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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 30, 2009,
Item 2

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Number 2, receive comments regarding a request to temporarily close imperial drive north and colfax drive in precinct 1 for drainage improvements beginning on or about July 13, 2009, and continuing through April 9, 2010, or until construction is completed.

>> move the public hearing be open.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you, judge.
this is a -- the public hearing has been set to receive comments for our proposal to close portions of the named roadways for the construction of a 2005 bond project which will address drainage issues in the particular subdivision.
there are actually three closures associated with this request, two of them on imperial drive, one on colfax.
there will only be one closure done at a time and we have received a few calls from folks out there, but they are supportive of the project.
they just wanted to make sure they would have a way in and out of their subdivision, which they will, and the detour plans are shown in the backup and we have explained to those folks.
they are very excited about completing the project at this point.
we would recommend approval of the proposed closures.

>> would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing?
we have one resident.
if you would give us your name, we would be happy to get your comments.

>> thank you for receiving imperial valley neighborhood association.
we are most appreciative of the -- the notices, the formal connection with the community, the visit by mr.
manila's staff and all in November.
this has been most helpful to the neighborhood and as one though that has lived where mosquitos get one inch or one and a quarter inches wing span, we're concerned about a few things along imperial creek -- I mean elm creek in imperial valley.
for instance, as you drive in from dan's barbecue, you see a -- you see the creek to the right and immediately if the creek is -- if the creek is right here on the bank just above the -- where the water would flow, there's a van.
been parked there for maybe five to eight years.
downward does really flood.
you know, we have seven homes there that flooding occurred and that's why we're most gracious, judge Biscoe, that Commissioners court helped to get a bond issue put before the voters.
we're most appreciative of that.
but we are also concerned about the -- the buildup and bottleneck of water that causes water to -- in the creek to -- it's not just the bridges that bottleneck water.
it's places where in the flood plain there has been a buildup in that particular lot that has the van on it in the 1990s, about 1995, the environmental and health unit did have to intersect with the community and stop because -- stop people bringing in gravel, and there was a gravel truck parade from dan's barbecue back to 183.
i'm talking about all the dump trucks were blocked and prevented from going past at that time.
and it's a talked about thing in the community.
that -- they had raised the level on that lot and caused the water to assume a new trench, so to speak.
part of it going into the herrera, juanita and jose herrera family home.
they -- we're hopeful that there will be a little bitten forcement action about those things.
the continuous dumping of materials in the flood plain anywhere along the creek.
the $2 million that the bond brought in, it lacks 25,000 of being 2 million, we're gracious, but we need the Commissioners court and whomever, mr.
manila, that can help keep those waterways open.
we don't in imperial valley have mosquitos with four-inch wing, we have mosquitos.
and not often.
as you know, central Texas don't have the problem that they have just a few miles off of the coast.
thank you for doing the hard work, the state work, carrying out the order of the Commissioners court and the will of the people to get that done.
is there any questions that I can answer?

>> this is kenneth kalm.
k-a-l-m, I believe.

>> yes, I'm sorry.

>> I know that you brought this point up

>> [inaudible] on the situation.
we are basically told the proper folks about that situation.
now, again, I'm kind of concerned because I had been under the impression that it had been looked into.
now I'm going to have to go back again and find out where they are in that investigation as far as trying to bring some relief on some of the situations that you told us about this morning.

>> as of this morning there is a -- there are standards, if you will, in the ground for fencing to be done and covered up.


>> [inaudible].

>> the

>> [inaudible].

>> will you talk -- okay.

>> there is fencing that is going to be put up across that lot that -- you see the post there.
and you see some of the boards being started in a fence.
i'm not an environmentalist, but I've lived in water where on 100 acres stayed under water three weeks.
i know what it is to have problems with water.
we don't have that in this part of the country but we do have flash floods.
during flash floods if you have the current -- a blockage.
blockage on the current, it's still going to hit juanita and her husband's family home.
they built real close to the flood plain.
part of the home is probably in the flood plain.
but once it's there, just like the baptist church is in the flood plain there, and they have done their due diligence to not go beyond what the county has -- they were all under review, red tagged in the '90s.
they had to spend close to $80,000 to help deal with the question.
and it's -- I think it's well done and I think that brother nelson there at the baptist church is -- I call him brother, but I believe he's a deacon.
i'm not a baptist.
i attended the baptist church every week for my first 18 years.
but I --

>> you may still be a baptist.

