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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 24, 2009,
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
for up to three minutes.
any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
gus pena is number 1, followed by ronnie reeferseed, number two, followed by morris priest, number three, followed by ken koyan, number four.
good morning.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena.
proud united states marine corps veteran.
number one, I guess it might just be kind of knit picky for somebody o -- nit picky, if the court could place citizen communication first, sometimes you do place it first, but that will help some of the citizens that have places to go to.
i really -- you know, I really would -- would ask that you take -- you all take consideration as to maybe placing it at number one.
item no.
two, if a parent has an appointment, for example, they have a doctor's appointment, they have somewhere they need to go, they go to the school, school district campus where their child is a student.
i need to pull my student from the campus.
well, the student gets an unexcused absence.
it is not an ex-excused absence.
these continue to proliferate and increase.
next thing you know the parent and student are filed on in j.p.
excessive, unexcused absences.
what we're doing now, judge and Commissioners, I'm educating you and the public, y'all and the public, we're talking to t.e.a.
and also our elected state officials and also nationally, secretary of education, about how we can change the situation whereby a parent or a student is not penalized because a parent is picking up their student, they are not able to go back and pick up their student at 4:15 p.m.
which is the time they let students out in high school.
we are seeing an increase of students being filed and parents in j.p.
this places a further burden on the county budget.
true, there are some kids, some parents, are allowing kids to violate this system.
it's called the compulsory attendance law.
when I ran for j.p., I did a bad job of running for the justice of the peace, nonetheless I was endorsed by all local law enforcement agencies.
i feel that we need to revamp the system to make it more customer friendly, work with the students and the parents.
true, we need to work with the parents and ensure that the students are in school, graduate, because the dropout rate is very high.
as a former dropout task force back in 98 to 2000 we worked in those issues, from there the position of dropout prevention specialist was created for different campuses.
anyway, I'm hope thank we can create a -- hoping that we can create a new process and revise and improve it.
poverty increases rises in Austin school district according to the newspaper, darned good article.
and I will tell you this much, so does the homeless ranks for students in aisd.
families, homeless students.
number 4, support our military veterans, showing them that we appreciate their sacrifices and service to our country.
many, many issues they have upon arriving back in the united states of america.
please support them, whether you like the war or not or you support it or not.
tell them that you appreciate their service to our country.
happy thanksgiving, adopt a family for thanksgiving.
judge, thank you all very much for -- for allowing us to speak and sometimes putting up with some of the nonsense around here.
anyway, have a happy thanksgiving.
have a good day.

>> thank you, you, too, mr.

>> thank you, sir.
yes, there is ronnie

>> [inhale] reeferseed, yelling kids, cherish your childhood.
the moment you take your first hit off a joint or take your first sip of beer, you are throwing away your childhood forever.
believe me, we all miss it dearly.
anyway, I'm reverberating right now with joy because thanks to ob/gyn dr.
ron paul's ongoing revolution of love for liberty and our sacred constitution we all have begun to defeat the media bankster complex of criminals because dr.
paul's hb 1207 you will hear it on regular news to audit the federal reserve schemology has well over 300 cosponsors and will get a full hearing to finally pass the house of representatives.
that means that the voters here have figured it out and have chosen freedom instead.
freedom from our convoluted spasm of criminallalty, unconstitutional, never fully ratified indecipherable federal income tax schemology will result to help save our world.
suddenly the freedom from the tyranny imposed on our economy by the fiat currency inherent to the federal reserve schemology of so-called banking will explode worldwide.
absolute freedom for farmers to help feed our hungry future will inevitably follow the raging fire of freedom that is now sweeping the planet.
thanks to the powerful ideas from a certain ob/gyn dr.
, u.s.
representative dr.
ron paul, our nation will once again earn our position of leadership on the world stage by example.
not by intimidation, bullets, bombs or assassinations.
also, rejoice, everyone, because the colossal hopes of the worldwide carbon tax based on the colorado loss sold hopes of global warming is dissolving, people.
thanks to brave computer hackers who expose the conspiretorial keep of highs from the so-called global warming experts from the u.s.
and the u.k.
this is the truth that's hit the fan, you probably haven't heard of it yet.
the truth will set us all free from the hog wash spewing from delusional al gore and from now on al gore will be challenged to explain this ongoing hoax until I predict very soon al gore will be forced to withdraw from public life.
to learn more about the truth, you have to stop relying on npr, msnbc, cnn, fox, new york times, et cetera, because they are all controlled by enemies of our constitution.
american free press.and are good sources, alex jones on 90.1 f.m., 4 to 6 on Sunday afternoon, of course call (888)322-1414 for more dr.
paul, his weekly updates.
thanks so much.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> hi, judge, Commissioners, morris priest, speaking on my own behalf.
how is that hope and change working for ya?
you know, I wanted to share with you Sarah palin, she's got legs and news week knows how to use them.

>> [laughter] you know, I tell you what, the liberals I get so -- when you listen to sheer insanity and I need a comband oriel lie.
i can't get over all of these people upset with Sarah palin.
catch the wave.
anyway, our -- our elected officials, whether they be at campo or the federal government, anywhere you go, they don't listen to us, poll after poll after poll after poll.
we're against tolls, we're against tolls.
all these groups signed up December the 1st.
did our campo board listen?
now more enormous debt with this.
hey, y'all like that guy jeff foxworthy, he has those words, wda ya, did ya, you know Sarah is from wa si lla, she was a mayor there.
i was -- I was illa when I heard about obama scare.
it's the most outrageous waste of money that I have ever seen in my entire life.
this is going to cost trillions of dollars and do nothing.
whisper valley, where are people are going to park, it looks like a glorified apartment complex where you have to pay apartment property taxes on a home and there's nowhere to park.
there is things that are happening, that are positive.
chief reynolds and chief smith are here, we got the fire department academy, I hope you allment give them a big -- give them a big round of applause when they come in.
there are people helping make dreams come true.
one man wanted to be a firefighter in new york, his dream became true.
there are people working out here in the community.
i notice in the paper today wal-mart is still not sure if they are going to build that wal-mart at northcross.
we have elliott naishtat take it,

>> [indiscernible], a bunch of people went out there and opposed that we've stopped them.
a lot of things we stopped, the r.v.
many other things, if you get involved in your community you can stop these things and but one thing that I would like to know is when we're going to stop getting this massive debt now we see that the city's borrowing millions and millions of dollars on these pass-through toll financing projects that they are doing.
running up astronomical debt.
how are we going to pay for this?
one debt stream after another.
never ending nightmare of just enormous debt.
i would hope when we have these people come that you would -- when up these developers coming that you would listen to the public instead of these developers so that we don't end up with these projects like this.
and this road story hasn't ended yet

>> [buzzer sounding] we still are making progress and defeating some of these things, I hope that you will stay tuned because the televise -- the revolution will be televised.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr.

>> mr.

>> he wanted to speak on the txi issue.

>> okay.

>> are the cadets ready?

>> yes, sir.

>> okay.
we are close to it, let me just take the consent items first.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 1:40 PM


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