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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 2, 2009,
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next.
this item gives residents an opportunity to address the Commissioners court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
kenneth schneider has signed in as has ronnie reeferseed.

>> I'm from the northridge subdivision.
i'm so happy to see the water come n we finally got the water to come in.
but now I would like to see if you could get started with the sewer line, grant for the sewer and everything.
we all got water.
the whole neighborhood is happy about it.
our water bill went down from $100 to $20.
that's a big difference.
but that's the main reason I'm up here now and everything.

>> I'll be out there to get a picture of that water real soon, mr.

>> we got one on the end that's a car lot, and do you know anything about that yet?

>> no, sir.
is there a problem?

>> he said he didn't have no water.
they won't give him water over there.
that's the only one there hanging up with the problem.

>> I'll a try to find out what the problem is.

>> I don't understand it too much myself.
they said something about they can't come across 1325 without easements, but everybody else has water.
everybody has got water now except for that one lot.
but I would appreciate it if you would get started with grant and everything for the sewer line.
and then we will have everything real safe and everything.
it's been a long going getting it done.
i might be able to live long enough to see it go in.
i'm hoping so.
so if you could take and work on that for us, I would appreciate it.
i do appreciate everything you've done and the whole neighborhood really appreciates it.
because we finally got clean water.
it's been a long battle.
you know that.

>> yes, sir.

>> I said a lot of things at Commissioners court I don't like, I wish I had never said and everything, but at least --

>> I forgot the bad things, but I remember the good ones, mr.

>> [ laughter ]

>> they wasn't too good.
at least we got something done.
we did wake somebody up and everything.
we should have had this thing done 20 years ago, but nobody would ever listen to me.
you did listen to me and you did get it in.
and you your word like you told me you would keep it, and I appreciate it.
thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> hey.
hot digty.
thank you, sir.
i'm ronnie reeferseed.
here to say big got try is big got try in my humble opinion.
it is elitism.
ie both near universal conceptual disease that differentiates homo saip yes or nos, you and me, from all over hom noids as well as our biggest challenge to plantory survival.
elitism is a counterproductive to many, if not all human groupings.
not long ago we shared our planet with many primates similar to ourselves.
the fossil record illustrates that somehow neandrthals that shared the world somehow all became extinct.
perhaps our own human tendency for a dilution of ethnic superiority over all other ethnic groups was at least part of the mechanism used to extinctallize all those other primates.
now I believe our best reason for survival rests in the ability to let go of such delusions of human superiority to all things.
truly we have the potential to bring an end to all life forms on our garden planet in many ways within our lifetimes.
but we don't have to.
we also have the opportunity here now to see god's image of love and grace in all living things around us.
after all, I believe that human kind created god in our own image.
not the other way around.
more species of plants and animals have become extinct, forever lost over the last 100 years of human history than over the 100 million years it took for the death of the dinosaurs.
yes, we are the killer ape, in my opinion, we are still -- we still have a chance to overcome big got try to help save our world.
(indiscernible) the mistaken belief that all we have to worry about is what happens to us homo sapiens is ignorant of the fact that all life on the garden planet is truly interdependent.
it is similarly ignorant of what it truly -- what is truly needd for plan terry survival.
yes, our unique capacity to extinct wallize all of the life forms indicates our spocial responsibility to help conserve life.
again in my humble opinion, one life or another's real or imagined victim status from our own human his his try is absolutely the wrong path to follow for healing.
by got try is big got try either way.
we need improved outcomes for more equal opportunities for all.
by got try preference for the benefit of any one ethnic or religious group is inherently counterproductive in my mind.
learn more on 90.1 fm here in Austin, for example, alex jones, 11 to 3:00 p.m.
weekdays and 4:00 to 6:00 Sunday afternoons and/or 24/7 on online.
thanks so much for your patience.

>> thank you.
that does it for citizens communication.
the consent items are next.
and postd for consent is c-1.
let's consider adding the following items on the consent motion if you would like for us to discuss any of these separately, please say so as I call out the number of the item.
number 7, 8, a and b and c, 9, 10 --

>> judge, on 10, I kind of wanted to have stach lay out a few -- have staff lay out a few things on that.

>> 10 will not be part of the consent motion.

>> as far as I've got a couple of questions.

>> 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 a and b, but we'll call up 17-c.
17 a and b are recommended for consent.
number 19, and a within hun.
and and a-1.
all in favor of the motion?
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 3:42 PM