>> [laughter]

>> I don't know whether they have deacons or what they have.
i know that brother nelson, he's been at our neighborhood association meetings and we're pleased that Travis County would celebrate this

>> [inaudible].

>> if you would for me keep my office notified on the progress of this particular project as we go through that step by step to its completion.

>> okay.

>> so we can kind of monitor this a little bit and be ahead of some things.
but again, I really do appreciate the neighborhood association leader coming down and giving his testimony.


>> [inaudible] she took -- she's here.
she got wet this morning.
not as wet as Commissioner Eckhardt on her bicycle.
we're so glad that Commissioner Eckhardt chose the bicycle over the car because that assured that we got rain.

>> that's right.

>> thank you.

>> thank you for coming down.
appreciate it.

>> anybody else?
to give comments on this item?
this will be action item number 6 on today's agenda.

>> move the public hearing be closed.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
number 3 a public hearing to receive comments from residents regarding the proposed usage of community development block grant, cdbg, funds for the program year 2009 action plan.

>> move the public hearing be opened.

>> second.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> good morning.
maria salazar with the health and human service department.
i'm here to provide an introduction for a public hearing to get input for the proposed community development block grant projects for the program year 2009.
the community development block grant program is often referred by the acronym cdbg soiled be using the acronym throughout the presentation.
there's copies of the power point presentation on the table next to the door both in english and spanish.
first I'll give an introduction of the grant, then the program for 2009 and the floor will be open for comments.
i'll be using the power point as a guide.
first we received cdbg funds from the u.s.
department of housing and urban development every year.
we started receiving funds in the year 2006.
the overall purpose of the grant is to improve affordable housing options, improve community facilities and services and revitalize neighborhoods.
at least 7% of the funds must benefit low to moderate income residents and all of those residents must live in the unincorporated areas of the county.
eligible activities include economic development, public services, redevelopment, planning and housing.
ineligible activities include acquisition, construction or reconstruction of buildings for the general conduct of bidding and political activities in general, among others.
for the management of the grant we have a consolidated plan that establishes the strategic direction for a five-year period.
and an action plan that salvagees annual projects following the established priorities.
in 2006 the county established the priorities for a five-year period going from 2006 to 2010 and those priorities were water and sewer improvements, street improvements, owner housing production of new units, owner housing rehabilitation of existing units, infrastructure to support affordable housing development, youth services and public services.
generally speaking, this high priorities guide the proposed project for action plans but other emerging priorities are considered as well.
for example, this year staff reviewed submitted projects within the context of the economic downturn and weakened housing market giving consideration to medium priority projects such as home buyer assistance.
for the program year 2009, we're expecting to receive an estimated amount of $866,380 and we're recommending the following projects.
first home buyer assistance for the amount of $528,000.
this project will provide financial assistance to households to president bush homes in the unincorporated areas of the county,

>> [inaudible] and downpayment assistance.
this project will be administered by the Travis County housing finance corporation and it will increase affordability for 35 households.
second, home rehabilitation projects for $130,000.
and this one will provide home repair services to bring homes up to quality, housing quality standards and it will be administered by a nonprofit designated

