Travis County Commissioners Court
February 23, 2010,
Consent items are next.
posted for consent are c 1 through c 4.
>> judge, I need to vote separate on c 4.
>> all right.
c 4--
>> I'm sorry.
go ahead.
you're right.
go ahead.
no problem with it.
>> okay.
c 1 through c 4.
and let's consider adding the following items to the consent motion.
if anyone would like for us to discuss any of these separately, please say so as I call out the number of the item.
number 2.
we'll have our discussion of the payments on March 9.
next week is election and they are still working to pull information together and meeting with united healthcare.
march 9 we'll have that discussion.
two on consent.
number three.
and issues with four?
four we'll call up for separate discussion.
number 11 no comments from appointed or electioned officials as of late yesterday.
>> right.
>> okay.
12 a, b, c and d.
number 14.
i think they are ironing out funding issues on 17.
we'll call it up later today.
if there are issues with that we will postpone until next week.
from 16 we go to 18.
then to 24.
25, the item we had the public hearing on.
any issues with 28, the management letter?
>> no.
>> 28.
actually, 28 is the last one.
>> move approval consent items.
>> would anyone like for us to pull any of those items for separate discussion?
>> judge, I have a question.
>> okay.
>> on the numbers that is have to do with the helicopter, the park life thing, is that being postponed as approved?
>> we're calling all those up separately.
we will call them one at a time for discussion.
>> great, thank you.
>> yeah.
all in favor.
that passes by unanimous vote.
let's try to get a couple items before ten.
and 30, I did ask ms.
harris to come down on that item and told her we would try to take it up at 9:30.
we ought to be able to get to it in 10-15 minutes.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:15 PM