Travis County Commissioners Court
Tuesday, August 3, 2010,
Northwest Travis County Road District Number 3
>> good afternoon. Let's call to order the corporations, beginning with the northwest travis county road district number 3, otherwise known as the golden triangle. Item number 1, consider and take appropriate action on recommended maximum tax rate and proposed fiscal year 2011 road district budgeted. Mr. Patillo.
>> good afternoon, judge, commissioners. On this road district, each year at this time the p.b.o. People and i come to you and they present it in the backup which i don't have a copy of here, but i helped them with it last week. The backup on the budget, and why we have to establish the debt service tax rate at this time. It's the only tax they have. But the way the truth and taxation law works, it's got to be published in the paper, and that which you publish becomes the debt service rate. So we have to decide it early even though you don't decide other tax rates until the end of september. In this case, the tax rate will need to go up some. The payment that they make, the property owners, is no different because it's a fixed amount of debt service each year. And so this -- i'm recommending -- i have recommended to planning and budget and in the memo they recommend it to you, the 14.5 cents. There are only four more years on this debt service and the debt will finally be paid off.
>> so the recommendation as to the tax rate?
>> 14.5.
>> questions? Move approval.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Director gomez absent.
>> move adjourn.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That carries unanimously also.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 2010 12:30 PM