>> [inaudible] by recipient and replace housing -- with less than $25,000 per home t third project we're recommending is street improvements in lava lane.
and this is -- this funding is in the amount of $60,000 for phase 2 of a three-year project.
this project aims to improve a road called lava lane located in precinct 4 and in particular this year's funding will cover the acquisition of right-of-way and project management time.
it will be administered by the Travis County transportation and natural resource department and will benefit 20 householdsen indirectly 1297 people that live in the block group.
the fourth group is a public service project and is in contemplation of an internal project of the family support services of the health and human services department.
and this -- this project provides social services -- social service work in the unincorporated areas of precincts 1 and 4.
and this would be -- it's recommended to be funded at the $35,000 level.
and the fifth project is a youth service program funded for $32,100.
this is flex funding flu the youth and family assessment program.
this program provides services to assist high-risk youth living in unincorporated areas by improving school performance and preventing them from falling into the juvenile justice system.
this project like the previous one will be administered by the families division of the health and human services department and is estimated to impact 30 youth.
and the sixth and final project is the administration of the cdbg grant for operating expenses in the amount of 81,282 for expenses such as travel, training, office supplies, advertising for the public comment and a portion of the salary for the cdbg planner.
and so those are the six areas of funding that were recommended for program year 2009 and program year starts October 1 and goes through September 30th, 2010.
to conclude, we're requesting comments to use on the funds that we're proposing for program year 2009.
Commissioners court will approve the final draft of the document that will be submitted to h.u.d.
in early August.
final versions of the document will be available to the public by August 15th and h.u.d.
will provide a decision on the submissions no later than September 30th of this year.

>> have we selected the nonprofit that will do the work on home repair?

>> we have not.
it goes through a competitive process.

>> okay.
would anyone like to give testimony during this public hearing?
if so, please come forward.

>> judge, Commissioners, gus pena, native of precinct 4, 2327 east 5th street and montopolis and, of course, other areas also.
anyway, one of the concerns I had and I brought it to Commissioners court and also to the city council is specifically travel.
in this economic downturn of the economy and also, you know, the problems we're having with funding at the county Commissioners court and city council and other governmental bodies, $81,280 was specifically mentioned for cdbg administration.
my question to you -- to y'all would be you mentioned travel.
one of the concerns the community has, there's been a lot of travel, a lot of travel that can be incorporated into local areas instead of going to washington, instead of going to los angeles, san diego, whatever, and gain the information that's needed in Austin and minimize the cost of travel.
could you explain the cdbg administrative portion of the -- of this grant at the tune of 81,280?
because it's not very specific.

>> sure.
most of -- I think it's probably about $39,000 is to fund -- and this is estimates.
this is off the top of my head.
about $39,000 is to fund part of the 1:00 planner.
and then most of the addmin costs go to advertising because it's fairly expensive to put the number of ads we do in the newspaper.
for travel and training, that includes us going to san antonio and h.u.d.
or to h.u.d.
in san antonio.
we have quarterly meetings there where we get updates.
and then also we go to an annual conference once a year, and that is sponsored by the national association of county, community and economic development.
and then the rest of the training is to support some committee work or any other opportunities that show up, but primarily we stay mostly in the area for training.
because h.u.d.
often offers opportunities.
usually if it's not san antonio, then it's fort worth.

>> when you mention training and travel in san antonio, I mean that's 82 miles away.
specifically what is it for per diem, gas, mileage?
what does that entail?

>> if it's an overnight stay, it would be for hotel.
it would also be for -- for per diem.

>> when I was with the i.r.s.
we did extensive travel but we tried to minimize to certain geographic areas.
you know, staying overnight in san antonio, I know it's not a hardship to travel back to Austin to come b I know it sounds like of -- for us poor folk, that barely have enough money for gas or barely making the mortgagor rent, people are questioning this type of travel expenditure.
and I'm glad to hear that the travel and training is minimized to actually maximized here locally in the surrounding geographical areas but I find it a concern and others find it a concern to go to san antonio and stay overnight for whatever.
i'm just voicing concerns from the community and how some of this funding is spent.
i know it's under the stimulus package funding.
if I'm wrong, please correct me.

>> this is the regular cdbg allocation.

>> whatever.
it still baffles the taxpayers as to how funding is used for travel when, you know, come on, overnight in san antonio, back and forth.
so I would like -- I would ask whoever it be to look at this and see if it is an appropriate expenditure.
appropriate verbiage expenditure that some of the taxpayers are questioning.
we try to minimize spending on travel and I'm glad it's being here geographically.
and the nonprofit, we're kind of concerned we get the names of the nonprofits that are going to be handling repairs after the fact.
like the u.t.
system, et cetera, after the factor school district, article in the paper we want to know whose going to be and who makes the list of whatever the verbiage is.
that's all have I to say.
it's a good program, but funding, travel, et cetera.

