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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 23, 2010,
Item 8

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>> item no.
8 is consider and take appropriate action on requested debt issuance schedule.
and funding for fiscal year 2010 capital projects.

>> do you want us to cover what's in item no.
8 before we go into executive session.

>> we're going into executive session for all of the items at one time.
all executive session items.

>> yes, sir.

>> okay.
number 8?

>> judge, item no.
8 is the co list that -- that we are proposing.
the total of that list is 109,500,000 less 100,000 that has been removed so the new total 109,400,000, just to recap, table 1 will give you the -- the breakdown of what is already approved -- excuse me, table 1 and table 2 of what is already approved in the fiscal '10 budget.
that includes voter approved and non-voter approved bonds.
table number 1 is your voter approved bonds.
you have 9.9 million currently approved in the fy '10 budget and -- and 15 -- a little over 15 million that is approved for five-year non-voter approved bonds.
table number 3, will give you some detail on -- on the proposed additions to the camp mabry -- the co list that includes the addition of 700 lavaca, improvements for facilities, facilities renovation and facilities improvement.
the phase 1, what we are calling the phase 1 funding for the be fit project, that will include software, hardware acquisition.
we will have a follow-up, phase 2, in fiscal '11 that will be handled through a reimbursement resolution and included in the fy '11 sale.
and then, of course, acquisition of real estate for 20-year debt financing.
in addition to that, we have included the -- the -- the items discussed this morning.
those would be items number 6, 7, 8.
those are the helicopter, brodie lane signalization and sidewalk improvements, along 1826.
i'm also requesting that the Commissioners court consider adding four additional constable package vehicles for the constables that were added during the fiscal '10 budget process.
i had inadvertently left those off the list.
and request the Commissioners court consider adding those in.
given that we are in the process of going through the acquisition and -- and the massing and stacking through phase 26 the master planning process of 700 lavaca, we are proposing to defer improvements to the granger facilities in that -- and that total is a little over a million dollars for fiscal '10, so that's included under items 10 through 12 of the proposed reductions to the co list and that is included.
so, again, those are the -- those are the recap of the projects that are being proposed in addition to those already approved.

>> just to be more specific, on rodney's comment about an additional $100,000 can come off of this list as well, that would be item no.
15 under table number 2, which is the property warehouse shelving for $100,000.
my understanding is that that has been covered elsewhere.
and no longer needs to be included into the co.

>> okay.

>> correct.
so under item -- Sunday section 2, are those the -- the kinds of items that we have been issuing co debt for?
i know some of the large items like -- like the its $1.7 million.

>> yes, sir.

>> I noticed some of the other ones, some of the others seem to be incredibly small.
have we been issuing debt for those?

>> this list was painfully analyzed during the summer months with the auditor's office and sharon martin

>> [indiscernible], making sure that every single item on here was considered capital.
the reason that we are noticing smaller unit costs, if you will, is that car was reduced somewhat this last year and so we were -- we were very specific about what could be funded, what could be car funded, making --

>> this was the last resorting funding.

>> that's correct.

>> during the budget process.

>> that's correct, judge.

>> so if we --

>> if we had additional car, some of these projects would have been moved to car.

>> or general fund revenue, we wouldn't issue debt for this.

>> correct.

>> okay.

>> some of the amounts are so small, that they sort of stand out.

>> stand out, yes, sir, I understand.

>> so Commissioner Davis, the $4.8 million, it will be voter approved funding that we have not issued yet that's been authorized.

>> yes.
and it's been authorized and --

>> [indiscernible] unallocated funds.

>> what open space would that target.

>> it's open space park --

>> [multiple voices]

>> parks, open spaces --

>> for an acquisition which is underway.

>> right.

>> we will --

>> [multiple voices]

>> the court approved -- is that the one that we surveyed.

>> yes.

>> and --

>> okay.

>> right.
now, I would like to move approval of that -- to be added.

>> just note, all that would do is move it from fy '11 issuance, we were already planning that, it would nuevo laredo to fy '10.

>> that's correct --

>> it would move to fy '10.

>> that's correct.
so you are moving

>> [indiscernible] on the spreadsheet that jessica passed out before lunch.


>> [indiscernible] fy '10 instead of fy '11.

>> exactly.
moving it from that to the other fy '10 parks and open space.

>> we are not using backup for number 8.

>> the backup from number 458 a footnote actually under table 1 that is does not include the request to move 4.8, all that we would do is increase the amount under prop 2.

>> prop 2, right.

>> to 6.345, to -- to -- 11-point -- oh, let me get that.

>> that's this table, judge.

>> okay.

>> that was handed out earlier.

>> I second Commissioner Davis's motion, staff agree was what we said about the $4.8 million, right?

>> I second Commissioner Davis's motion to add the 4.8 million for open space.
we are taking that from what we would have issued next year, this is the land that we will move on if we can.
this year.
so we may as well have the money available.

>> that's right.

>> let me ask you, in that regard, and am I looking at this correctly, that all that is rearranging the furniture a little bit.
the only impact it has is a slightly higher debt service in 2011 but slightly lower debt service in '12 through 17, essentially a wash.

>> moves it from one year to the next, right.

>> okay.

>> any discussion?
all in favor?
just adding, right.
that passes -- that passes by unanimous vote.
our total goal is to 113-3?

>> well, I -- right.
it would be -- oh, you mean for the -- for the voter approved bonds instead of 9.9, we would be working with 14.7.

>> all right.
i was looking at 109.5.

>> right, right, right.

>> adding 4.8 to that.

>> 1094 -- 114.2.

>> okay.

>> are we anticipating, just in terms of that, just before -- for elucidating on that, we are accelerating our -- our borrowing up front, but of course we're at the bottom of the interest rate, or if not at the bottom, we're pretty darned close to the bottom.

>> yeah.
that's one of the things that I was going to mention is by accelerating it up and moving it into fy 10, you actually are going to have the advantage of taking advantage of some -- some lower interest rates because interest rates are anticipated to go up in the coming months.
and so -- hopefully we can take advantage by accelerating it into fy '10.

>> I guess there are questions that we would discuss in executive session under consultation with attorney.

>> and then --

>> one or more pieces of real estate that you might add to this co if you decide to purchase those tracts.

>> okay.

>> and real estate for number 8.

>> correct.

>> okay.
let's indicate our intention to take number 8 into executive session for consultation with attorney and real estate.
and anything else on 8?
for the court?

>> no, sir.

>> okay.
do we need to discuss 7 and 8 in full before we act on 9?

>> judge, I don't see any problem with --

>> we can take up 9 and 10, actually, judge.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:15 PM


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