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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 7, 2009,
Item 21

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21 is consider and take appropriate action on license agreement with manos de cristo for use of county building at 5335 airport boulevard.
we have a representative here from the --

>> good morning, roger l.
we left last time with the utilities still in question and they are going to come back and tell us if they can pay for the $3,900 or not to move the project forward.

>> good morning.

>> how are you today?
this is my executive director.

>> good morning.

>> well, I guess I'll be the one to speak since everybody is looking.
obviously we are a nonprofit and as you know the use of this building that we are asking for is going to be for our back-to-school program.
we do not have $3,900 to put into utilities.
obviously the more money that we receive as donations will be put into serving more children.
and, you know, that is the whole idea of the whole program.
so obviously we're not in a position to pay for any utilities.

>> what about insurance?

>> it does hold its own liability insurance.
i'm not sure what other insurance would be required of us.
i believe that as long as it's a manos function our insurance would cover anything outside.
i can check to make sure that the correct.

>> there would be a rider necessarily covering our building.

>> a rider?

>> right.
i don't know that our building would automatically be covered by your insurance, but typically you can acquire a rider.

>> okay.

>> for a temporary coverage of another place where you will be conducting business.

>> okay.
i can certainly check with our agent, actually one of our board members carries our insurance so I can certainly check with her and get an answer to you fairly quickly.

>> and I said it with authority, but I got it from ms.
perez, I believe.

>> yes, sir, if they have even deed your liability insurance for property, then we would just need to assure that Travis County is on your policy for that particular day.

>> okay.

>> it's a very minor -- if there is any cost, it's very minor.

>> yes, I can certainly have an answer by the end of the day.

>> so can we understand just a little bit more about the assistance that you provide?

>> yes, sir.
in 2008, I'll start by telling you this program has been going on for about 17 years.
so -- but I'll go back to 2008 and tell you what we did last year.
i've been the executive director for two years now.
i can tell you my history.
last year we were able to serve over 1800 children in grades pre-k through fifth grade with all of the great appropriate school supplies, backpacks, two changes of clothing, socks and underwear.
as a former school teacher, for me it's very important that each child has an opportunity to start school on a level playing field.
and as you all know, because I've had that student that comes into class wearing his dad's shirt that's four sizes too big and that student you know is going to have a rough year.
and then there's a student that comes to school well prepared and you know that that's going to be the student that you are going to get help from the home and parents are going to be involved, you know, and if we can set the child up for a successful first day, I truly feel that child will have a successful school year.
that's from my heart because I've lived it, I've been there.

>> okay.
a couple of questions.

>> yes, sir.

>> how do you determine what children are -- or what families are eligible and which ones are not?

>> most of the families that come to our back-to-school program are either already our clients or they are referred from aisd schools.
we send out a flyer before the end of the year to go out through their parent liaison that already know the families.
they already know who is in need.
the other thing is this, judge, some families go out and they are there at 11:00 the night before waiting for this opportunity.
i mean I know it myself I wouldn't do that unless I absolutely needed it.

>> so the goal is identify families that actually are in need.

>> are in need, yes, sir.

>> and if I may add, I know one of the concerns was the utilities.
our program where we have the -- when we have children coming through and their families, it's only from 8:00 to 12:00.
so that would be the main time that we would need to use that building.
of course, we would be in and out of the building probably in between sometimes, but it wouldn't be a whole 8:00 to 5:00 day because we have to come back to our offices and use our computers for our intake and begin to start processing all of the day's children and their families and statistics and whatnot.
we serve so many skills it's unbelievable.
and we even help -- last year we had casa children come and use us as well.
like she said, there is no yes, you can come, no, you can't come.
it's anybody who is in need of services, especially now there is a growing surge with the way the economic, you know, world is.
it's a harder time so we know there's going to be more children, there's going to be more need, there's going to be a vast need this year.
and I guess because of that we're just really want to go make sure that he with don't have those people that come at 9:00, 10:00, 1:00, 2:00 in the morning that sleep on the floor, we don't have to turn them away the next day and so no, I'm sorry, we can't get knew today because we don't have enough space, which is what we've done.
so we're hoping if we ever do have the space, and hopefully we can use it, if not, maybe we can form a partnership in the future where we can do this and start planning it now.
that way next year this doesn't, you know, we don't have to do that again.
just because it is hard to see that when you ask that first child and their mother or grandmother, whoever it is that's there with them, what time did you get here, to know not only are they going to have to go through the program and they are not going to get out until 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, they are going to have a bus ride home which could be an hour and a half to two hours.
and then, you know, hopefully by the time they get home they could have something to eat.
it's a really long day for these children because we don't provide meals.
they go from that night before to possibly noon or after without, you know, adequate sleep and food.

>> so in the past this has been done at the church?

>> at our building.
at our administration offices.

>> but our building is much larger than yours.

>> oh, by far.

>> it's probably at least twice the size.

