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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 25, 2009,
Item 2

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Number 2 is to receive comments regarding a plat for recording in precinct three: schuknecht subdivision, a resubdivision of lots 3, 4 and 5, block a of the.
exa preslar subdivision, 4 total lots.

>> move to open the public hearing.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> good morning, the purpose of this redivision is to -- resubdivision is to resubdivide three existing lots into four existing lots.
the lots will be residential lots, we are not proposing action today because it has not been through zoning and platting yet at the city of Austin.
we have had a lot of inquiries about this plat.
ranging from would mobile homes be on the property, some concerns about the disability traffic, which it's one lot, one additional residential lot that's being proposed.
some questions about whether or not septic systems would work on this property.
and we do a septic review as we do with all plats.
and we just -- we had the public hearing scheduled prior to it not getting approved at z.a.p.
so this item would need to come back after it goes through z.a.p.
and I believe that's on October 6th that it will go through z.a.p.
at the city of Austin.

>> but it is posted for public hearing.

>> yes, sir.

>> today and right now.

>> yes, sir.

>> would then like to give testimony during this public hearing?
if so, please come forward.
if you would come forward, there, give us your full name, we would be happy to get your comments.
my name is pete rangel, I am a neighbor, a home owner there in bear creek part.
i was the homeowner's president a few years ago.
the reason why we are here is to oppose -- we are not really opposed but to bring it to the attention of the court that this person has -- has bought this property with three lots in mind.
when he bought it, he built a water well, and a big water reservoir tank.
and I understand that he was told by either the water commission or the fire marshal that he had to have his own fire protection.
because in bear creek park, there is no fire hydrant.
we have two major fires since July and in July we had a grass fire that burned two lots.
and here just recently within the last month we had a house burn down.
the firemen went out there from the manchaca fire department, the Austin fire department and they had to provide their own water, bring in their own tankers and this house burned town completely.
they made every effort to save it, but with the heat and the drought and the fire hydrants that are there, just flush fire hydrants.
we have no fire protection.
but this person that wants to resubdivide this, he wants to put four more homes in there and we understand the economic situation that his intentions are from what we understand is that he wants to build these homes for his children.
we can understand the situation because of the economic situation.
a lot of -- a lot of kids are coming back home and he's got this property.
i'm assume being that he's got it paid for.
the question that we have, at the neighborhood, is okay, are they going to use the water from his water system or are they going to go to our water supplier?
our water supplier has put real hard restrictions on us that we cannot use -- we cannot water.
we cannot wash our cars, they are like everybody else.
i mean you can see in the paper almost every day the city of Austin has just imposed a -- the restrictions to san antonio, they are filing a lawsuit against the lcra because of the contract, they can't get no more water from them.
and -- and that's what our concern is.
but yet, the other thing is, okay, is this man, when he built that house, I mean that's a nice home, don't get me wrong.
he -- I don't know what kind of septic system he's got, but he has gotten about half of his property already landscaped and all that, he did that a few years ago when he bought the property.
the thing is, he has put irrigations throughout his property and he has a real nice garden with a fence so the deer won't get to his plants and all of that.
is he going to tear all of that up or is that his irrigation field for the septic system?
i called the county and talked to them about this and they said that the -- if they rezone the lots, that they would all be over one acre of land, which is required by the county to have a septic system, individual septic systems.
i don't know if he's going to have -- he's got his own septic system, big enough to hold all of the houses, or not.
and then -- the water, is he going to be using his own water and he -- from what I understand, when he built that -- that big water reservoir for fire protection, he said that he would provide a fire hydrant.
we have not seen the fire hydrant.
the other thing is the people that -- that back up to his property on burson, one of the main streets in bear creek park, there's an easement, the county has at the end of black bear drive, and as it crosses burson to back up to his property -- and I understand that he asked the people, the neighbors there on both sides, that he wants to petition the county to build a road to open it up and build a road from -- so that he can have access to it.
well, is that going to be access to us?
is a road going to be built through his property?
from what we understand, he's going to have a circular driveway through his property and then use another man's driveway to -- so that the people, his family, can have access to get out.
and does the county have money to maintain that road?
and will it be access to -- to the rest of us to get in and out of bear creek?
because I know the county -- the county is hurting for money.

>> mr.
rangel, why don't we try to get some of those questions answered by staff.
a lot of these rumors are not part of the application today.

>> yes, sir.

>> but what's part of this application, we should be able to give you answers for.
so ms.

>> yes, sir.
septic system, let's deal with that first.

>> okay.
the septic system, mr.
rangel is absolutely correct.
each lot is greater than one acre.
it would need -- it will have its own septic system.
it's not a collective system.

>> okay.
one system per lot.

>> okay.

>> all right.
the other part that we have control over is the number of homes there.
there's one home there now.

>> right.

>> so this subdivision will result in how many more?

>> three additional homes.


>> [indiscernible]

>> there would be four total.

>> three new ones, there is one there now, three more.

>> one important lot.

>> that's authorized by county policy.

>> yes, sir.
and it's -- it's backed up by our septic regulations as well.

>> okay.
what about that water, that pond, that tank?

>> that I will need to talk to the planner about and verify who their source of water is.
we can do that after this -- after this -- after this item.

