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Travis County Commissioners Court

Tuesday, August 31, 2010,
Item 34

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Now, 34 should be a fairly quick item. It is to receive and discuss the fourth revenue estimate for the fiscal year 2011 budget process. Fft and we do have mr. Keith here with us still.

>> morning, judge, commissioners. We do have very quickly the fourth revenue estimate today. This is the estimate that you will have for markup. We will do one more estimate at least before the budget is approved, but this will be your markup estimate. The tax rate stays at 46.58 cents which is the same as it was in the third estimate. The effective tax rate actually went up a little bit, so by leaving the tax rate where it was, you've actually brought 46.58 closer to the effective tax rate. That would come down a little bit. The general fund is 490.5 million, which is about 3 million more than you had in the third estimate. Most of that is in fund balance, about 2.2 million. That's a combination of a one-time revenue that showed up and secondly our being just a little bit conservative than we've been earlier. We estimate revenue several different ways, and we had indications that it was going to be higher than what we've been using, but we were kind of afraid to get too aggressive with it earlier in the process. Because we hate to give it to you and then take it back toward the end. So we waited until this estimate and we agreed that all the omens were more favorable and consistent. So we did raise that beginning balance by a little bit. So you have about a total of threemillion more revenue. We did put in a couple of things. We did put in the revenue from that Leander isd contract with constable 2 that you approved and we did put in the revenue from the district attorney's office with the texas mutual insurance company. That is a long time contract. We've done that for many years. It's usually not to the fourth or sometimes the fifth revenue estimate that we know it's going to continue or at what level. So that was in there. That was almost 400,000, so that was about half your new revenue right there just for that one contract. There are a couple of new funds in this estimate. Thaifer not of giant import. There's one that we sort of resurrected from years ago. It's one where the juvenile probation department gets donations for the juveniles at gardner-betts and they have about $3,200 in there that they would like to spend during the upcoming year. So we've put in the certification so pbo could put it in the budget to spend it if they want to. And we did create you've probably notice add second debt service fund, called debt service taxable. The lawyers who know about this kind of thing say that we had to because one of the co's that you issued was for the private use portion of the 700 lavaca building so that money has to be kept as separate as money can be kept. So absolutely not mixed so that we now have a second debt service fund, which is obviously much the smaller of the two. But it didn't affect the total rate, it just broke it into two pieces. Those are the highlights. There's really not that much difference. I don't know if we're right, but we're consistent. We will do -- like i say, do one more at least that's due out september 20th, that's the fifth one. We can do addenda or a new estimate beyond that if we have to, and we have in times past, but that's the last one that we have regularly scheduled for this year, september 20th. That will be the one, unless something changes, that you use for your proposed budget. And i'll be glad to answer any questions you have on this one.

>> when you do another revenue estimate like the Leander situation, we actually did increase the revenue there, but at the same time the expenditure for that contract went up also.

>> yes.

>> so they really 100% -- it's 100% reimbursement contract more than anything else.

>> yes.

>> and as soon as we had one like that we make sure that pbo knows what we've done because they have to do the other side or you end up on balance because, yes, it has both sides.

>> so when we hear additional revenue, your report does not include whether or not they are additional expenditures. So the net effect still remains open. You're just looking at the revenue side.

>> you've entered the contract, they've agreed to do this work, so there is more expense. We're just saying that thank heavens there's revenue to go on the other side. So we put it there. So it's not a net gain in revenue. It's revenue to pay for something that we know is going to be spent.

>> but i'm not complaining that we're moving in the right direction.

>> at least there is some revenue coming in. That was more like 84, $83,000 of additional revenue.

>> any other questions for mr. Keith? Remain positive, mr. Keith, as long as you can through the end of this fiscal year. Keep those numbers improving on the positive side for us.

>> oh, we love to smile in september. Thank you, sir.

>> thank you. With that we do have a few items to discuss this afternoon. I move that we recess until 1:30.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 2010 2:30 PM


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