>> at the very least.
and our building, the layout is not at all I guess conducive for the program.
it's very hard to get people in one way and snake them around.
we're just kind of running into each other all day long.
and we do it and we do it well still, but it would just be so nice to be able to move people through in a way that was very effective that we could get those people in out and fast as we can and get them served and set and get them home and comfortable.

>> how many did you serve last year in building?

>> 1800.

>> and you anticipate with this if the court decides to allow all these things, you anticipate what increase in that participation over 1800?
how many would you anticipate according to space allotted.

>> minimum of 2,000.

>> a minimum.
so you are talking about at least -- okay.

>> about a 10% increase.
and that is our goal, to be able to serve more.
and let me give you a example, this morning before we left our building because we also have the pantry and

>> [indiscernible] and there was probably 30 people in our lobby.
usually we see the numbers doubling every day.
that's why we're anticipating the after school program there's going to be a lot more need.

>> there are other agencies that do call, child protective services calls and says, hey, we know about your program, we just heard about it, can we come and pick up items for our children as well.
there are other agencies and organizations that try to use our program as well, which we are very happy to do because not everybody can physically come.

>> last week I asked the sheriff did he have any money.

>> we want his money.

>> [laughter]

>> have y'all talked with the sheriff at all on trying to -- to --

>> we did and I believe he made some calls but I'm not sure he's heard anything back yet.
we were waiting to see how things would play out.
personally I don't think that bill is going to be near as high just because we're not going to be in there all day long.
the majority of the students and people that are going to be going through are going to be 8:00 to 12:00.
and then like I said, as soon as we get the majority of people out, we just pretty much straighten up and we get back to doing the intake because we -- it's a really long day and we want to make sure we get all the information taken care of and adequately recorded before we go home for the day.

>> so roger, what would we have to do to prepare this building for use in this manner?

>> I think if they are going to take it as is, we don't have to do anything.
we just have to open the door and give them the keys to that facility.
and make sure that they clean it up on a daily basis and that's all.

>> so have we been successful at getting Austin energy to discount the utility bill for us?

>> no, sir.

>> no.

>> no, sir.
and I guess the other important thing is we don't have chairs or tables and you know that, right?

>> yes.
obviously we've been doing this and have adequately seated people as they come.
we actually have pews that somebody has volunteered to move for us.
i don't think that would be a problem.

>> we couldn't have any problem getting anything because the sheriff is helping us out so he let us know he will be making sure that everything we need is transported to and from the building.
and also we've got other community people that are excited about this and kind of waiting to see whether we have use of the building, design voice is a part of our neighborhood association or there are people part of our neighborhood association in design voice that are a group of architects and designers that are interested in helping us out, form a functional space and kind of find how we can use that space best using our tables, chairs and pews and anything else we have as resources.
and also they are there just in case we need to use our bidding as well.

>> [one moment, please, for change in captioners]

>> it occurs to me that the private sector might be able to also make such a donation in the future if not this year.
that also possibly could be a tax writeoff for them in regard to providing the utilities and the space.
so I hear what you're saying about us partnering.
it is unlikely that the space would be available for next year.
one organization I would suggest y'all might look into is the acre association, the Austin commercial real estate association.
and perhaps working with the chamber of commerce and reca about -- I mean, I hear all the time, you know, I live here, I give here.
let's make that slogan a reality.
i could see some benefits to the private commercial real estate industry in making this kind of donation.
where we are strapped in many cases as a governmental entity with limited resources whereas this might actually have some tax benefit for a private entity to participate with you.

>> I'm in total agreement with you because I know there are a lot of commercial spaces and things that we have to be also aware of is number one, is be near a bus stop because as judy said earlier, a lot of our clients --

>> yeah, I'm no making the suggestion to poo poo the idea, but if, for instance, y'all are unable to get the rider, that would be -- that could be a tremendous additional expense on the taxpayers, which normally would come through our regular budget process.
do we want to contribute x number of dollars towards this entity.

>> right.
and one of our things is the reason we haven't really pursued other things since is because we're still really trying to raise that money for the students right now.
we haven't even met our goal yet.
our pockets are not big.
that's why we haven't gone that far because we're having not trouble, but we're still trying to find time and people and energy to come into this program right now.
so we really don't have that time and energy to take to look for another building.
like I said, this is something that just came into our laps that we feel -- we thought could be a great thing and we're going to try it out.
and if it works out, then wonderful.
and if not, again, this is just a great stepping stone.
you learned a little bit about us.
we learned a little about you.
and there's something positive out of it either way.

>> one additional question, just back to just back to utilities.
do we currently keep the air conditioning on in that building?

>> we don't because it's not used.
we don't keep it.

>> how -- a large building like that takes awhile to cool off.
what kind of time frame would the air conditioning have to be turned on for it to be comfortable?

>> we have to turn on the air conditioning the day before to start to stabilize the place.
it's a huge place.
it's about 23,580 square feet.
but they're running on dx's, not on chillers.
there's separate, you know, air conditioning units.
and so it's going to use some electricity, that's for sure.
and that's how we do it.
probably at night what they have to do is turn the thermostat up a little bit and in the morning they have to turn it down.
the things have to keep on going.

