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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 19, 2009,
Item 3

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Number 3 is a public hearing to receive comments regarding the adoption of an order to participate in the Texas enterprise zone program, to nominate golfsmith as an enterprise project, and an order to identify and summarize available local incentives

>> move that the public hearing be opened.

>> second.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
city of Austin reps?
others here on number 3?
we just briefly laid out what the request is here and the purpose of the public hearing.

>> hello, my name is sheryl willhouse.
the request here is for Travis County to consider an order to participate in the enterprise fund program.
additionally, to -- to designate a local liaison to work with the governor's office for the purpose of the enterprise fund program as well as to nominate golfsmith as an enterprise project.

>> okay.
we have discussed this matter three or four times and there's information being gathered, even as we speak.

>> a couple of orders that we need to consider.
first, is there anyone here to give testimony during this public hearing?
number 3 the golfsmith item.
since no one is here for this public hearing, can we lay out what additional we need.
Commissioner Davis?

>> go ahead.
i just wanted to -- if there's no one here in the audience.

>> I didn't see any takers.

>> well, I have -- before we close the public hearing I have a couple of things to say.

>> okay.

>> number one, I guess I have spoken with dusty yesterday, and then periodically through this process and my concern, even though we are looking at state enterprise zone, my concern was after looking at the ethnicity break down of the employment at that golf smith's, I noticed a very disproportionate number of african-americans in this particular case not being fairly employed.
they were kind of at the bottom of the totem pole when you looked at the structure.
hispanics were up in the high category along with the white.
the other people of color, asians and others we were very low represented, I think about 3.85% of the total employment population.
and my question at that time was that -- how could we improve, bring those numbers up, especially when you are looking at -- at disadvantaged area in a zone where this is -- this particular location will house itself, has housed itself.
of course aggressively trying to seek a relief through state enterprise zone situations.
and, of course, I want everyone to understand that the reason you basically are here is because of the fact that when the city of Austin had used up all much its allotments for the enterprise zone nomination setting, so -- so you are here at the county asking these things.
so my question is, this morning, is whether or not if golfsmith board of directors would be willing to consider -- a breakdown of the employment practice to -- to have more diversity -- not under the order that we are suggesting but under an agreement that can be arranged between golfsmith and Travis County to make sure that we get employment opportunities on an agreement type of setting, which -- which is outside of the enterprise zone setting.
and I'm just wondering if the c.e.o.'s or the board of golfsmith would consider something of that nature to make sure that we have an opportunity to -- to employ disadvantaged, economically disadvantaged area, persons within the area.
disadvantaged persons, period.
i'm just wondering if that's something that you could consider and is it possible to get with your c.e.o.'s or the board and see if they would entertain something of this nature, similar to maybe like a dell type of setting.
i heard that dell has some type of a setting that they have a -- a -- a formula, per se, maybe not a formula, but they have a diverse plan of how to implement diversity within their employment practice.
so I'm just wondering if this is an opportunity for you, golfsmith, folks to do the same thing.
that's my question.
kind of lengthy, but I just wanted to break it down so those folks that haven't been watching this soapbox opera with us, maybe they would understand.

>> thank you.

>> with us today is mr.

>> [indiscernible], director of

>> [indiscernible] for golfsmith.

>> who now?

>> Ron ivanich.

>> title?

>> director of h.r.

>> okay.

>> good morning, all, thank you for your time.

>> good morning.

>> the answer to your question, the short answer is yes.
through this process we have absolutely recognized the need to create a diversity program.
so that we can enhance our population within the company, improve relations with our vendors and communicate that both internally and externally.
the agreement, to believe problem that we would have is trying to make any sort of a commitment to specific numbers.
we recognize the need for in on -- and are prepared to do is to develop a diversity program, to partner with the minority chamber of commerce's advertise and local minority newspapers, which historically we have not done.
so the answer to the question is yes, sir, something we absolutely need to do.
we have every intention of doing.
i guess I need legal determination on -- as far as -- as far as considering something, an agreement that both parties kind of say hey this is what we'll entertain.
i don't know what else to call it.

>> okay.

>> is there another name -- is there another name for an agreement other than an agreement between two parties.

>> an agreement is an agreement.
you can call it a memorandum of understanding or you can call it a contract, but it's an agreement between the parties.

>> okay.

>> so that's what I'm leaning towards.
if you -- if you can -- that's what I'm leaning towards, something outside of the -- of the enterprise policy -- the enterprise setting that's already established.
this is outside of that.
to ensure that those employment practices for disadvantaged persons in the area are here in the county and you will be able to employ that.
that's what I'm looking for.

