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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 21, 2009,
Item 6

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Number 6 is to approve modification number 4 to contract number ps 0678970340 dg for professional consulting services with vannedderweil facility advisors, inc.

>> my only question, I don't feel comfortable with this at all with this continuation of this contract, and, of course, I'm just wondering how much staff is going to be involved with that as far as the consultant services that we are using.
my problem is that I'm concerned do we have enough adequate staff with the county that can actually go out and do some of the same things that this particular contractor is doing as far as looking at space a lot of veterans whole bunch of other things.
so I don't feel comfortable with this and after going through the backup and looking at this particular deal, it's no way I could support this at this time.
and so I just really want to show voting no at this time on it, judge.

>> okay.

>> my concerns.

>> cyd grimes, Travis County purchasing agent.
i don't want to speak for roger but this works ongoing -- the court approved this several years ago to do an entire inventory of our facilities and what conditions they were in.
and I don't believe -- I think roger probably has the staff to do it, but I don't think -- they are so involved in so many other things.
this firm also has a database system at their internet data end so roger and them over time can keep it -- if they are doing maintenance and making some of the recommended changes, that roger's staff then can keep an ongoing inventory.

>> the reason why I'm looking at this as we go through these economic hard times and trying to see if it's anything we can do in house instead of having to spend money, so I'm looking at all contracts that come before the county and see if we can redirect some of the functions that we do in house instead of dealing with them on the outside.
so right now I'm just -- I'm not able to support this at this time.
that's my pointed.

>> okay.
looks like we previously approved $218,000?
yes, this has been in phases.
phase 1 was done back in, I believe, '08.
it was about $70,000.
and in phase 2, you did another -- over 644,000 square feet of office space for 65,000.
then phase 3 was done this past year and it was about $14,500.
it was looking at the space at the jail and then this phase 4 -- or phase 3, continuation of phase 3, is to continue with another about 56,000 square feet of space for a little under $4,000.
i think this is something that, you know, like I said, roger and them might have the expert but they have so many other --

>> I understand.
i hope you understand and the public understands my point.
we need to look at all the contracts especially if we can do some of these things in-house.
it just appeared that maybe we are able to do some of this in-house so that's why I'm not supporting it.
thank you.

>> and I can't speak for roger.

>> I wasn't asking you do.
i wouldn't dare ask you to.

>> looks like we're adding about -- we're adding square footage to an existing contract of 3600 bucks.
move approval.

>> part of the work they are doing is going to be turned over to our consultant that we've hired and so it will save us money with them not having to go out and redo that work.

>> discussion?
all in favor?
show Commissioners Gomez, Huber, your truly voting in favor.
Commissioner Davis opposed.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:31 PM