This is the official website of Travis County, Texas.

Travis County Commissioners Court

August 25, 2009,
Item 21

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21 is to approve 12-month extension modification number 6 to contract number 03 t 00288 oj, appriss inc.
for the Texas vine services agreement.
we were asked not to put this on consent because there was some issue, and that issue is?


>> [inaudible - no mic].
on item number 8-i.
i believe.
we won't have funding on this until sometime after September 1st.

>> we did approve 8-i, but we can't guarantee funding.
this is a grant contract that's supposed to be on the way.
we approved the contract already.
so do we just need to approve this contingent upon receipt of money from the state?

>> that was my impression, yes.

>> will that get it done?

>> yes.
jose with the county auditor's office.
basically we can't verify funding.
the grant hasn't been signed.
in the past should there be an invoice coming in prior to the signing of the contract or the grant, then who would fund this contract because otherwise the problem would arise that we don't have any fund fog this contract.

>> okay.

>> it has happened in the past that grant was not signed until later on and we have invoices in process.
or should this contract be delayed until the contract is signed -- the grant, the vendor would be notified that no services would be provided until the grant is approved.
so we just want to make sure that -- where we stand before we get an invoice under this contract.

>> okay.
well, whether or not we approve the contract?

>> the grant contract.

>> the grant contract.
so we have reason to believe that the granto upon notification that the county has approved the contract will approve it and fund it.
but we don't know exactly when the money will be received.

>> that's right.
we've run into this problem every year, I believe, because this -- the office of the attorney general is on a different fiscal year than we are, but their vehicle starts September 1st and ours doesn't start until November first.
barbara probably has more details than I do.

>> why can't we simply approve the extension, but as part of the motion, not not incur expenses or pay until we receive the funds.
that the at least keep you from coming back, right?
and actually if an invoice were to hit right now, it would be kicked back.
on some of these, though, if the state says the money is coming, the money is coming and we believe it, then we simply advance the money until the state money arrives.
our current contract is actually good until the end of this month, until the end of August.
so we do have funding for right now.

>> I think we ought to approve the contract, tell them the current contract until this month and the court has approved the contract subject to receipt of funds from the state.

>> I'll second your motion, judge.

>> and this year is rather unique because it was the year to go out and recertify the vendor for the state and they didn't get their recertification process completed until the 10th of August that.
kind of pushed us back because I said I don't want my court to approve a contract for a grant that relates appriss and until we fund it we don't owe.
it's all falling at the same time.
there's no reason to believe that -- if you provide me with a signed copy of the grant, they've offered to come down and get the grant contract so they can sign it and get it back to us.
i think we can probably have the grant contract signed by tomorrow.

>> we can sign it today, but we still don't receive any money until we receive theirs.

>> contingent.

>> yeah.

>> but we reserve the right to advance the money to the state if it looks like it's coming, but taking longer than we think.

>> and I'm not worried from the standpoint of funding being here when we get incident voice, I'm more concerned about fact that if you don't approve this contract today, then our contract will terminate on -- before you have another opportunity to address it in court.

>> wee approving it with those conditions.
Commissioner Davis seconded it.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank y'all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:07 PM


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