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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 29, 2009,
Item 30

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Number 30 is consider and take appropriate action on items related to the community development block grant provided by the u.s.
department of housing and urban development.
a is to authorize the use of internal health and human services and veterans services resources for operating expenses until a fully executed program year 2009 grant agreement is obtained from the u.s.
department of housing and urban development.
and 30-b is to -- is certificate of exemptions from environmental sisesment for the following program year 2009 projects.
1, family support services social services expansion, and 2, youth services flex fund expansion, and 3, administrative expenses.
good morning.

>> good morning.
Travis County health and human services.
Travis County receives an allocation of community development block grant dollars every year.
our program year spans from October 1st through September 30th.
we are in anticipation of receiving a grant agreement sometime during the month of October for our program year 2009 expenses.
but during that time we have expenses that need to be covered but we don't have a executed grant agreement.
well, right now we anticipate that some of the rollover funds that we'll have from program year 2008 will cover anything that we have.
we just want to make sure that we make this request in case anything comes above and beyond prior to executing that grant agreement.
these costs should we need to tap into any general fund resources would come out of the executive manager's budget for advertising related to the annual report or other required items that may come up.
those costs will be reimbursed.
they will be reclassed by the grant as soon as we have those budget set up so it's actually no loss to the county, it's just an administrative function to make sure we have the funds available when we need them.

>> questions?
move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> and also as a part of our regular process prior to the beginning of any program year, we have to look at each project and determine what level of environmental review is required.
and for public service projects and administrative services, those projects are exempt from administrative -- or from environmental review.
but to be able to do that officially we have to request the court approve that there's a certification of exemption.
to approve that certification and also request that the judge sign those things n your backup we have a copy of those documents that will need to be signed.
and again, this is just an administrative function so we can spend that money in an aallowable way.

>> so in b we're asking that the environmental assessment be waived, basically.

>> right.

>> because they are not -- yeah, these projects are providing social services and administrative dollars so they have no impact to the environment.

>> questions?

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
31 is to consider and take appropriate action on certificate of exemption for environmental assessment for the plain view estates water connection project for costs related to design, environmental review, eligibility determinations and project management provided by the community development block grant recovery funds from the u.s.
department of housing and urban development.

>> christy moffett, Travis County health and human services.
in February of 2008, the county was notified that we were going to receive a formula allocation of community development block grant recovery dollars, which is also stimulus money.
in June -- on June 5th of 2007 -- or 2008, we turned in a proposal for water connections for people residing in plain view estates and so that we may begin to look at working through the design process and getting all of those things lined up, we have to exempt from environmental review some of the money.
we received $226,000, and so we need to exempt about $91,000 of activities that occur prior to the environmental review being completed in its entirety, but are allowable costs and not required to go through an environmental review.
those costs are designed, the project management cost, which is the engineer's time to oversee the management of the project, also to do the eligibility we'll be looking at hiring a temporary position to complete the eligibility of households, and then also the related -- also the design actually when we go out to get an engineering firm to design the project.
that also is exempt from environmental review.
so again in the backup there is a form that we need the judge to sign that says that you are authorizing that exemption from the environmental review.

>> I move approval.

>> second.

>> what we're asking for covers part of the -- not all of the it.

>> correct.
it's only related to the activities.
it's $91,000 and it is specifically related to only the costs that are allowable to be exempt.
what will happen during this time frame is that once we engage a design consultant, part of their responsibility will be to complete an environmental review at the appropriate level and then we'll come back to court and have you certificate that report, and then it will release all of the rest of the money.
for construction.

>> and I guess part of that motion is also authorize the judge to sign.

>> correct.

>> so with that addition to the original motion.

>> okay.
any more discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you.
number 32 is could be and take appropriate action on interlocal between Travis County and the city of Austin for the provision of public health services for fiscal year 2010.

>> good morning, judge Biscoe, Commissioners.
this is the annual renewal of our interlocal agreement with the city of Austin for the provision of public health services, animal control and related services.
what's included in this interlocal is a wide range of services which include disease surveillance and that certainly is significant right now.
in the conversations we've been having around h1n1, so that would certainly be an example of some of the work that's being done for us.
in addition to outreach for a variety of public health-related programs, health department services that our residents receive, birth certificates, immunizations, and then, of course, the operation of animal control services throughout the county.
so we have had this agreement for many, many years with the city of Austin and you'll note in your backup that the agreement this year is a little bit under last year's agreement and has been adjusted for a variety of reasons, first and foremost some budget changes that have occurred at the city of Austin which has caused them to be able to reduce their performance.
so in the reduction of performance, there's a reduction in cost to us.
there's also the agreement between the city and the county to set administrative costs at 6.5%, which is a little bit under I think what we've been paying.
so this agreement has gone from about 2-point 9 million to 2.8 so staff recommends your approval.

