Travis County Commissioners Court
March 9, 2010,
Item 19
>> number 19 is to discuss and acknowledge receipt of credit of $79,012.21 from united health care stop loss coverage for claims paid by the employee health benefits fund for the period of February 19 to 25, 2010.
>> judge, Commissioners.
>> afternoon.
>> we're here to talk about item number 19, the reimbursement for the week, which is somewhat different than we've experienced in the past.
and that it is a credit based on our stop loss insurance recovery.
i want to ask cindy perrying perryington to explain what the stop loss is about and how it works with our united health kara dioguardiier.
>> cindy perryington, we have stop loss coverage on each individual in the amount of $175,000.
that means if any one individual's claims exceed $175,000 during a plan year, then we get reimbursed 100% of any eligible charges over that amount.
and the week before this credit, you will notice that we almost had a two-million-dollar week.
the very following week we ended up getting $714,000, a little bit over that in stop loss credits, therefore resulting in a credit.
so this is coverage that we maintain all of the time.
as you recall over the last few years we've inched that amount up a little bit, but it went from 150,000 to 175,000 as the county continues to grow and our claims level continues to increase.
so it's protection for the county so they don't have a bunch of catastrophic claims when we have a bunch of ill people all in a row.
>> questions?
move that we receive the credit of $79,012.21 from united health care.
discussion of the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Gomez votes in favor.
Commissioner Eckhardt temporarily off the dais.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 2:53 PM