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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 19, 2010,
Executive Session

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Ms. Porter, I believe that does it for the voting open court session, doesn't it?

>> yes.

>> then let's indicate our intention to go into Executive Session and discuss the following items. 32, we postponed this morning.
will not announce it or discuss it.
33, receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action in Travis County v henry l dell, very, deyar investment group, resale deed, consultation with attorney exception.
34, receive briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action in Travis County v hube of the woolly, resale deed, consultation with attorney exception.
35, consider and take appropriate action concerning the settlement offer regarding payment for star flight services rendered to angelina sonnier, consultation with attorney exception.
37, consider and take appropriate action concerning the settlement offer regarding payment for star flight services consultation with attorney.
37, consider and take appropriate action concerning settlement offering regarding payment for star flight services rendered to jose ramos, consultation with attorney exception.
38, consider and take appropriate action concerning settlement offer regarding payment for star flight services rendered to laura smith, consultation with attorney exception.
39, consider and take appropriate action regarding lease space from the housing authority of Travis County and proposed improvements for the health and human services department.
consultation with attorney and real property exceptions.
40, consider and take appropriate action on license agreement for the mamchaca community center, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
41, receive legal briefing from the county attorney and take appropriate action regarding the pending application for the proposed solid waste amendment to expand the waste management of Texas landfill located on giles road near state highway 290 east, consultation with attorney exception.
42, receive legal briefing and take appropriate action regarding the potential purchase of real estate in the central Austin area, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
and a 1, consider and take appropriate action on acquisition of prompt--approximately 260.4 acres of land owned by new liar international in connection with the conservation plan, and we'll be in executive section in the consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meeting act.
we will discuss these meters in executive session but return to court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session where we have spent the better part of the last three hours.
discussing very important county business.
and including a 2 the matter involving approximately 260.4 acres of land owned by new life international.
in decks with our bccp program.

>> judge, I move that we authorize staff to make a counter offer, setting a cap at 25,000 on the seller's cleanup of the solid waste --

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote item no.
42 the matter involving the potential purchase of real estate in the central Austin area.
I move that we approve the purchase contract for this tract of land and direct our broker, keith zimmerman to deliver the contract to the buyer for their approval at a board meeting on Thursday of this week.

>> second.

>> and further that upon full execution of the contract, viewing area indication of funds and full audit of the claim the county auditor is requested to issue a payment and the county treasurer to release the payment in the amount of $250,000 to heritage title of Austin.
the form of the payment shall be that which provides the most expeditious and secure payment under the terms of the agreement and as determined by the auditor.
and those new to central Texas, should be told that this language was provided by the assistant county attorney.

>> [laughter]

>> I got it from the county auditor.


>> [laughter]

>> team effort.

>> I second.

>> she seconds it.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> long day.

>> I do anticipate having this item back on the court's agenda next week for probably a few other motions and further action.
we did say all in favor, right?

>> uh-huh.

>> we can do it again.

>> nope.
that's fine.
41 is a matter involving the application to expand the solid waste facility owned by waste management of Texas.
and located on giles road near state highway 290 east.
I move that we direct staff to appeal the October order of the commission of the tceq.

>> second.

>> I second that.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
now, let's go to item no.
32, we did not discuss it, announce it, postponed it.
33 is the matter involving a resale deed to deyar investment group, deyar.
this is a matter involving the lawsuit by Travis County against henry l.
dell, senior.
and I move that we approve and authorize the county judge to sign the proposed tax resale deed to deyar investment group, lly.
which has delivered to Travis County the sum of $3,000 in cash.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
item no.
34 is the matter involving the county lawsuit against Hubert f.
I move that we authorize the county judge to sign on behalf of the Commissioners court the prepared tax resale deed to vanessa smithers who has paid Travis County the sum of 4,235.01 in cash for this tract of land.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
item no.
35 is the matter involving the settlement over for star flight services rendered to angelina sonnier.
I move that we accept lump sum payment of $1,800, which is one-half of the outstanding balance.

