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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, August 31, 2010,
Executive Session

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Now, in my view we should take item 26 into executive session before open court action.

>> judge, i wanted to have an executive session on item 10. I had discussed that last week.

>> that we just discussed? We can announce it. We're about to go in there because i'm also suggesting, mr. Eckstein, we'll deal with you next week if we need to. That's on item 33. 32 i'm making my appointments since i have not had managers accept my invitation. That's on 32. We'll have it back. We'll have names and departments associated. 10 was the matter we just discussed, the matter involving 700 lavaca street and subparts a, b, c and d. 26 we'll take into executive session, it is to consider and take appropriate action on the following -- by the way, number 10 will be consultation with attorney and real estate exception too? Okay. 26, a, proposal to amend chapter 82, travis county code to adopt temporary subdivision plat approval requirements regarding the availability and protection of groundwater from the trinity group aquifers and we'll simply note it may be taken into executive session under consultation with attorney. 26-b, setting a public hearing. We don't need that in executive session, do we, john? We're just setting a public hearing in b. 37, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action concerning insurer's request that the county sign a release in exchange for payment of costs to repair guardrail damaged by sydney herminghaws. Consultation with attorney. 38, consider and take appropriate action concerning the settlement offer regarding payment for starflight services rendered to mckenzie an dpvment lin and eleanor anglin. Consultation with attorney exception. 39, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding notice of intent to sue for violations of the indeangerred species act in the balcones canyon lands conservation plan. Permit number prt-788841. Consultation with attorney and we may as well say real estate exception on 39?

>> no.

>> only consultation with attorney. You heard our lawyer. Number 40, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action on request to authorize county attorney to accept, reject or counter settlement offer in merilee peterson versus travis county. Consultation with attorney exception. 41, consider and take appropriate action regarding purchase of open space land in precinct 1. Consultation with attorney and real estate exceptions. 42, consider and take appropriate action on issues regarding the lease and space for travis county district attorney at slaisk. I don't think we need 42, y'all. Still have not chatted with rosemary. Let me post 42 in open court next week, okay? And if we -- i guess one question would be if we take no action, it basically is rubber stamping the status quo. Which is we're not submitting invoices, so they can't pay them. We'll have it on next week, consultation with attorney just in case i have other legal questions, mr. Hille. 43 is to -- we'll not discuss that today, by the way. As to 42. Avenue 43, consider and take appropriate action on notice from the texas department of criminal justice of decision to cancel and/or modify agreement and approved budget with travis county regarding smart beds. Consultation with attorney exception. And number 44, consider and take appropriate action regarding proposal for downtown office building by d 2000, a turnkey development company. Consultation with attorney and real estate exceptions to the open meetings act. We'll discuss those meters in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

>> Good afternoon.
we have returned from executive session where we discussed all of the items that we announced.
beginning with number 10, the matter involving the 700 lavaca street project and project management that we discussed in open court.
we did get our legal questions answered.
in my view no action today.
we promised to have this back on the court's agenda next week.
September 7th.
and any different opinion?
we also discussed item no.
26, I move that we approve b, which is to set a public hearing on Tuesday, October 12th, 2010.
that we -- that we advertise the -- the -- or give notice of the public hearing in the appropriate newspapers, as we normally do.
put it on the county website or the internet for those who get their information that way.
and take other appropriate steps that we normally take in preparation for a democratic open, fair-minded public hearing.

>> second.

>> will that cover it?
any discussion on the motion?
seconded by Commissioner Huber.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
item 37 is a matter involving a request for a -- for a release in exchange for payment in full for damage done to a county guardrail.
by sydney he 2,623.50.
move that we also authorize the county judge to sign the release on behalf of the court.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> 38 is a matter involving star flight services and payment in view of the facts that were given us and the request for a discounts, I move that we accept 2,050.85 to cover eleanor's travel by star flight.
for transportation.
and that we accept 2,099.03 for mackenzie as offered by their attorney.

>> second.

>> any discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
39 is -- is the -- the notice of intent to file a lawsuit against Travis County for our role as -- in the bcp, bccp.
the county attorney laid out an excellent strategy for us.
which makes sense to me.
is there any -- any opinion to the contrary?
if no, a motion will cover it.
then let's just let that conversation guide the county attorney's office.
we'll put that back on the court's agenda when asked to do so.
40 is the matter involving the request to settle the merilee peterson v.
travis charge, I move that we reject the settle offer.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
41, we did get a briefing from county staff on the potential purchase of open land in precinct 1.
in my view no action required today.
any other opinion, Commissioner Davis.

>> no, that's about it, judge.
it will be put back on the court's agenda when we need to reconsider this matter.
42, the matter involving -- we did not discuss.
and did not announce.
I'm going to chat with the county -- with the district attorney about that and maybe next week have an appropriate action on so we can go ahead and act on it.
on 42 -- on 42, also, the question may be if we take no action, that -- that is sort of a -- of a -- sort of consent for the direction if which that seems to be headed.
looks like our action based on discussions would be for us to -- to support the district attorney in that effort anyway.
let's -- let's chat with the d.a.
next week.
43 is the matter involving the -- the smart beds.
in my view, no action today.
but we ought to post this for open court discussion and invite dr. Nagey here and decide how to proceed.
which we can do next week.
so ms. -- we'll have -- we'll have 43 back on, that's September 7th.
and on 44 we'll have back on next week, also.
hopefully for discussion and the follow-up action.
we'll get -- we'll get the information that I have to our -- to our planning and budget director.
and any other information relevant to court members, also.
all right?
with that done with our business today.

>> move adjourn.

>> ms. Porter?

>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> our ever diligent assistant county attorney, huh, ms. Porter, move that we consider action taken in number 11.
my spouse works for Austin Travis County mhmr. They have gone to that new name, Austin Travis County integral care and I guess that I was focusing on that this morning.

>> move approval.

>> move that we reconsider.
second, all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
now we call up item no.
11 and that is the 2010 renewal term, maximum amounts.
modification number 6 for this -- for the interlocal with Austin Travis County mental health, mental retardation, dba Austin Travis County integral care for system of care services.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
show Commissioners Davis, Eckhardt, Huber voting in favor.
and the county judge abstaining because his spouse is employed by that agency.
thank you, ms. Porter.

>> thank you.

>> beg your pardon?


>> [inaudible - no mic] ms. Porter, some of our county employees just don't like to go home, do they?

>> move reconsideration of 38.

>> 30 a.

>> that's integral care, too.

>> uh-huh.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> move approval of 38.

>> second.

>> and that's the annual contract with the -- of the mhmr for -- for integral care community partners for children's coordination, coordinator program and juvenile probation.
motion and a second.
all in favor?
show Commissioner Davis, Eckhardt and Huber voting in favor.
yours truly abstaining.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> now, are we -- ms. Porter?
all in favor?
enthusiastic Commissioners court unanimously approves that motion.
6:30 p.m.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 6:45 PM


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