>> I just wanted to address the animal control portion of this interlocal.
and first I want to thank sherri and her staff and the city of Austin staff.
as you know, we've had a number of issues just this year with animal control in the unincorporated areas.
both the city of Austin and our staff have been working very hard to address those.
one of the things, though, that I think is important for us to consider is as we are growing and the other municipalities in the -- within Travis County, some of them are getting their own animal control officers.
and we've done a good -- city of Austin working with us, we've just -- worked out a relationship with the city of Lakeway to deal with some of the problems in the area out there in the unincorporated portions.
but pursuant to that because we're having some good progress here, I would really like to move -- I'm going to put this in form of a motion, that we ask our -- sherri and her staff to work -- continue their work with the appropriate city of Austin staff and the sheriff's department and the unincorporated cities, the rest of them in Travis County, to look towards recommendations for improvement in animal control coordination.
as it comes under the umbrella of this interlocal.
and to have those recommendations back to the court by may of 2010.
such that we can take a look at those prior to the renewal of this interlocal in 2011 for the 2011 year.
did I say that right?
is that clear?

>> I'll second that.
and I think it really is probably on comprehensive approach to -- to all of us who have situations in unincorporated areas, period.
and I guess the nearest municipality would also have an opportunity to maybe even participate.
and together with the city of Austin, but I think the outreach of this because really we get calls about animals attacking all sorts of things, chickens --

>> we're not posted.

>> I'm sitting here thinking about it.
because the spirit of that is for us to try to work with other governmental entities, right?
in the animal control area?

>> look at the opportunity.

>> this is really between city of Austin and Travis County.

>> okay.

>> and the 2010 interlocal that basically is already prepared.

>> yeah.

>> I think we ought to bring that back.
that's a good idea.
that ought to be a separate item.

>> but as far as this is concerned, the posting is just dealing with and I guess sherri just dealing with the city of Austin, but I think that is something that --

>> can be brought back.

>> this posting is kind of between Travis County and the city of Austin, and a proposed interlocal amount.

>> not looking to modify the interlocal for this year at all.
only set the stage for possible recommendations for next year's interlocal, but perhaps that needs to be posted separately.

>> yeah, I think we ought to do it next week.

>> I move approval of the current interlocal.

>> I'll second that.
Commissioner, go ahead and second that because that's part of what you were dealing with.
i'll withdraw my second.
you go ahead.
but I think it's a good idea as stated because we all have issues with animal control situations out there in the unincorporated throughout all of Travis County.

>> this has been working fine.
we're just growing and we need to look at continued opportunities.

>> and I think it's a great idea.
thank you.

>> any discussion of the motion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you, sherry.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, sherry.

>> number 33 is to consider and take appropriate action on request to adopt order setting the Travis County tax rates for the year beginning January 1, 2009.
a, total maintenance of operations tax rate, b, total debt service tax rate, and c, total county and ad valorem -- county ad valorem tax rate.

>> good morning, again, judge, Commissioners.
jessica is passing out the wording for the -- or the appropriate wording for the motions required.
our friends a couple of blocks over revised the language again this last session and this is a reflection of the revised language.
for each of a, b and c that you have before you, the motions need to be read as you have before you for however makes the motion.
and so with that, we would ask for the m and o tax rate.

>> I move the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of .3517 for maintenance and operation, which is effectively a 4.3% increase in the tax rate for maintenance and operations.

>> second.

>> this language was provided by legal?

>> that's correct.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> I move that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of .0698 for debt service.

>> second.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> I move that the property tax rate be increased by the adoption of a tax rate of .4215 with a combined tax rate which is effectively a 2.98% increase in the combined tax rate.

>> second the motion.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you, judge.

>> number 34 is consider and take appropriate action on request to adopt order approving the Travis County budget for fiscal year 2010.

>> judge, Commissioners, you have before you the backup on the budget order that would adopt the current proposed budget that we presented to you this morning at a tax rate of 42.15.
as a part of that adopted budget, it includes the budget rules, a personnel slot list, the fifth amended revenue estimate from the county auditor.
we have not recommended any changes or motions to the proposed budget that you've received, and we have presented that to you for approval.

>> move that we approve the proposed order setting budget for Travis County for fiscal year 2010.

>> second.

>> I guess for the record here, I'll recognize Commissioner Davis.
since on this we have to indicate that.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
does that do it?
yes, sir.
thank you, judge.

>> thank you all.

>> thank you and your staff for doing an outstanding job on our budget in fairly tough times.

>> thank all the departments and everybody involved in the process.
it's been a tough year, and hold on.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 1:30 PM


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