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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 30, 2009,
Item 30

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Susan, are you here for the second revenue estimate?
30 is to receive and discuss as necessary the second revenue estimate for the fiscal year 2010 budget process.
item number 30.

>> good morning.
this is the first revenue estimate, we've got all of the funds together.
and as you can see with the general fund, we mentioned the other day when you were looking at budget parameters that it came up about $826,000.
we're not really seeing anything out there that would convince you that revenue is going to go up.
one of the key dates that we still need to look at is that when the roll is certified, there have been record numbers of appeals this year, and we need to see how those fall out.
and how that impacts the value as a whole.
go ahead.

>> morning, judge, Commissioners.
i'm with the auditor's office.
we do have the second revenue estimate for you today.
it's at 42.32 cents, which is three cents -- three% three% above the effective tax rate.
the general fund -- I'm not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, but it's awfully close to what we gave you in the first revenue estimate, so we're consistent one way or the other.
it's at 448 million with a beginning balance of 44.8 million, and that's a difference only of about 826,000 from the first revenue estimate for the general fund.
and the beginning balance is almost the same as to what we gave you in the first estimate.
the m and o portion is 35.31 cents, and that's 1.37 cents above the current m and o rate.
there are obviously very few changes from the first one.
we're still being killed by low interest rates and we're just assuming that next year it's going to be low.
i would point out in this -- in the second estimate, there's still some things to be decided as we go through the process.
there are some contracts that we don't know about normally until later in the budget process.
so sometimes departments and categories look exceptionally low in this estimate.
it just takes us a little time to get there.
and some of the things that we have in the current budget tend to show up during the year, so they won't show up until they arrive sometime in fiscal 2010, but sometimes that makes it look a little funny when you compare this year to last year.
the one fund and the other funds that we noted in the cover memo is one we're watching very closely.
that's the road and bridge fund.
fines and auto registrations are down, and that's really killing us, plus as you recall, about three legislatures ago they decided that the county's portion of the motor vehicle sales tax should move to the general fund and they gave us 10 years to do that, so every year an extra 10% goes to the general fund and that's great for the general fund, but that means another 10% goes out of the road and bridge fund.
so that costs this fund some revenue.
and it's going to have fun in 2010 because revenue is just -- it's just down there across the board.
those are the highlights.
it was surprisingly consistent to the first estimate, which was done in a much broader way.
we'll be glad to answer any questions you have on this one.
in the third estimate, which is due out I think July 22nd, we will have the risk management and the insurance fund in there.
they usually are not in the second one because we don't have the information yet.

>> questions?
thank you very much.

>> thank you, judge.
are we still waiting on residents to come down on 19-a?
you're here on 19-a?


>> [inaudible - no mic].

>> right.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:31 PM