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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 19, 2009,
Item A1

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A-1 is to consider and take appropriate action for nonprofits government certification form for the Texas department of housing and community affairs.

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners.
sherri fleming, executive manager for health and human services.
this is another piece that is a part of the movement of stimulus money through the system.
and basically this particular item has no fiscal impact to Travis County.
it is merely the authorization to various nonprofit entities that might be submitting grants to provide services within Travis County and that our certification would acknowledge that we are aware of their grant submission and the services that they seek to provide within our jurisdiction.
you do have the option to authorize judge Biscoe to sign each one of these or you may delegate that responsibility to me.
and again, it is not a commitment of any county resources.
we do believe under this particular grant opportunity there are several funding streams and there are several entities within the community that we anticipate making application.
one of which we've received from Austin Travis County mhmr a certification form that they would like for us to sign.
so in addition to your decision on how you want to handle that today, we would also request that this item roll one more week just in case because I believe the applications are due the 29th of may.
so if we can have this item roll one more time just so that we have this on the agenda if you chooses to delegate to me, you won't need it on the agenda.
I'll be able it sign.
but if you want to authorize this yourself, then we would need it on the agenda one more week.

>> remind me of exactly what we're certifying now?

>> we are basically approving the certification basically says that we authorize this entity to submit a particular grant proposal on behalf of our community.
and that the application activities will be located within our -- in this case in the county named in the application.
so we are aware of their submissions and that we are certifying that the activities will take place within our county.

>> move that we authorize the executive manager fleming to give such certification as appropriate.

>> second.

>> so basically that's signing the form provided by the state agency.

>> yes, sir.
and this authorization would be for this particular funding stream so we may be back in the future to have a similar discussion depending on the other funding streams that my require it.
so it's not a blanket certification.
so it's just for this particular funding stream.

>> ms.
fleming, just for my clarification, the discussion in 25, the second portion of that memo regarding the homeless prevention and rapid resource program, is that the same funding stream?

>> it is.

>> I want to brag on you a little bit because it's a pleasure to have a memo mexico from one executive manager in regard to his shop's collaboration where his shob is not applying for the grant.
it's simply applying backup resources.
and then yet another memo from another executive manager referencing back to it.
it's really just very exciting to see this level of collaboration.

>> we appreciate that recognition and we appreciate everyone's willingness to work together, because that's what it takes.

>> and again, I'm stressing that we're not getting money from this.
this is assisting others.

>> yes, it is, absolutely.
we have had county staff who have been providing technical support, but this will not be grant funding that will have to be managed by Travis County, but the community will benefit immensely.

>> it's really a great evidence of how we can be a helpmate to others outside our organization and within.
it's really great.
thank you.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 2:00 PM