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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 16, 2010,
Executive Session

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Let's take 19 into executive session under consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.
A few minutes ago we discussed item 34, the matter involving provisions and contracts Travis County has with the star of Texas rodeo and gm catering.
than will be the consultation with attorney and real estate, real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
28 is to receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on revision of policy related to family and medical leave based on final regulation promulgated by the department of labor and recent revisions to law.
consultation with attorney exception.
29, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action in the matter of Travis County versus flint hills resources lp and coch pipeline company, lp, consultation with attorney exception.
30, consider and take appropriate action concerning the settlement offer regarding payment for star flight services rendered to eric bradley.
consultation with attorney shun.
31, consider and take appropriate action concerning brian bernard's fulfillment of the terms of a settlement agreement and the county's execution of a release lien.
consultation with attorney exception.
32, receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action to accept, reject or counter settlement offer in claudia scott-davis versus Travis County.
consultation with attorney exception d.
33, receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action regarding the pending case of strickland, etel, versus Travis County and the city of Austin.
consultation with attorney.
34, we mentioned a couple times already, the star of Texas rodeo and g and m catering contract matters.
35, consider and take appropriate action on claim from ken et lewis for wrongful arrest and prosecution.
consultation with attorney exception.
36, consider and take appropriate action on license agreement with the man chaca community centers.
consultation with attorney and real estate exceptions to the open meeting alcohol.
a 1, consider and take appropriate action on brokerage services agreement with ugequis corporation.
and a2 receive legal briefing regarding potential purchase of real estate in the central Austin area and issues related there to.
consultation with attorney and the real property exceptions to the open meetings act.

We have returned from executive session -- we've returned from executive session where we discussed a long list of items, beginning with number 19.
the matter involving putting noah finz on the plat of the county's limited ability to put a notation on --

>> judge, I would like to move approval of these two items. A and b.
of item 19.
I also would like to maybe get staff to maybe if they can to give a brief overview of item c.
which is actually a psa media and maybe event to also be used as part of this tool.
to let folks know exactly what we were doing.
but I like to get a and b approved first.
before c.
let joe maybe speak about c.
I would like to make a motion for a and b of item 19.

>> second, a and b.

>> all right.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
Commissioner Gomez had to run to another commitment about an hour ago.
will miss the rest of the meeting.

>> joe, if you could, could you basically tell us how c would work, especially with the public service announcement.
this is a real big deal.
I think it's very

>> [indiscernible] on us to maybe use the media, channel 17 and other media sources, whether it be audio or visual to let folks be aware of what we are doing here, what the intent is.
I just wanted to know what did you have in mind, per se, as far as using the channel 17 media, which we have maybe some kind of control over as far as direction is concerned.
but also in that same effort, looking at the other visual and audio media sources that would get out to the residents of Travis County on this particular action that we're taking today before -- before the citizens of Travis County on this item.

>> well, first and foremost it's public education.
trying to do something visually, in short, on channel 17 to explain.
some of the issues that come to court and just why it is that the county is limited in what it can do to address some of the issues.
that would just be -- like a public education spot on channel 17.
the other part of this is to work, to gather information in a cd format.
on case, kind of case studies that have come to the court, over the period of the last year, two years, we have been able to use that for public education at the legislature to basically way to our state legislators -- way to our state legislators the issues that we have at the local level to make it real so they can see the issues that we face and trying to solve problems that are brought before the court.
con sayvey.
to put together, that, that they could use, handout to kind of educate our state legislators.

>> I have no objection to that.
I guess in this regard, is there any way, a possibility -- any way possible that we can get out of -- the word on this particular action that the court is taking today to any -- any visual or audio news source to -- to let them understand as far as -- part of it is an educational effort that you are referring to, not only channel 17, but other audio and visual situations, as far as what today's action is all about.

>> that's -- that's somewhat out of my league.
I can certainly get with media services to find out what kind of other channels we might use to do the same thing.