>> second.

>> in order to satisfy this claim.

>> seconded by Commissioner Eckhardt.
any discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
36 is an offer to settle for star flight services provided to guy w.
and the offer here is to pay Travis County about $2,500, or about one-fourth of the total amount owed.
the offer further is to give us what, monthly payments, was it?

>> 10 monthly payments.

>> 10 monthly payments, $250 each?

>> I think it's 22 payments, 100 a month.
it's on 36, right?

>> are we on 36?
I have $2,500.
you have 22?

>> sorry.
I had $2,500 over 10 months.

>> well, I had 2500 -- I move that we accept the offer based on the information provided regarding mr. Moore's financial circumstances.
is there a second?

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
37 is a similar case and offer to settle for star flight services rendered to jose luis cano ramos.
and whose financial circumstances are such that mr. Ramos can only pay about $10 a month.
but he wants to -- to pay as much of this claim as possible.
how many months did he recommend?

>> the offer was to pay $1,500 at $10 a month for a 150 month payout.
that was my notes.
in any case.

>> and based on that information that we received regarding mr. Ramos' financial circumstances, if he can pay $10 a month, and will pay for that many months, then I think we ought to try to work with him, so I move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
and our final star flight services item today is an offer to settle in the matter involving services that were provided to laura smith.
we have been working with her spouse on this matter, ms. Smith is no longer with us.
and the offer here -- we have already received $5,000, which helps.
but the offer -- there's an outstanding balance of 3,000.
and my records show that the offer was to pay -- was to pay half of that, which is $1,500.

>> I have a thousand dollars at $100 a month.

>> I do, too.

>> that's what it is then.
1,000 at $100 a month.
no, 100 for 10 months, basically.
so it would be a thousand dollars.

>> uh-huh.

>> so it would be a thousand dollars of the remaining balance of 3,000, but in this one we have gotten $5,000 paid by the insurance company.
and I understand that there are just numerous bills and an unfortunate death of ms. Smith.
move approval of the settlement offer.

>> second.

>> discussion?
when we say this, basically it's really authorization for the assistant county attorney to go ahead and put together settlement documents and try to get it paid.
the language being that if the settlement agreement is not kept, and there is a breach, then the full amount of the outstanding balance would become owed.
is that -- that was our intention.

>> uh-huh.

>> any other discussion of the motion in item no.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
39 involves a potential lease of land of an office space owned by Travis County housing authority to our health and human services department.
we are a space short.
the improvements here would be substantial.
I move that we make the improvements, but that we touch base with work source and see if they have a need for gatin and then we work with its and see if we can provide that service to them for -- for a little bit below what it would have cost them to do it themselves.
so I'm hope thank we can figure out -- hoping that we can figure out a way to help them obtain the service and help us offset the cost of this to the new space and this motion also is for us to go ahead and move on the lease agreement because we need the space, it's at a reasonable rate, and the it and the technology delivery costs a little bit more than we anticipated.
but in view of the total circumstances, I think we need to have it there.

>> yeah.

>> that's a long motion to approve with an explanation of why.
Commissioner Davis approves that discussion.
the other thing is that we would expect to make the changes down at the palm school site that our executive manager shared with us.

>> okay.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
item no.
40 involves the manchaca community center.
and the problems with the -- with the licensee there.

>> the facilities management has already sent a certified letter notifying mr. Vogel of his default of payment.
therefore I move that we authorize the county attorney to send a letter to clarence vogel doing business as clarence vogel enterprises pursuant to section 6.46 the second license agreement for operation of the community center giving mr. Vogel notice of his breach of agreement and the opportunity to cure as provided in that section.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we can make these written motions available to you, ms. Porter, if that would help.

>> yeah, that would help.

>> I'm happy to say that does it for our business today.

>> move adjourn.

>> all in favor?
carries unanimously.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 6:48 PM


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