Travis County Commissioners Court
August 11, 2009,
Item 1
Item no.
1 is a public hearing to receive comments regarding requests to authorize the filing of instruments to reject the dedication and quitclaim deed of a 0.248 acre portion of the mansfield dam court right of way as dedicated through volume 771, page 543 of the real property records of Travis County, Texas and located adjacent to the southern lot line of lot 1-a of the resubdivision of lot 1, Sunday house subdivision.
that's the most thorough description that I have seen in one of these, joe.
do we have a new person or an old one working harder?
>> no, this is actually a legal description that needed to be read into the record.
>> move that the public hearing be opened.
>> second.
>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
>> good morning, joe gieselman, anna bolin is on vacation.
this -- I ask that the court not take any action on this item today.
we just discovered that there was a -- a lot that would be adversely affected if we took action and we want to make sure that gets resolved before the court takes action.
with that said, this is a -- the owner of the -- of the adjacent property, 620 commander's point has requested that we -- that we vacate a portion of this old right-of-way, about a quarter of an acre.
and -- and part of the larger -- vacation that took place several years back and it was inadvertently left out of the vacation.
we just found out why that was this morning.
because an adjoining lot takes access from this piece of right-of-way.
that is being requested to be vacated.
we can't do that until that property owner gets rights to access this property.
so for that reason, we're asking the court to go ahead and conduct the public hearing for the proposed vacation, but not to take any action today.
>> would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing?
if so, please come forward.
>> yes, sir, can you give us your full name there.
we would be happy to get your comments.
>> my name is bill hale, I'm one of the owners and the agent for the commander's point subdivision.
i guess my question is: what lot are we talking about that gets its access from this?
>> on the corner.
i will have one of my staff members come in to describe exactly what that is.
it's actually an adjoining subdivision.
when we went to search that subdivision we found the plat restriction on that lot required them to take access to this piece of right-of-way.
so we may still be able to work this out in terms of granting that lot a private easement over the area that is to be vacated.
>> so lot 1 a?
>> stacy sheffield, t.n.r.
it's lot 1 a.
the resubdivision of lot 1 sunny house subdivision.
>> we own that.
>> the problem is the lot is restricted by plat.
from taking access directly to 620.
therefore, that little piece of right-of-way would need to stay for this lot to be compliant.
>> okay.
this lot which we own was included in the commander's point subdivision.
and it's -- its access has a little been off of commander's point drive and not off of the old highway 620.
>> I think within a week we can probably work this out, if it's all right with you.
>> that's fine with me.
it's kind of a surprise since we've been working on this for a long, long time to have this come up --
>> I think we were talking about two separate public records, until this morning we didn't relate the two records.
>> okay.
i guess we'll be back, folks.
>> [laughter] anything else?
>> nope.
>> okay.
>> move that the public hearing be closed.
>> anybody else hear on this item?
>> move that the public hearing --?
>> closed?
>> closed.
>> second.
>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
one week long enough?
>> one week will be fine.
>> so item no.
14 will be back on the court's agenda next week.
and hopefully ready for action.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Friday, August 7, 2009 3:07 PM