>> on the home repair, the plan is proposed at this time.
i guess after the plan is approved, then we will solicit competition for the nonprofit.

>> correct.

>> so if do you that kind of work, you'll have an opportunity to submit a proposal and be considered.
but part of these public hearings is for us to take final action on the plan at some point in the future, and that's projected to be August 15th.

>> that is correct.
that is correct.
but still some of the concerns, this is open court and I know you want to receive concerns from the taxpayers and how expenditures come about.
but also again I'll reiterate people would like to know who the competitors or competing agencies are.
it's good practice.
i guess they call it transparency now.
anyway, that would be a good thing to do.
thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> yes, sir.

>> just briefly, I'm ronnie reeferseed and I'm here to -- often to back up mr.
gus pena and his commonsensical ideas.
i was just trying to write down and listen to what you all were saying was involved with this -- what's covered under the administration, 81 some odd thousand.
did I mishear you that public comments are somehow included in that figure?

>> it's advertising.

>> public advertising.

>> and why does -- why does that have to -- I understand newspapers sell a lot of money, but is there something in the grant itself that demands that newspapers are used in that way?

>> yes, we're required by federal regulations.

>> okay.

>> and we don't use the Austin american-statesman.
we are -- we purposely target areas -- because we focus on the unincorporated area, we target newspapers that target the outlying areas to reduce that admin cost.
because when we were using more expensive techniques it was considerably more.
we've actually reduced significantly the amount of our advertising costs.

>> that's grated.
i appreciate that.
you say you pay attention to it but like community newspapers and maybe even community radio.
there's low cost and there's more and more community radio --

>> [audio difficulties].
or here lately anyway.
that's one thing to maybe look into if you wanted to.
communication network 98.1 fm.

>> media, we're getting a whole lot of static in here.

>> and I thought it was me.

>> yes, sir.

>> I'm kenneth kalm, psychotherapist, certified mediator.
and a person that has sat down with a cdbg-funded social worker and she visited with ms.
sanchez has been a single parent.
she raised three children.
when she tried to get a septic tank for her house, she couldn't get it.
she had not been able to hear anybody in close to 22 years dealing with the kind of thing that a single parent, mrs.
sanchez, this social worker, made the lady feel comfortable.
if it had not been cdbg funds, we need the kind of thing that you are passing on and I urge that there's this running -- the money is well spent.
so back off.
the public -- the public is in favor of people like ms.
sanchez getting heard, but taking 21 years.
if the notices had of been possible -- I've written grant proposals.
it's hell of a hard work.
so back off, ronnie.
i'm upset with it.
and it's time that this kind of bugging the Commissioners and bugging the public workers, we need support for the people.
and it's time for that kind -- I say congratulations.
keep doing the hard work, but we need -- we need the public not to be represented by ugliness and questioning every little bitty issue.
it's time that we worked together, not how can we use the bible to hit somebody over the head.
it ain't -- it's okay if you want to do that, but the american indians are dead.
they are sacred --


>> [inaudible] that remark.
i'm an american indian and I'm upset with that remark.

>> what I'm trying to say is that the sacred beliefs of the american indian have been ignored.
they have been protecting our society and the many, many years.
i thank you for the correction, but I'm trying to say that the -- the bible using people put an entire race into close to nonexistence.
it's well taken that you are here, but my university --

>> we're on a 2009 proposed plan.
any other comments related to it?

>> thank you.
no, sir.
i just trying to say that we really need to support the public workers and the Commissioners court in what it's trying to do.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> anybody else?
during this public hearing?
move the public hearing be closed.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
citizens communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
the following residents have signed in: gus pine I can't, ronnie referseed, norris priest and kenneth cohen, who was here I think on the -- are you here for citizens communication also, mr.

