at is up near the 1.6 million total.
which surprised me even more.
I went from surprise to shock.

>> well, the -- the earmark that we had of the 800,000, was initially an estimate on what it would take under the current processing of invoices coming in.
and -- and I think that -- that the confusion very well may be that the two numbers were very close together.
they were both about $800,000.
I think.
so -- so we had planned all along as an earmark that we were going to need the $800,000 and then -- then the proposed policy to expedite the submission of these attorney's fees could possibly cost an additional 800,000, to clean up what's out there over the last however many years.
so I think that's where the confusion was.

>> so we still have the 800,000 earmark.
because we still have old invoices on the way.

>> that's right.
we will have an additional 800,000 after we do this transfer.

>> this transfer is supposed to cover services provided this fiscal year?

>> correct.
it's for accruals for this fiscal year.
for invoices that will be submitted next fiscal year for work done this fiscal year.

>> and the visiting judges, that's what we anticipate would be owed for services provided this fiscal year.

>> the visiting judge line items that they are proposing to do the transfers from, that's correct, that's current year budget that they are expected to have savings in.
and that's -- that's part of the transfer is to -- to move those funds under 19,978 from the visiting judge line items to the attorney fees line item.

>> well, I'm not sure that I like that information.
but I understand it.
now, ms. Flemming?
those three automobiles that we're taking from grant funds, I guess my first thought was I wonder whether the grant weatherization funds are needed to -- to cover weatherization services.
if so we would pay for those vehicles out of the car reserve, wouldn't we?

>> we would, if the department did not internally fund these three vehicles, we would recommend it came out of car reserve.

>> I was visualizing a long line of residents in need of weatherization services and having a nightmare over three vehicles.
so -- so help me.

>> well, certainly, there are -- there is a tremendous need for the weatherization services that we provide.
as the court is aware, we do have $4.6 million in stimulus money that we are pushing out into the community to do a -- a great amount.
but will we take care of every resident that would need weatherization services?
I would hazard to say, no, we won't.
so the department in an effort to try to get these vehicles for staff so that we can continue to work, offered up savings in our department.
to get it done.

>> from weatherization money?

>> yes.

>> [multiple voices]

>> yes, this is money that we actually spent from the general fund that was reclassified to our grant.
and so when that money was reclassed, it came back to the department.
we tend to generate money in that fashion.
we -- the general fund up fronts the money for us to move the program, then we reclass those expense back into our budget.
it comes -- the money may land back in housing service housing services, but it may have come from a variety of sources at the time it was expended to keep the program moving.

>> keep me on record as preferring in the future.

>> yes, sir.

>> another source of funding, planning and budget.
in something like this -- we hear about these problems all of the time -- where the need for a particular service is as huge as this one, I would rather see us going elsewhere to get money for three vehicles, but if they are needed they are needed I guess.
this is -- this is for my vote in the future.
probably future years.
future fiscal years.

>> well, judge, the -- the department will still accept planning and budget's money.

>> the vehicles are -- how are they used in the provision of weatherization services.

>> these are -- these are basically pickup trucks that are outfitted with, you know, big toolboxes and they carry around our

>> [indiscernible] door equipment that we -- blower door equipment we use to test for leaks in the house.
if you could imagine a construction vehicle with tools and whatnot and of course transporting our carpenter team.
so these are basically outfitted pickup trucks.

>> judge, an alternative, if you want the -- the hhs money to stay within hhs, now, they would need to -- to encumber those funds for the -- for the project prior to the end of the fiscal year in order to retain those within the -- within the general fund portion of the weatherization program.
I mean, you can -- you did change this budget adjustment.
it's up to you.
you can take it to car reserve instead of from the internal line items. That's yours.
currently the car reserve has $388,698.
with an earmark of 95-5 for failing vehicles, which may or may not be used for the end of the fiscal year.
leaving a remaining car balance of 293,198.
so it is up to you.

>> what happens to the weatherization grant funds if we do that?

>> well, the --

>> the 79,000.

>> those are

>> [indiscernible] it would be up to the department to see if those could be spent this year on weatherization programs.

>> our goal right now, judge, is to spend stimulus money.
so every project that is eligible for stimulus money is being funded by stimulus money.
with that said, you do have a housing repair program that we use to augment those stimulus dollars to pay for things that would not normally -- that we couldn't charge to the grant.
things like ramps and some roof repairs and that sort of a thing.
so it may require some negotiation with planning and budget, but I think what they are saying is that if we -- that money would drop to ending fund balance if it's not encumbered and I can't guarantee you that it would be encumbered in light of our push to spend federal money.

>> what if we transfer the 79,000 to the

>> [indiscernible] line item and carry it forth to the 2011 fiscal year and pay for these cars out of the car reserve since that's the intention.

>> the only way that you would carry it to the fy '11 budget for hhs s would during markup tomorrow, you could indicate that the $72,900 be added to the weatherization program.
it would be funded from the -- from the fund balance.

>> home repair.

>> home repair program.

>> isn't that better use?
you know, because we have a balance in -- we have to balance in the car for vehicles, right?

>> that's correct.

>> we talk about affordable housing all the time.

>> yes, sir.

>> this would be an outstanding gesture for the county judge.

>> second.

>> let's fund those automobiles out of the car reserve.
indicate our intention tomorrow during budget markup to -- to move those funds into the county home repair program.

>> yes, sir.

>> where they will surely be used next year.

>> yes, sir.

>> and we have a Commissioner --

>> [laughter] -- we have manager flemming on record as promising that.

>> [laughter] I'm not having as much fun as --

>> [laughter] this does seem to be a logical way -- to move for me.

>> that was pretty fun for me, though, judge.
seconded by Commissioner Gomez, discussion?

>> sherri is walking out of here happy.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
ppo is happy, p.b.o.
is happy, too.

>> we do need to have a motion on the rest --

>> so move.

>> second.

>> and --

>> we'll bring up the item that you just passed tomorrow in markup.

>> that court add -- let court administration know -- I saw --

>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
, also.
thank you all very much.

>> thank you.

>> well, all right.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 2010 6:54 PM


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