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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 16, 2009,
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication.
it gives citizens an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
ronnie reefer seed is item no.
1, followed by

>> [indiscernible] followed by gus pena.

>> this is ronnie reeferseed.
senator article lynn miracle

>> [indiscernible] the evil truth goes back decades, including his own invention of the michael bullet, a key nugget of hog wash community commercial to the continual coverup of john kennedy assassination and degrees son and other crimes against our nation.
in fact specter's stellar career is a long time stooge cannot be surpassed by anybody comment in perhapses henry kissinger and papa bush who admitted to being in dallas for some unknown reason.
but now senator specter and -- has become a learning opportunity for all of us, both republicans and democratic parties good enough to the senator because they both parties helped cover up the jkf assassination, keeped marijuana illegal, blank check and veto forever servitude to that bigoted socialistic totality regime of israel.
in fact no u.s.
elections politician illustrates the fact that both parties have surrendered our foreign policy to israel more than specter.
single handedly proving the balancing of this delusional paradigm we have all been played as stooges thinking that we get any relief by voting either republican or democratic.
learning moment towards democrats who are finding it difficult to admit they somehow chose yet another war hog, another traitorrous corporate stooge for israel.
face it people, obama is a war pig surrounded by corporate stooges like geithner, larry summers, et cetera, the destruction of the middle class.
how many broken promises will it take for obama's people to face reality.
these questions and more are examined every day on 90.1 f.m.
here in Austin.
monday through Friday, 11:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m., Sunday afternoons 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
alex jones broadcast every day, info online.
in you missed the original broadcast.
support our troops and stop the killing and help legalize absolute freedom for farmers, traumatic brain injury recipients like myself can benefit.
i can testify from experience

>> [indiscernible] is a miraculous cure all for all mall laddies, thank you.

>> I am here today in case I get an opportunity to speak on the executive session item of the purchase of an ivr system for the elections department purchased at $45,000 higher than my lowest bid.
my company being the number one producer of this product in the united states, having approximately 80% of the marketplace and having 100% satisfied customers.
makes no sense to me that they would pay 30%, 50% more than what our bid was and I suspect there's -- there's -- as I was told by the department people, the fact of the matter is that the i.t.
department will do what they want.
that's my statement.

>> thank you, mr.
we will take that item up this afternoon if it's on today's agenda.
probably late this morning.
porter, do you think that we'll be that efficient?


>> [indiscernible]

>> we'll reach it this morning.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena.
judge thank you for your kind heart and leadership.
community action network, I was at the meeting that you and Commissioner Eckhardt attended the community action network, unfortunately that -- I arrived too late to appear under citizens communication.
one of the things that I wanted to tell the c.a.n., community action network, more intervention funding is needed for -- for ptsd treatment of mental health treatment because we have a lot of veterans as mr.
reefer seed alluded to the fact that a lot of our veterans returning with mental health issues, substance abuse issues and I said this for many years, even with our returning vietnam veterans, so -- so hope to catch the community action network communication portion next time citizens communication portion.
number two, please donate food to the food bank, especially food low on sodium, sugar content, fruits and vegetables.
a lot of our people behind this economic downturn, even so it is slightly improving, a lot of people have lost their jobs, difficult to get nutritious foods for not only seniors but for the kids, also.
we need to get them something nourishing to flourish, also.
and call the food bank for assistance.
i failed to notate the number down, but it's in the phone book or call 211.
please continue to fully fund and increase positions to employ youth in the summer jobs programs.
no cuts please.
city of Austin is proposing to cut and or transfer 750 positions, summer job programs for the youth positions to work source.
i understand the funding mechanism is not on there.
it's a shortfall.
but, you know, it's just not wise and prudent right now to cut any position for summer job program for the youth.
let's keep our youth active and positive, productive activities.
as I would like to say, let's keep them in organized activities and away from organized crime.
we are working with judge meuer and other judges in the d.a.'s office to make sure that we get more funding for the summer job programs to keep them active.
summer school started yesterday, June the 15th.
please keep careful driver, remain cognizant of the speed limit of 20 miles an hour or if otherwise stated.
we need to slow down even lower than the speed limit we don't want students or parent hurt.
last item please continue supporting and assisting the military personnel.
as mr.
reeferseed alluded a lot of returning veterans with ptsd, mental health issues.
families are losing their homes.
i hear an entity is now actively and ago agreesively supporting transitional housing for homeless veterans with families.
this has been left out of the loop for many years, also taken it to the last legislative session.
suicide prevention, intercession, a lot of people need funding for food, even veterans that have lost their jobs.
anyway, judge, Commissioners, thank you all very much for your output, outreach and keep up the good work, god bless you all.