>> no, sir, I want to hear what

>> [inaudible] has to say.

>> okay.

>> judge, Commissioners, gus pena.
i have been coming to the county Commissioners court for many years, city council and school board meetings.
i will be honest, I also am a native american.

>> [speaking in foreign language] and I find it unacceptable to the prior speaker but I'll keep it professional but I'm a respectful professional.
everybody deserves the right to be heard.
i believe we are on support of 1:00 funding and this is the issue in the unincorporated area.
i have family living in in area and I brought this up before.
our families are big.
i'll leave it as that.
the issue is let's remain respectful and professional and cognizant of others.
90% american indians born before the united states of america.
i'll leave it at that.
versus, ptsd, job training programs, extensive and intensive counseling similar or more comprehensive than what was needed for vietnam veterans.
we're seeing partial benefits for our veterans.
our veterans need help in housing, housing homeless veterans, single veterans, and also housing homeless veterans with families.
veterans that are losing their jobs and their homes.
please support and appreciate our veterans and their service to our beautiful country.
please fully fund social service agencies that provide help, groceries, counseling job training.
the need is great.
how many times have I seed this before?
Commissioner Davis, you you've heard it from me, judge Biscoe, you know personal issues, but you know what, we're trying to help others as much as we can.
we would like to see more agencies become the full wrap-around services, one-stop shop, agency people want that they won't have to travel to different agencies, go on a bus, have three transfers.
it's difficult for people with kids and receiving issues concerning wrap-around services.
please continue to fund the summertime programs for the youth.
the city of Austin is planning to give away the program or redirect the program to work source.
i don't think that's good.
we know we don't have the funding but wee need to find the funding to keep our kids active and something positive.
federal statute.
patients with a bill of rights.
under president clinton, under president bush, the patient bill of rights was reinforced.
people out there if you are being abused verbally or otherwise by a physician or a hospital administrator, you have a bill of rights and it is a federal statute.
call your local congressman if you feel you are being abused.
we have some grieveous issues with seton so we're going to talk about that with our legal torn attorney, legal representation.

>> [buzzer sounding] last item and I'll leave it at that.
kids who are -- need to go to summer school, they don't have the opportunity to pay $178 per session.
aisd, please keep this up so kids can attend summer school.
thank you all very much.

>> thank you, mr.

>> thank you, Commissioners and gus pena.
i'm here to speak about the war and Ron paul.
i'm ronnie reeferseed saying I'm not here to back off ideas.
howdy, honduras, the elected leader of honduras, who favors absolute freedom for farmers has been thrown by our own inservitude to the so-called intelligence community.
i say so-called intelligence community because only biggotted socialistist christmas like israel and/or the united states think it's okay too high jack freedom so -- here's what happens.
when a democratically elected leader calls for absolute freedom for farmers as did democraticly elected leader manuel -- honduras' democratically elected leader, amazingly our very own secretary of state, ms.
felony hog wash traitor as well as our stooge puppet president obama pretended to support their freedom for farmers by backing democratically elected president elias rejecting the coup.
let us all hope and pray for the survival of the democratically elected president in honduras and how now the the time for president obama to prove me wrong.
obama can here and now truly stand up for freedom for farmers worldwide and lead the world by example against organized crime thugs.
imagine our nation truly leading the world by example, promoting absolute freedom for farmers to help feed our hungry planet forever.
to my cynical mind this all seems too good to be true.
let us all hope and pray that miss felony hog wash and president obama stand up for freedom of farmers.
suddenly our troops can all come home to help guard our borders, to help our nation.
today we have a standing army on over 130 other nations worldwide.
why would any nation want that interference?
in reality they don't.
that's why venezuela's president, hugo chavez, is admired by many worldwide as president chavez fear lessly rejects domination by the united states.
let us all join chavez in support of honduras' own democratically elected leader.
for more information I suggest you visit online 24/7.
here in Austin we have 90.1 fm radio --

>> [buzzer sounding] -- 11 to 3:00 p.m.
and please pay attention to the information so we can help save our world.
with love and joy.
thank you so much.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, judge, Commissioners.
while walking through the rain I thought of my good county Commissioners court and you are truly are the sunshine of my life.