>> we can let you know what the plan is.

>> okay.

>> on the water.
the city of Austin is not the provider, is it?

>> no, sir.
it's aqua Texas.

>> okay.

>> they have got very strict restrictions on us right now.

>> that's why I thought it might be the city of Austin.

>> no.
i think they are worse than the city of Austin.

>> what other questions do you have?

>> I think that's all that I have for right now.

>> okay.

>> some other personal issue with the county, but I talked to mr.
brown and him and I are going to sit down and talk to him afterwards.

>> good idea.
let us know if that doesn't work out.
make sure ms.
bolin knows how to contact you so she can get you that information.

>> hi, my name is tracy cleveland, I also live in the same subdivision, 1402 black bear drive.
our concerns were are these going to be multi-family dwellings or are they going to be single family dwellings?
i guess we're kind of worried about once something like this gets passed, what's to stop them from doing duplexes.

>> ms.
bolin, answer that question.

>> it's proposed to be single family.

>> single family.

>> to change that, they would have to come back to us.

>> okay.

>> right?

>> yes, sir.

>> for us to change it, we would have to have another public hearing, similar to this one.
so there would be some notice.

>> okay.

>> and my next question would be what -- what happens when -- I mean, we already have several homes in the neighborhood.
what about the utilities and things like that?
like he said, there's already restrictions on our water.
so she's going to find out whether or not aqua Texas is going to supply or if he's going to use the well; is that correct or --

>> are we required to gain that information before we approve the plat.

>> yes, sir.

>> we will find that out and share it with you.
in addition to water, any other utilities.

>> yes.

>> any other.

>> okay.
i have one more question, sir.

>> let's let ms.
cleveland finish.

>> that's really the only question that I have.

>> mr.

>> who is responsible to provide fire protection besides the fire department in Travis County?
like our subdivision like I said before, we do not have any fire hydrants.
and aqua Texas does not provide us with fire hydrants.

>> okay.
is there an emergency services district there, with the volunteer fire department?

>> I'm sorry?

>> is there an emergency services district where they -- with a volunteer fire department or a paid fire department.

>> no, it's volunteer, manchaca volunteer fire department.

>> esd 5.

>> esd 5.
that's who you need to contact.
that may be your only one.
they do have reciprocal aid agreements.
if there's a problem in your area, other esd's could assist number 5, typically they do that.

>> they do.

>> primary responsibility esd number 5 with the assistance of others as the need areas.

>> you are concerned about flow, the amount of water to suppress a fire.

>> right.
the water usage because he can water, he has no restrictions as far as we know unless they are imposed by the edward's aquifer water district that he can use so much water per month.
but that's why our -- my concern is he can water all he wants to, if they don't tell him anything.
but yet we can't.
because aqua Texas --

>> that's the difference in your water sources.

>> right.

>> but ms.
bolin, with the resubdividing, is the applicant required to prove up sufficient fire flow?
for the structures that he's building?

>> not fire flow.


>> [indiscernible]

>> but usage of the water.

>> but water usage, but not fire flow, unfortunately.

>> right.

>> and --

>> but if you all use the same water provider.

>> we don't.
i mean, we do --

>> [multiple voices]

>> source of water, it's his thing.
but if he contracts with some other provider, the other provider will probably have restrictions that he would have to comply with as well as other customers.

>> sir, from what we understand --

>> ms.
bolin, find that out for us.

>> certainly.

>> let him know.

>> I have -- I have a planner waiting, you know, to meet up with them outside after my last public hearing.

>> we have some time.
because city of Austin has to act before we act on this.
we'll get you all the information we can and let you know when this matter comes up again.

>> okay.

>> okay.
thank you very much.

>> can I say one last thing?

>> yes.

>> I'm a little concerned about the location where was this is going to be.
we have a single entry neighborhood and it's right in the -- right in the front of the neighborhood and as far as traffic goes, you know, what's it going to do to our traffic flow?
because it's on a blind turn.
also, it seems like it's kind of in a watershed.
i mean I'm sure with the zoning and things like that he's going to have to meet requirements for that, right?
because it's right on the creek.

>> uh-huh.

>> is that the --

>> there is no zoning.

>> with the city, maybe.

>> it's outside the city.

>> oh, I see.

>> excuse me.
if I may inject this, right in front of where the road turns, his property is right across when -- if and when we ever get any heavy rains again like we used to, that area right there as you make the turn is under water.
it has been under water.

>> okay.
so is this county -- this is a county road that this is on or a private road?

>> it's bob johnson lane.
i think it's a county road.

>> it is a county road.
yes, sir.

>> your county should be able to assist you with that.

>> okay.

>> put that on the list of things to do.

>> as far as, also, the -- the drainage and things like that, because we have really terrible drainage in our neighborhood.
and that's the other concern that I had is when we put more --

>> I'm going to address it with -- because I'm -- I'll take care of that because it's part of my thing that I have with the county.

>> okay.

>> that I need discuss.

>> okay, all right, thank you very much.

>> anybody else?
for this public hearing?
if so, please come forward.

>> thank you all very much.

>> thank you, make sure we got your contact information there.

>> move that the public hearing be closed.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2:07 PM


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