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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 28, 2009,
Item 16

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>> speaking of throwing in comments, mr.
item 16 b.
review and approve requests regarding grant proposals, applications, contracts and permissions to continue: we approved a on the consent motion.
b is grant contract with the university of north Texas for the health and human services department to continue the seniors and volunteers for childhood immunization project.
you had a question.

>> I used to attend what was called north Texas state university.

>> I'm a graduate of that fine university, mr.
i didn't know we had that in common.

>> how about that?

>> you too, too.
Commissioner Huber, too.

>> who else.

>> yet another thing.
what was brought to my mind is governor perry's deck perry dictatesabout forcing deay vaccines on girl.
the total information says that vaccines kill people.
i urge people to resist to use religious reasons or whatever, we're not on top of this kind of thing.
i think that it's part of this ongoing -- I'm sorry to say plan to kill everybody.
but that's just the way I look at it.

>> what's our perspective on this, ms.

>> yes, please.


>> [indiscernible]

>> [inaudible - no mic] I do appreciate there are many points of view regarding immunizations, however immunizing children continues to be a sound public health strategy that -- that this Commissioners court supports both in funding and in -- in practice.
as far as I'm aware.
and so -- so this particular grant allows us to -- to use a volunteer to -- to outreach to our community to ensure that children receive the necessary I'mizations that -- immunizations that we believe still make a big difference in their total health trajectory, if you will.
so I can appreciate mr.
reeferseed's point.
there's a lot of literature out in -- in academia and a lot of opinions about this subject, but we still believe this is a sounds public health program.

>> additionally, there was -- a recent federal court case with regard to parents who alleged that immunizations had caused their children's autism.
it went all the way to -- through the federal court circuit and I believe the expert testimony in that case is very enlightening as to the veracity of the so-called medical literature claiming that the city -- that immunizations could cause, could ever cause autism.
move approval of 16 b.

>> second.

>> travis, any additional comments that we must hear?

>> no.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you all very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:31 PM