>> [laughter] I have more information besides the weather.
of course, it is raining and that's great.
chief's decision as you saw in the statesman -- my paperwork is kind of wet -- it's a fraudian slip.
judge sonia sotomayor's decision was overturned.
the u.s.
court, supreme court civil rights case that supported new haven, connecticut firefighters, stating from that report no individual should face workplace discrimination based on race.
this decision could affect Austin and other employers' decisions.
this case has not only raised more questions in the minds of americans as well as Austinites concerning judge sotomayor's commitment to treat each individual fairly as well as our Austin city council.
the high court ruling shows that she doesn't legislate from a the bench as well as race I am not being tolerated.
fear of litigation alone cannot justify making decisions that are detrimental to others.
racism is never acceptable.
the -- jennifer Davis, the fox news correspondent's report on this matter is somewhat compared to a recent digs made by the city council concerning the lebehrs's establishment at the lincoln city.
we have decisions that are made even though we have a fine example and this court is a fine example of making decisions, we have decisions that are made that don't offer people standing, decisions that are made, oftentimes they are based on fear.
decisions that are made sometimes not looking at the law and just common practices, best common practices, but I am glad that we have a Commissioners court that have all honorable members, all our Commissioners and our county judge.
and I know a lot of people in this community say in large part and I would agree that it is our judge that operates a very fine court.
but I think that that -- that it also is in very large part of all of our fine honorable Commissioners.
you all are doing an excellent and wonderful job showing a clear, transparent way of conducting county government and it's the finest example that I know of in the world second to none.

>> [buzzer sounding] and I hope that we can transfer that to our city council.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr.
phil wang.
good morning.

>> good morning.

>> yes, I was just going to provide a brief update regarding the situation that you probably heard that we have had the first h1n1 related death in Travis County.
and again, the information at this point -- it was a 49-year-old male that actually lived in Pflugerville.
so there additional investigation going on regarding other situations regarding his health, health status.
but again, we've released notification yesterday and wanted to make sure you were aware of that.

>> that was in yesterday's statesman, right?

>> I think this morning's statesman.

>> I thought I read it yesterday.

>> probably was both.

>> judge, I believe you got an e-mail version of a press release that Austin-Travis County issued.

>> okay.

>> just to place a human face on it, our thoughts go out to the family.
the -- the son and the family is very good friends with one of my nephews.
so keep them in your prayers.

>> several weeks ago we were given a list of sort of everyday practices that might be helpful, and then they were kind of off the radar.
based on that article I guess we need to pick those back up, don't we?

>> absolutely.
and they are really practices we should always be implementing to prevent spread of infection in general.

>> there's been one death in central Texas, but there are other cases.
not a whole lot, but several I recall.

>> yes.
and actually there's now been -- this is the 14th death in the state and almost 3,000 confirmed or probable cases in the state.

>> okay.
and your last name is pronounced wang?

>> wang.

>> our medical director, Austin-Travis County health and human services.
we don't see you nearly enough, doctor.
good to see you.

>> good to see you.

>> thank you, doctor.

>> you'll see me again in a little bit.

>> judge, I think we have these signs up around this building certainly washing our hands often, sneezing into a sleeve and covering our coughs, and if you feel ill, stay at home, take care of the illness.

>> keep doing it.

>> one observation, please, and you are right, there was note of it also yesterday, but we need to remind the community and those that are most vulnerable that don't have the health care provisions to go to a clinic or money for a doctor's visit, in order to keep on giving updates throughout the country, throughout the world, we've noticed that -- we don't want to scare anybody, we just want them to be educated on the parameters and the effects and everything, but let's keep out the radar screen, as the judge says.
i think it's very important that the public know because they are going to say, oh, well, it's not that fatal.
bull, excuse my language, we want everybody to know especially the poor who don't have the resources and the safety net of health care to be fully aware and cognizant of the problems.
thank you very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:31 PM