>> thank you, mr.

>> if you are holding sign and slip number -- sign in slip number 4, this is a good time to come forward.
sign in slip number 4.
just got promoted from speaker number 5 to speaker number 4.

>> I couldn't find the speaker number 4 myself.
thank you, judge, Commissioners.
i got a call from judy gas mcgary yesterday, with the farm and ranch freedom organization, www.farmandranchfreedom organ www.farmandranchfreedomorgan ization.
this is about the nais, national animal identification system.
good news is that they pulled the funding.
the bad news is the reason they pulled the funding is because the nais is not implementing their program.
notice how these things are always called a program.
the constable, a 72-year-old or 73-year-old lady, that tased her, I think he should be brought up on aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, also aggravated kidnapping.
after all he did have a firearm in him when he placed her in his car so, you know, my recommendation for that is to fire him and send him to jail, maybe the f.b.i.
should check out his accomplice that thinks that he did something that was appropriate.
next item is our fire chief.
i talked to chief kerr, she promoted two lieutenants to assistant chief.
you know, when I talked to her on the phone, I -- I was her number one fan before I called her.
but after I hung up I thought, you know, she's crazy, she's nuts.
but you have got to keep an open mind.
i was talking to Commissioner Eckhardt this morning, I felt that way going to a transportation commission one time.
i thought no, you know, I kept an open mind I thought we should spend some money on safety.
but I think that -- that when I talked to her in person, I realized she wasn't nuts or crazy, just plain stupid.
i wanted to say Juneteenth is coming up, last Juneteenth I had to spend it in a church on the east side trying to keep a homeless r.v.
park out of the city that nobody in the city wanted.
so hopefully I can make it out to Round Rock and get some -- good to the

>> [indiscernible] ribs celebration they are going to have in Round Rock.
juneteenth is any favorite holiday.
i'm about diversity as much as I am about protecting lives and property.
this insane decision that our city council made with -- regarding our Austin fire department is most ridiculous and absurd, founded on no facts or logic.
i just think that -- that there will be some repercussions from this, long term will affect diversity.
they have also recommended cutting programs such as the training out at l.b.j.
high school for -- for recruiting firefighters and so this isn't about diversity, it's about power and control.
we had a fine man in the chief pool, that was hispanic that could have been promoted.
this is not about diversity, don't think that I'm not compassionate, I have sat at dorothy turner's kitchen table.
diversity to me is equal to anything.

>> [buzzer sounding] but sometimes you have to use logic.
i just don't think that the city council has a grab of what it takes to be assistant chief.
if they would get rid of their boards and commissions they could probably have enough money to take care, with the exception of planning and zoning the only one required by statute, they got rid of all of their boards and commissions we probably wouldn't even have a budget problem.
thank you.

>> thank you, mr.
dan mansour.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners.

>> good morning.

>> it's my pleasure to be here this morning and introduce jennifer

>> [indiscernible] our new united health care local on site rep.
she has been with us about three weeks now getting settled in.
so we thought that we would bring her by and introduce her.

>> good morning, judge and Commissioner.

>> good morning.

>> I'm jennifer

>> [indiscernible], I've been with united health care for 12 years.
i'm located over at at 101010lavaca, if you have any problems or Travis County employees do, 854-8779 and I'm there to assist you.

>> thank you.

>> you're welcome.

>> one other point that we want to remind all of the employees and retirees that the public hearing that was scheduled tomorrow has been rescheduled for June 24th, same time, 4:30, in this very courtroom.
so we have tried to get the word out.
we're trying to spread the word about the rescheduling.

>> for the record, that's not ms.
brindley's fault

>> [laughter]

>> we're trying to blame it on her.

>> [laughter]

>> welcome to Travis County.

>> claim denied then.

>> we hope to have a full complement of court members next Wednesday.
look forward to working with you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:41 PM