Travis County Commissioners Court
August 18, 2009,
Item 24
>> number 24 is consider and take appropriate action on items related to the community development block grant provided by the u.s.
department of housing and urban development.
a, receive results of the environmental assessment for the apache shores substandard roads improvements project.
and 24-b is certificate of exemption for the apache shores substandard roads improvements project.
>> good morning, christie moffett, Travis County health and human services.
in program year 2006 and 2007, the Commissioners court allotted $805,000 collectively to improve substandard roads in the apache shores development.
as a result, we engaged a design consultant who engaged a subconsultant to complete an environmental review, which is required any time that you obligate cdbg funds to a project.
as a result, you have a copy in your backup of the report.
again, this is to improve substandard roads to bring county roads up to code so they can go on to long-term maintenance by the county.
most of the work is going to be done in the general footprint of the actual roads now.
so we were able to as a result of the report do what's called converting the project to exempt status.
you will notice in north ridge acres we had to go through a process where we had to advertise the results of the environmental review.
in this case because we were allowed to convert the project to exempt, we're not required to do that.
and so you have everything in the backup.
and so we're requesting that the judge be authorized as a certifying official to sign the exems paperwork -- the exemption paperwork.
what this action does is allow us to move forward once the design plans are complete to go out for bid for construction.
and so this will complete all of the obligations that the county has to h.u.d.
as it results to the environmental review for this project.
>> questions.
>> move approval.
>> second.
>> so by hearing your report, I guess we receive the results, then we read this and a certificate of exemption is what we execute for hud.
>> yes.
>> so the results are that the actual environmental report, it doesn't have any substantial impact to the environment and there aren't any federal regulations that we have to do any mitigation for.
and so as a result we're able to call that exempt.
and then we just need the judge's signature on that paperwork.
tnr and cdbg staff have reviewed the report and are in agreement with the results from the consultant.
>> okay.
there's a motion and a second, right?
any more discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.
>> thank you.
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Last Modified:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:07 PM