>> okay.
I appreciate that.
I would like to move approval of c.
if -- if -- unless there's further discussion on that, judge.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you, joe, y'all did a good job.
number 28 is a matter involving provision of a policy related to family leave and medical leave based on final regulation, promulgated by the department of labor and recent revisions to the law.
after getting a briefing, from staff, I move that we give directions to put together a draft policy using option 2.
and option 3 b.

>> you mean option 1?
for military related activities.

>> option 1, right.
option 1 and 3 b.

>> and then there was the third one as well, which was option 2.
the third -- the third issue.
which was yes, we want to expand the list beyond those required by federal law.

>> all right.
if that needs to be separately stated, fine.
I thought -- I thought 1 and 3 b picked that up.

>> [indiscernible], on the first issue, choosing --

>> [indiscernible] on the third issue you are choosing option 2?
was it 2?
so that you make clear --

>> we would like to see a draft policy that does that.

>> yes.

>> when we see the draft policy, we will know --

>> [indiscernible] recognize that --

>> right.

>> the policy.

>> and once you read the policy, then if it needs tweaking, you'll just let us know areas where you would like to see differences.

>> I think we would like to see that draft policy on the agenda.

>> oh, of course -- well, do you want to see it on the agenda before you've had an opportunity to look at it.

>> well, I want it as backup for the agenda item.
my thinking is we're giving direction today, we'll have a chance to respond to a draft policy and when we look at the language, that way we'll be able to ensure that it does exactly what we intend for it to.

>> that's fine.

>> is that all right, everybody?
I think that I understand the motion.

>> okay.
we will put it on the agenda as soon as the draft policy is completed.

>> okay.

>> okay.

>> we can hardly wait to discuss it again, ms. Wilson.

>> I knew that you were just eager as all --

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
29, we did get a briefing by our lawyers and no action required today.
that matter has been appealed.
we will have a few more months to live with it.
number 30 is the matter regarding payment for star flight services rendered to eric bradley, move that we reject the counter or the offer and counter in the amount of $4,000.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
a matter involving brian bernard's, we have been -- the -- move that we release the lien on certain property owned by mr. Bernard.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
32 is the matter regarding the claim by claudia scott Davis versus Travis County, move that we reject the offer to settle.
do we want to counter?


>> [indiscernible] just leave it at rejection?
and authorize the county attorney to continue negotiating with the other side and if -- the minute they get to a reasonable counter offer in that lawyer's view, that we put this matter back on the court's agenda for further consideration.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
33 is a matter involving strickland and others and Travis County and the city of Austin.

>> I move that we give the precinct 3 Commissioner, that would be me, the authority to work with staff to develop a settlement agreement in this case.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
34 is the matter involving the star of Texas rodeo and the g and m catering, those are two contracts with Travis County.

>> I move without modifying and affecting g and m catering existing contractual obligations to Travis County, Travis County will not consider it a breach of g and c's contractual obligation if gmc does either one of the following.
one, we draw its tabc license as requested by the star of Texas fair and rodeo for approval of -- by tabc.
and, two, agrees to an arrangement with the star of Texas fair and rodeo under which gmc

>> [sic] accepts tokens in lieu of cash payments for concessions, food and drink items.

>> second.

>> okay.
and if our concessionaire has any questions regarding the content of the motion or intention, he can contact any member of the Commissioners court or tinley aldrige in the county attorney's office.

>> that would be fine.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
number 35, the matter involving a claim from kenneth lewis, we did discuss this.
in my view, no action required today because the county attorney has already referred it to the risk manager's office, we will make sure that mr. Lewis gets notice of that promptly.
and in my view, no other action required on that one.
any problem with that?

>> no.
I think that's appropriate.

>> okay.
36, is the matter involving the manchaca community center and the licensee there.
if --

>> I think we should postpone that.

>> we did discuss it.
we will have it back on next week for appropriate action.

>> okay.

>> okay.
we did postpone a 1.
I did not -- we did not discuss it.
a 2, though, is a matter involving the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin area.
I move that we authorize our broker to communicate with the potential lessees and current lessees at this real property along the lines consistent with our discussion in executive session.

>> second.

>> that will get it down, won't it, mr. Hilly?

>> uh-huh, sure.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
and ms. Porter, that does it for business today.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:08 PM


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