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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 27, 2010,
Item 19

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>> so item number 19, consider and take appropriate action on ratty staff submission of a proposal to the city of austin's health and human services department for a tobacco cessation initiative.

>> good morning, commissioners. Sherri fleming, executive manager for health and human services and veterans services. Staff has submitted to the city of austin a proposal for a tobacco cessation initiative. On march 19th, 2010, the austin-travis county health and human services department was awarded $7.4 million for two years for a tobacco prevention and control initiative. As a result of that award, approximately 1.2 million is available for a 21-month period ending in march of 2012 for nonprofit organizations to implement tobacco prevention and strategies in work sites, faith-based organization, the community and in health care organizations. Because of our relationship with the city of austin, we were able to submit a non-competitive proposal for approximately $310,000 to evaluate a proposed tobacco policy and work site policies for travis county, but also to assist where necessary, first with our own employees through our wellness program for tobacco cessation, but then also to make available a project director who will be able to work with the municipalities within the county who might be interested in implementing similar policies in their jurisdictions. It will be interesting to note that travis county's smoking policy was approve by the travis county commissioners court in 1986, so obviously we have progressed in this area since that time and so it would provide us an opportunity to reevaluate that policy and propose necessary changes. So our request today would be that you ratify the submission of our proposal. We had a really short turnaround in terms of getting information to the city so that they can evaluate what we would like to with the county and with other municipalities within travis county. So it was necessary for staff to submit that proposal in draft, making note that the commissioners court had not approve its submission just yet, but i do encourage and recommend your approval. I have with me dr. Dare from our wellness program who has worked in conjunction with health and human services, and i would like to say that there has really been a tremendous staff response to a really short turnaround to get this proposal moving. We're very fortunate that dr. Durr has some expertise in this area. If you have questions, i would really love to you ask him.

>> [ laughter ] but it's been --


>> [ inaudible ].

>> i would be happy to hear from the expert, absolutely. I deputy to say it was a tremendous effort on behalf of the wellness department, the county attorney's office, planning and budget to put a proposal in that i think will serve travis county employees and our community in a pretty short turnaround. With that i'll ask if dr. Durr wants to make any comment.

>> good morning. I'm medical director of the wellness and health clinic. Yeah, we're pretty excited about this interlocal governmental agreement. It will provide travis county with funds to commit to a tobacco-free workplace and also funds to help individuals stop shoal creeing not only in the county, but in other areas as sherri had mentioned. We have various programs in place already, but we will be look at other programs from the american heart society and lung association and also providing the clinic -- the wellness clinic for individuals who want to stop smoking. We have provided free medications that are approve by the f.d.a. For smoking sization at no cost to individuals, and that program has been pretty successful in the clinic as well.

>> that's great news. I know the city of austin is excited about this project along with us and i know also from the legislative side, i know senator watson was expressing support for this kind of collaboration as well. Any questions?

>> yes. I just had a couple of them, commissioner. I'll be very brief. I'm really excited about this particular program. I guess -- i guess looking at the amount of money on the table, $7.4 million and what we're looking at right here now is our participation level and the city of austin and the austin-travis county health and human services department kind of overseeing a bunch of things here. I guess at the end of the day i would really like to see the performance measures on if that could be available. The performance measures on how effective we have been, even though we're looking at it from a policy perspective, however somewhere along the line how successful are we or did the dollar actually hit the bull's eye in many occurrences as possible. And i guess that will probably come out later. I know the city of austin is kind of overseeing a whole bunch of things here, but it would be good if we were to tag along and see how effective we can be. And of course, we looked at the budget aspect of the $310,000 of budget for project manager along with a medical -- well, two f.t.e.'s actually. Looking at the funding mechanisms and then also the administrative cost of this is something that's all kind of pulled and attached together. But at the end of the day i really would like to see the measuring stick between whenever this is initiated and started to some projected earmark in time to let us see that this program is really effective and what we get for the amount of money that has been placed on the table for us to proceed in this particular endeavor. So that's basically what i'm asking. And see if someone can answer that, if possible.

>> yes. Commissioner davis, we have established some performance measures that we've submitted with our proposal. Our proposal has an intral introl agreement -- interlocal agreement attached to it, there by making a a document pending legal review on the city's side, which is why we did not make that available in your backup. But it does include performance measures and we anticipate hearing a formal approval early in june, and so what we would like to do is come back to you with that approval, but also be able to make a brief presentation on the detail of what has been approve so that you will have that information available to you and have an opportunity to ask those questions. I do need to add also that this -- the $310,000 does not require a match, so therefore we do not anticipate a fiscal note for us, but if that were to change, we certainly will let you know.

>> okay. Just to be plain, just for those who are listening, it is a 7.4-million-dollar award that the lion's share will go to nonprofit organizations to implement tobacco prevention and control strategies in work sites, faith-based organizations in the community and in community and health care organizations. We are merely one of, along with the city of austin, the organizations that will be implementing various programs with this -- these dollars, correct?

>> yes. Multiple folks will benefit. I think about 1.2 million to nonprofits for their programs.

>> yes. 1.25, yes.

>> there are going to be stringent reporting requirements. This is stimulus funding. And they're going to be monthly reporting as well as quarterly reporting. And then the cdc will send us a grade on our achievement to answer your question, commissioner davis, about how we're doing. They will be grading us and letting us know how well our community is doing in response to policy changes.

>> is this something similar to the -- not stringent, but some of the requirements that have come down from the federal government as far as stimulus types of money, is this some of the same structure format that will require in the weatherization program, something similar? I'm sorry, i didn't mean to cut you off.

>> no, i'm sorry. I cut you off. It is stimulus money, so yes, we can expect the stringent reporting requirements as well as evaluation of our progress. Yes.

>> okay. But as far as the city is concerned, with the particular proposals that travis county is submitting along with the performance requirements, we can expect for that to be coming -- it's been submitted to the city of austin, but we can expect that to come back to the court for us to hear what those things are as far as performance measures.

>> absolutely. You will have to approve an interlocal agreement which will have attached to it the work statement and the performance measures for this project.

>> okay. Thank you.

>> this is a great program. I'm excited about t i just have have one question about the f.t.e.'s. They would be working for the county?

>> yes.

>> and they would be funded out of the project cost monies for the 21 month period?

>> yes.

>> is it anticipated that they would continue employment beyond that period? And if so, would that be a burden to the county beyond that point?

>> it is not anticipated as a part of this program. This position would be posted as a grant-funded position with a start and end date.

>> we are also pursuing clarification on that, though, to ensure that the grant coming from the cdc doesn't have stipulations about employment in and the term of employment.

>> mr. Reeferseed?

>> thank you very much. I just wanted to spell out for everyone here that i'm a supporter of dr. Ron paul and he's against this kind of nationwide use of taxpayer dollars, but i am personally in favor of all efforts to -- especially on a local level for tobacco cessation because i got to watch my own mother and her mother, and i didn't ever meet her -- my maternal grandfather, but all my maternal, her siblings, their spouses i watched each and every one of them choke and gasp and cough to death from these evil, nasty tobacco cancer sticks. So i'm completely dedicated to the cessation of that if we can do it. And along those lines, by golly, california is about to decriminal lies hemp marijuana and give citizens a safe alternative, adult citizens a safe alternative to cancer sticks. So we can all -- thank you, california. I'm sticking in favor of the cessation of the nasty, horrible, addictive habit of tobacco abuse. Thank you.

>> thank you so much. And i'm a big supporter of dr. Hoti durr. Thanks so much. Do we theed to take action on this item?

>> yes.

>> motion?

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you so much for this program.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:35 PM


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