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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 1, 2009,
Item 13

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Number 13 I thought we ought to surface and lay out for the public so they will know what is going on.
and 13 is consider and take appropriate action on newspaper advertise mentsincluding, a, statutorily required newspaper advertisement for public hearing on proposed fiscal year 2010 tax rate.
and 13 b, other advertisements necessary to complete the fiscal year 2010 budget process.

>> thank you, judge.
good afternoon, Commissioners.
you have three advertise mentsbefore you for consideration.
i'm going to let jessica walk through the three real quickly and then we'll talk about some of the specific dates that we have in terms of when the advertisements will hit as relates to fiscal planning.

>> good afternoon, the first ad you have is the public hearing on the proposed 2010 budget.
we will be filing that budget on Friday, September 25 and the public hearing will be on Tuesday, September 29, the day that you adopted the budget.
this ad will actually run in the chronicle and this ad will be submitted for publication this Friday.
the second ad is, I should note that the second and third are kind of out of order and I apologize for that.
but the second ad in your package will actually run twice on September 23 and September 26.
this ad will run in the Austin american statesman.
and it will be sent to them on Monday, September 20.
it will also run on tctv and the website, there will be a link for it.
the third ad will run also on tctv and the website, and it will run in the Austin american stateman on September 14.
and because of the deadlines for this third ad, we will require guidance on the proposed tax rate on the first day of markup, September 9.
i do want, and I know rodney will reiterate this.
but I do want to note that there will be a public hearing on that Friday, September 25, at nine a.m.
and as soon as it is a Friday I will go through and make sure your offices have that on your calendar.
it has been in the manual and you have known about it but I will double-check your calendars.
i am happy to answer any questions.

>> questions?

>> just want to point out that the advertisements before you do conform with the latest revisions for truth in taxation house bill 2291 as relates to the wording for motions anding the effective--referencing the effective tax rates.
we have run those through the county attorney's office and they have blessed all those ads.
so we are good to go.
a few dates as relates to these ads, again, as jessica mentioned markup is scheduled for September 9.
because of a scheduling conflict we have moved the beof mark-up start--beginning of mark jump starting 1:30 until about 4:30 on the 9th.
then we have also blocked off September 10 in case we need that time to conclude mark-up and we have the entire day blocked for that meeting.

>> is that okay with everybody?
i suppose Commissioner hebron will be at the campo meeting on the morning of September 9.
we looked at mark-up.
i don't know what everybody else marked on their sheet.
i didn't mark anything.
it ought to go fast this year compared to previous years due to the lack of funding.

>> yes, sir.

>> so I think if we give ourselves half a day on the 9th and we have scheduled the 10th also, whether we need it or not, it's there.
so if we, items we do not get to on the 9th, we can simply address the next day.
we may be able to finish on the 9th.

>> yes, sir, we will run quickly the agenda on the date of mark-up.
as you mention, there's very little to really discuss.
but should the court want to have some stended discussions we is--extended discussions we can do that.
we have an abbreviated agenda and it will be very quick unless there is something in particular that the court would like to discuss.
as jessica mentioned, there is an ad before you that we have to land on the proposed tax rate and the a vote on that action.
and we're asking the court to do that on the afternoon of the 9th.
one of the first things that we will do will give you an opportunity to get this ad in the paper and it will run on the 14th.
and again, that will run in the statesman.
we do have the ad that will be, if approved today, will be in the chronicle on the 10th.
and that is the notice of public hearing.
and that will run in the chronicle on the 10th.
we will run these ads on the, excuse me, the ad on the proposed tax rate will run on the 14th.
we will have the first public hearing on the 22nd at 9 a.m.
that is a regular scheduled court date.
and then on Friday September 25, we will have the second public hearing, and that is statutorily required for that second public hearing.
and take will be at 9 a.m.
friday, September 25.
we will on Tuesday, the 29th, we will have the public hearing on the budget.
and then finally, the proposed adoption of the tax rate and the budget.
and we'll have the specific wording for the motions at your seats as we did last year.
that is basically where we are.
and we are asking for the court to take action today on the three ads that you have before you.

>> questions?

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> motion by Commissioner Davis, second by Commissioner Gomez.
anymore discussion?

>> I want to let y'all know that the highlight the parts of the ad will be updated as needed.
that is why they are highlighte.

>> okay.
nal favor.
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.

>> thank you, judge.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 3:14 PM


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