Travis County Commissioners Court
August 4, 2009,
Item 10
>> number 10 is to consider and take appropriate action on agreement for maternal transport helicopter services between Travis County and seton health care.
>> this is a new one.
although we have a similar contract with another hospital, and you've approved that one as well, seton has just asked us that we assist them in this effort.
and this is with women who are pregnant who get in to serious situations that require extensive care and so they're brought to a major hospital here?
>> questions?
>> move approval.
>> discussion?
>> judge, I have -- I just have one question about it.
and that is it's not -- I'm not against maternal, you know, health care or anything like that, but transfer services with helicopters is just common sensibly a very expensive way to do that.
and I'm wondering -- I haven't heard anything why a helicopter is needed to take somebody to the -- to do this maternal health care.
>> it's the same way we use it in Travis County as well.
and that is this is the most critical.
these -- the time is of essence.
so what you have is like with the small babies, you have a situation of where a mother is in deep trouble.
and so time is of essence.
these people are coming from out of county and being brought to the intensive care unit.
>> instead of an ambulance?
>> that's correct.
we wouldn't be going unless it was a very critical situation.
>> okay.
thank you so much.
>> yeah.
there's a determination that ground transportation would be too slow.
>> okay.
so they would have to be life-threatening, something real serious.
>> that's right.
thank you.
>> is there a motion?
>> yes.
>> all in favor?
show Commissioners Gomez, Huber and yours truly voting in favor.
Commissioner Davis --
>> abstaining and the written document is with the clerk.
my wife is employed by seton hospital.
she has the written documentation to that effect.
thank you.
The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.
Last Modified:
Friday, August 7, 2009 3:30 PM