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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 28, 2009,
Item 2

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consider and take appropriate action on contract modification no.
5 to contract no.
ps050216mb, hok, for professional consulting services for Travis County correctional complex design-build project.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, cyd grimes county purchasing agent.
with me is ken

>> [indiscernible] design build project at del valle.
this modification extends our contract with hok, who if you will recall it was the -- the firm that we hired to oversee the project and help with the design.
and -- because we have extended that project out to sent 30th of '09, there's an increased cost from them of $45,226 to continue overseeing the -- the construction until -- until we're done.
in addition to oversight and monitoring, in fact they have a full-time person on the project each day?

>> that is correct, judge.

>> okay.
we are extending the contract two months to complete construction.
our contract with them needs an additional two months, also.

>> correct.

>> or we can do without them, which is not recommended I take it.

>> that's not recommended.
they are really very helpful out there.

>> okay.

>> my question, I don't have a full history on this project, I don't doubt the need to have this oversight, but we've had delays and delays, we answer that it that there will be -- there will be additional delays after this, keeps extending the cost of this project and I'm just curious if we feel like this -- if we're getting pretty close to closure on this project.

>> yes, Commissioner, we are getting real close to closure.
we are 99% out there right now.
so I -- I don't anticipate any -- you know, extensive delays.
there are -- the current contract completion date is scheduled for August 24th.
it's the opinion of -- although faulkner says that they will meet that deadline, members of the facilities management and hok team aren't fully convinced of that, but we don't anticipate a very

>> [indiscernible] delay beyond sent.
september, we believe they will be able to get done.
they are within striking distance of getting the project finished.

>> one of the delays that we had, one of the contractors that was doing some of the security work, we had issues with, so that was a delay.we had to get a new contractor in there.
it took some time to sort out that.
that was part of the delay.

>> what's the source of funding for this -- for this amount?

>> it's within the project budget for the overall project.

>> okay.
let me ask this another way then.

>> what contingency did we budget, how of that is left.

>> the total contingency that we budgeted for the project is just under two million.
a significant portion of that still remains, we have used very little of the contingency.

>> this money would come from the contingency?

>> um ...

>> or do you all have secret funding in facilities that we don't know about?

>> well, we have a budget item in there before this, for the administrative costs.

>> okay.

>> and -- we are slightly over the original amount, just for administrative costs within the overall project, I would say, yes, this amount is coming out of the contingency.

>> what's the contingency, roughly 3 sners.

>> yes, it was 3%.
it was just under 2 million originally.
of that contingency, we used -- we used a little over 28,000, maybe under 29,000 for one of the change orders to -- to faulkner.
other than that, this is the only other amount that has -- that has come out of the contingency.

>> any more questions?

>> move approval.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> abstain on this one, judge.

>> Commissioner Davis abstains.
the rest of the court approves it.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:31 PM