>> do we use these air conditioning units periodically?
i would hate for us to turn it on the day before and find that we need maintenance on this.

>> any time that we have a request to use a facility, we go ahead of time and make sure it's working and turn them on.
and so hopefully if manos de cristo request is approved within that five weeks, hopefully we'll not have no break down on any air conditioning, but we have to maintain it anyway.
in terms of electricity, it's our estimate is that based on the other building usage, and what we could do is also we can read the meter at the time they take charge of the buildings and we can read the meter.
after that we'll see what the usage for electricity was and what the cost was.
all that we provide to you is an estimate at this time.

>> well, the insurance is probably more important than utility cost, right?

>> yes.

>> my own view is that this is assisting 2,000 needy kids is a big deal.
and my view is that we ought to assist, but it kind of turns on whether or not they can get insurance coverage.
in my view.

>> we can have an answer for you this afternoon, judge, and see if we can do it.

>> well, then my motion would be that we approve the request for a license to use the facility for the described purpose.
that we pick up the utility costs and that approval is conditioned upon the ability to get an insurance rider to cover the county property.

>> second.

>> in addition to that, judge, with just the understanding too that this is just one year, just this year.
because it may not be there the next time.

>> we understand and we are truly, truly appreciative.
as you know, we all have the same goal, and that's to serve Austin's children in need.

>> and implicit in this is that we take whatever steps are necessary to keep the utility costs as low as possible.
if this is approved.
which really means that it's cooled while people are there, but when they're not there, we turn it up to an acceptable level where it stays I guess habitable, but not necessarily most comfortable.
if that can be done.

>> certainly.

>> seconded by Commissioner Gomez.
it was a conditional license based on -- conditioned upon their ability to get insurance coverage for the building.
so it would be an insurance rider, which they think they can find out by this afternoon.

>> okay.
along with that, as I said last week, sheriff, I said do you have the money, he said yeah, yeah.
i want to make sure the sheriff puts money on the table to help offset the cost of the -- he stated last week he was going to help.
i'm not going to let him off the hook.

>> the other thing is that if we identify any funding --

>> any funding source.

>> for the sheriff or otherwise --

>> I'm not going to let the sheriff off the hook.
i told him I'm not going to let him off the hook.
he said publicly he was going to help offset that expense, so if your motion includes sheriff -- if he's still willing to go ahead and help offset that utility cost.

>> we appreciate any assistance he can give.

>> we're not going to let him off the hook.
i just cannot do that.

>> that's friendly.

>> okay.

>> I've addressed the license agreement and there was a section in there that said that the licensee would provide security personnel and that you had some kind of response on that.

>> yes, I already responded to the attorney's office and we don't need the security.

>> so we don't need that section?

>> no.
we have lots of security over there.

>> I'm going to try to redo this and just hit what we've done today.
that was the only question.

>> and please know that we have -- you know, we have a system for keeping people in order and trying to make sure that everybody is patient and I have a bull horn ready to go to fill people in when they need to be reeled in.
so we truly do appreciate your help and we encourage and invite all of you to come and be part of this great event.

>> and such a great program.
and as I asked roger last week when I asked him about the schedule as far as the county transitioning some future use for departments and things like that in this particular building there and future uses of future years, and I don't know -- I remember he gave me a breakdown last week of what that schedule would be; however, I'm just letting you know that this probably will not be available all the time to you.
so whenever there's any effort to look for another location to continue your services, I think that's the direction you probably need to be headed into.
as far as ample space that may not be available for you with the transition of departments and other things in this particular place -- site.
because it appears that you're going to continue to grow.
you've just added on 200 more people this year.
1800 last year, you got 200 more this year.
it's a big deal.

>> it is.

>> and you will need a lot of growth, space to -- it's a big deal.

>> it is a big deal.

>> for the record our liaison with the neighborhood association -- what's her name?

>> ms.

>> ms.
ward did phone me a couple of weeks back, they're supportive of the effort.

>> good.

>> okay.

>> as a matter of fact, she called me yesterday also.

>> [ laughter ]

>> tomorrow is awards.

>> thank you, martha.

>> all in favor?

>> judge, if the motion could include authorizing you to sign the license.

>> yeah.
we don't have it back on the agenda next week -- we'll have it back on the agenda next week so we can flesh out the insurance.
the other thing is I was about to say if this passes we'll ask roger to identify an appropriate line item in his budget.
if not there, we'll identify a source of funding next week.
can we do that?

>> sure.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
so if you will do that we'll have this back on, the nrks this afternoon or tomorrow, if you can do that.

>> who would I need to call?

>> I will work with you.

>> and please do not forget to catch the sheriff as you go out the door.

>> [ laughter ]

>> we'll do that.

>> thank you so very much.

>> thank y'all very much.
we appreciate the good work that you do.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, July 7, 2009 3:08 PM