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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 19, 2009,
Citizens Communication

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>> citizens communication is next.
this -- this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda.
ronnie reeferseed is first, gus pena is second.
lefty fisher is third.

>> thank you, judge.
ronnie reeferseed.
saying hot diggity Austin, rejoice everyone, ob/gyn Ron paul has now introduced h.r.
the federal reserve transparency act of 2009 with over 100 co-sponsors in the house, which will deliver us all the freedom envisioned by our founding fathers." this piece of legislation is perhaps the most important of my career.
americans from all over the political spectrum are demanding an audit of the federal reserve and with good reason," says dr.
as we should all know by now, the so-called federal reserve is neither federal nor any kind of a reserve in actuality.
the federal reserve is a clot of criminals or preferred consortium of banksters who rule our world by printing or dollars and lending them back to us with interest.
who thought this up by calling those same bankster criminals who profit from the continual death and destruction inherent to us forever waging war worldwide.
hum, wonder why the rest of the world hates us?
forever hopeful, though delusional, peace loving bottom excusers are becoming to realize that forever waging war worldwide on the military tactic of terrorism helps nobody except our enemies, ie the military industrial media bankster complex of criminals and their stooges.
think, people, how does our policy of continually killing people in afghanistan, pakistan, iraq, iran, anywhere help serve our nation's interests, distinct.
let us all stop the madness now.
do unto others what we want for ourselves, peace and freedom be gets more peace and freedom, like violence begets more violence.
imagine a world where we stop killing people because they are inconvenient to us like the unborn or because we can't seem to agree with how they choose to live their lives.
hey, our own non-stop interventionism all over the world is much more inventors.
many people can't agree with how we choose to use our lives, do unto others people, facing reality and acting accordingly is easily and more doable with more factual information and truth.
a lot of good information and truth found every day 24 hours, 7 days a week,, online.
alex jones and others can be found for free on local radio 90.1 f.m.
here in Austin.
again, or 90 point 1 local radio.
every day.
if you miss it 11:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m.
weekdays, a continual loop of rebroadcast shows can always be heard on line at
check it out.
thanks a lot.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> mr.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena.
speaking on my own behalf, not from anybody else other than people asking me to bring forth some issues I will do so.
number one, dell children's hospital eight days, we were watching the Commissioners court proceedings, I want to thank you about bringing up the funding for summer job programs for the youth.
we can enhance that.
i asked the city of Austin also to try to enhance their programs also.
we have a lot of kids that are unemployed, we need to keep them active out of trouble, keep them in organized activities instead of organized crime.
the gangsters out there right now are soliciting gang members and kids that are juveniles.
you know they go to gardner-betts, first time out, slap them on the wrist, get probation.
the other, I want to thank you for that.
mijo was watching with great interest and mentioned you.
anyway, one of the things that troubled me in this situation at capital metro is that capital metro owes $80 million to the city.
now they are asking for $10 million in loan.
safety net as it called by mr.
hume, the c.f.o.
had I been in debt for $50,000, I go to the bank, I wouldn't get past the guard.
they would kick me out of there quickly.
i speak to a lot of people, drivers, et cetera.
i think it's about time we have a change of leadership at capital metro.
Commissioner Gomez you are the chair of the board at capital metro among others.
but, you know, I try to find the good in people.
i try not to find bad.
but the issue is this, how can we expect leadership to continue to not prosper, move us forward in a positive manner when we're -- they are not acting with wise and prudent decision making processes.
it's just -- just boggles me.
boggles me to no end and baffles me, actually, that we allow this individual fred gilliam to lead capital metro where we are going to further mire, I could call it something in spanish but it wouldn't be appropriate.
change in leadership, also.
i will leave it at that.
memorial day this coming Monday, I would like to remember or recognize alex my adopted brother, the last infantry man to die in vietnam, the army.
zavala allen junior high and johnston high school.
toby rodriguez a marine, served in vietnam, died in vietnam.
booker t.
lofton, a good friend of mine.
his sister, a.

>> friend of mine.

>> [indiscernible] Sam in spanish it's seed, ybarra died in vietnam, also.
hernandez killed in beirut by hood lumbers, they killed 150 marines.
remember our fallen heros, you have the day off because our military personnel died in defense of this country's freedom bureaucracy.
keep up the good work, have a good day.

>> lefty fisher.

>> thank you, I appreciate the opportunity to address the court.
the issue regards --

>> [indiscernible] request road, there were to be road improvements made to that road.
looked to me like maybe they were trying to repave it.
project started in December of 20082008.
we are still in the process, the mutcd has been ignored.
i was here in 2004 because of the way the county took care of its business on el roy road, it cost me $1,500 of which the -- the court reimbursed me 50% of that.
because they wanted to put fresh oil signs up, leave them up for months, eventually citizens quit paying attention to signage.
that's exactly what happened and my wife drove her brand new car through there.
not realizing there was fresh oil.
that was the only way home.
that's the situation we've got at fager quest right now.
they started this in 2008.
they haven't finished it yet.
i'm in the construction business.
we started a subdivision in February with a raw piece of land in Cedar Park called summerland.
we had a huge detention pond there.
we have completed that project.
we have put in streets.
we have put in sidewalks, we put in curbs, we laid water, we laid wastewater, we laid sewer, we dug a pine, we lined that pond, we put up electrical for that pond and the city can't pave two-10ths of a mile the road.
that's ridiculous.
i'm going to ask -- Commissioner Gomez has done I think all she can.
i at at this point maybe those fellows down there are ignoring.
i think if the court would come together tell those folks this is a priority, get it done, get it done in two weeks.
there's no reason why they can't do that.
i don't want any excuses about culverts or driveways or anything else.

>> thank you.

>> thank you, mr.
fisher, what's the name of that road again.

>> fager quist.
it intersects el roy road.

>> okay.
thank you.
anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 2:00 PM