Travis County Commissioners Court
February 2, 2010,
Item 6
>> item number 6, approve resolution supporting immigration reform.
>> anyone here?
please come up to the table, please.
this is an important resolution because we want to make sure to bring to the attention of the federal office holders, congress and the president of the united states to again think about this issue, something needs to be done.
whereas the topics of immigration reform, border security and state and federal cooperation on immigration concerns are of great importance to the state and local government entities on both sides of the united states, mexico border, and whereas immigrants have demonstrated their patriotism through their valor and bravery in depending this country in numerous military conflicts, and hispanics have received the highest proportion of medals of honor and purple hearts than any other eth anything --ethnic group, and whereas our acceptance of immigrants reflects our faith in the american ideal, that it is possible for men and women to improve their status via hard work and opportunity should be denied to no one on basis of race or country of origin, and whereas though today's imgrants like yesterday as may arrive in the united states with no money, looking different, and speaking foreign languages, they come with an entrepreneurial spirit and desire to live the american dream.
whereas imgrants come to the.
states because we are a nation thatcher --nation that rewards individual effort, we urge the federal government to work with coalitions, communities, immigrants, businesses and religious groups on legislation protecting the rights of immigrant families.
and I move approval.
>> second.
>> seconded by Commissioner Davis.
any comments?
>> yes.
>> name, please.
>> sorry.
my name is caroline keating gera and I'm the coordinator of the Austin immigrant rights coalition.
we are so happy that Commissioner Gomez has taken on this resolution.
this means a lot to the immigrant community that are integral to this community here in Travis County.
they are contributing to the economy.
i think it's too many that the--time that the federal government does take action on passing comprehensive immigration reform.
and I want to thank you for taking this on publicly.
>> thank you for being here this morning.
>> thank you.
>> all in favor.
i show unanimous court with Commissioner Huber temporarily off the dias.
>> thank you so much.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 2:15 PM