Travis County Commissioners Court
November 10, 2009,
Executive Session
A1 is to consider and take appropriate action regarding licensing agreement with g and m enterprises for use of the Travis County exposition center and this is under consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.
this morning the item regarding the pharmacy discount card, number 13, consider and -- receive briefing and take appropriate action on health and human services recommendation to implement a pharmaceutical savings program for county residents, we indicated our intention to call it up in executive session, also.
so we will do that.
and address some legal issues.
and posted for executive session discussion is number 27, consider and take appropriate action regarding the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin area, consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act.
and that's four items.
and I think all the one that's we need to announce.
>> [indiscernible]
>> [inaudible - no mic]
>> after 13?
>> yeah.
>> consultation with attorney, if I did not.
>> judge, can I ask your -- I found it.
>> all right.
if we take his comments, would I have to read those items again.
>> we would be happy to get your comments.
>> okay.
have a seat.
>> I'm sorry.
of course it's ronnie
>> [inhale] reeferseed
>> [exhale] here saying kids cherish your childhood, not with drugs.
but the headlines, smarmy politicians cancel to help us all, citizens suddenly political speech, the star of the first amendment to our sacred constitution is now and forever going to be limited by those sacred politicians on the Travis County Commissioners court to only allow comments that are not "demeaning" of any individual or group.
any disagreement about anything could be characterized by anyone else as demeaning.
there be censoring discussion of any topic, which is of course the opposite of the freedom of political speech.
absolutely freedom of political speech has been protected by our sacred constitution through several rules of our supreme court, ie political speech does not include yelling fire in a crowded theater but that does not in any way exclude political disagreements, with -- with total discussion.
in the real world, even heralded political officials like yourselves need, need to hear all ideas, especially demeaning comments in order to make the best fully informed decisions to truly help us all.
if one can't stand the political heat from disagreements, with others, perhaps one should get out of the political kitchen.
demeaning comment are an inevitable part of many, many political discussions.
you know why?
sometimes feelings are hurt.
get over it.
face reality and act accordingly.
right now precious gift bestowed by our founding fathers upon all of us are being destroyed by swift lipping ego tripping elected schemers who consider themselves above and beyond any politically demeaning comments.
by the way, citizens, our right to peacefully display a sign or political placard in the background of these seats for citizens is supposedly somehow too confusing for those who bother to watch these proceedings, meaning you.
all of you people are too stupid to understand what this Ron paul sign is not for the people talking -- it's absurd we all know it.
let's celebrate to politically protest peacefully instead of scheming to somehow squelch citizens speech.
the u.s.
constitution is the supreme court law of this land, not your personal petty schemology.
(888)322-1414 for weekly updates from ob/gyn Ron paul.
866699-news and of course 11:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m.
monday through Friday,, alex jones, 91.1 f.m.
of course this is about what this medical nightmare is going on.
it's true.
they are going to, as is in europe, they -- they tell you, you know, if you are over 60 for example like I said earlier, if you are over 60, you have got eye problems, too bad, you are too old for us.
and so -- so as approaching 60 person who has got eye problems, I worry.
but so I just wanted to throw in that two cents about this and I would be happy to share more ideas.
i'm eager, I'm excited.
you said that this is going to be coming up more or there will be more opportunities to speak on this crucial --
>> I didn't mean more opportunities to say the same thing, though.
plus my suggestion would be that in the future you try to keep your comments relevant to the item.
branching off into health care and treatment of senior citizens, the rest of that stuff, I don't know what that has to do with the proposed policy.
we will convene in executive session to discuss the four items that we announced.
>> we have rushed from executive session where we discussed the four items that we announced.
number 13, the one involving the recommendation of a pharmaceutical savings program for county residents.
we do need to do additional due diligence on this one.
and why don't we try to get ms.
fleming any questions we might have by -- tomorrow is a holiday.
then there's Thursday.
shall we say noon Friday?
and shall we send the e-mails directly about questions we have and need answered by coast to coast?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> is that okay?
we can do that without direction.
media, I think we're listen to go a private phone conversation in there?
, in the background.
media, I hear -- sounds like a phone conversation in the background.
thank you.
we were scared you may say the wrong thing.
>> [ laughter ] but is that okay for direction from the court.
and just let us know when we'll have this back on.
probably two to three weeks from now is what we're thinking.
thank you very much.
we discussed item 24, the matter involving a proposed policy regarding court rules of conduct and decorum.
we decided to take no formal action today, but maybe to kick this back to the county judge to let his -- for him to use his powerful authority as a constitutional county judge.
so we'll see where that goes and we'll put this back on at the appropriate time in the future.
we discussed item 27, the matter involving the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin area.
we did get an appropriate briefing.
probably do additional work and have this back on at the appropriate time in the future, probably no additional action today that I can think of.
>> no.
>> is that okay?
and we discussed a-1, the matter involving an agreement with g and s enterprises for use of the Travis County exposition center.
there were four issues that staff had been negotiating with mrs.
manroe, and I think staff and the attorney for mrs.
manroe have made significant progress, hopefully with the directions that we gave we'll be able to go ahead and finalize this contract.
anything you need in open court today?
>> no, sir.
i have -- the court's direction on all four items.
and I will incorporate those into the two November agreements.
>> okay.
did I sign that agreement?
>> no, sir.
they're unsigned as yet.
>> okay.
so when we incorporate those provisions into that proposed agreement, do we need a motion authorizing the county judge to sign?
>> I move approval.
>> if you want to execute these agreements, yes.
and I would include that in your motion.
otherwise the director of the expo center could be authorized to sign these two agreements because they do deviate.
>> let's authorize the county jumg to sign them.
>> I move approval of that.
>> that way we'll clearly indicate that the November events are what we're covering with this.
>> okay.
>> motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Gomez.
let's thank all the individuals who have been working on this delicate and significant matter for us.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
porter, I believe that does it for today.
>> move adjourn.
>> second?
>> all in favor?
carries unanimously.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 1:40 PM