>> okay.
i think that -- that a memo of understanding can be reached.
i think that -- that within the context of that we can outline what our diversity program, our hiring practices would be on a go-forward basis.
so really it would be just a matter of reviewing the document that you are suggesting, make sure that all parties are comfortable with those commitments.
that notwithstanding, we absolutely understand the need to enhance the diversity in our workplace.
so we are going to target that population moving forward.
as a matter of course of action.

>> okay.
thank you, that was my question.
and concern, judge.
and -- it appears that there may be something else coming up the pike.
i guess the deadline is coming up -- what is the official deadline?

>> June 1st.

>> June 1st.
i guess --

>> if we bring this back next week for final approval --

>> all right.

>> we can work with -- with you on that.

>> yeah.
i have already started something.
so we'll -- I'll get that to you and we can -- we can --

>> okay.

>> I just have a question that I -- that I haven't had the opportunity to ask before now.
in the background material, it says golfsmith anticipates spending over 5 million in capital investments on the upgrades to its Austin facility.
have you initiated those expenses, capital improvements, is that money set aside?
because I know that not just golfsmith but the whole economy is in the tank right now and I'm wondering if those funds will be available for the capital improvements that are projected to be --

>> this is jeanette ramirez, I'm the corporate comptroller.
the answer is yes we do have the funds available to do that.
we could have specific plans in place that lay out what our intentions are with regards to these i.t.
so while it is our intention, plans to do those capital improvements, certainly getting some incentives from the -- from the Travis County would incentivize to move forward with those plans.

>> and for those watching the incentives would come from the state of Texas.
local governmental entities are -- are charged with -- with meeting some of the reporting requirements working with the local business.
submitting various reporting documents to the -- to the state of Texas to justify whatever incentives are given.
what else do we want them to bring us between now and next Tuesday to put us in a position to take action?
i'm thinking that we don't need item 41.
what we need is a finish -- to finish the rest of the work.
those orders have blanks that we need to fill in.

>> I think the only blank that we have is the county liaison.
deciding the county liaison.
i will check and see if there's --

>> this is an excellent volunteer opportunity between now and next Tuesday, someone will step forth and claim.

>> judge?

>> yes, sir.

>> we'll -- we'll do whatever the -- is required to be the liaison for this project.
so -- so that's what

>> [indiscernible] is committed to do.

>> we may charge the city of Austin to do that

>> [laughter] we take that to legal?
does the law require --

>> it can be a county person.
but we certainly could always use the city's help.
gathering information.

>> employment at the county -- although it's short.

>> I thought

>> [indiscernible]

>> good, there's such a melding between the city and the county that you can hardly tell the difference anymore

>> [laughter]

>> so we look at the employment information.

>> yeah.

>> then completing the other documents that we have sort of been working on.
and the liaison.

>> right.

>> the three main things next Tuesday.

>> yes.

>> okay.

>> I would like to -- to help on the memorandum of understanding.
if Commissioner Davis would like some -- you know, some -- if I can be helpful.

>> I have no objection.

>> anybody want to throw in and help, the door is wide open.

>> I applaud you for recognizing that as a policy deficiency that you all want to correct.
i am a little disturbed by the low standards that the state enterprise fund sets out.
but I'm very pleased that through this process the county has been able to -- to encourage a higher standard for our application process.
so I really look forward to working with you on that.
as it stands now, I understand $333 million has been distributed by the state t mobile, tyson's food, gulf stream, washington mutual a new defunct bank, ratheon a defense contractor and the u.s.
bowling congress

>> [laughter] and -- and I am a little concerned for the standards that are being used.

>> this would be the county's first effort.
last opportunity to give comments.
during this public hearing.

>> move that the public hearing be closed.

>> I have one clarifying question.
the participants that you have listed in the program that you stated, the enterprise fund program not the enterprise zone program.
there are two totally independent programs in purpose.
the enterprise fund is grant money that is given out to businesses.
as opposed to the enterprise zone program is a refund of state taxes paid to the community.
i just wanted to --

>> for locating is an economically underprivileged area, but that's then --

>> [multiple voices]

>> in the enterprise fund you do not have to be located in any kind of economically distressed area.

>> that is a point well taken.
you are absolutely right about that.

>> thank you.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we'll postpone action item until next week.

>> thank you.

>> thank you all very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 2:00 PM