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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 5, 2009,
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next, this item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to three minutes.
Commissioner Margaret Gomez is number one, followed by gus pena, who will be followed by ronnie reeferseed.

>> thank you, judge.
I simply wanted to take a few minutes to say that today marks the shep 147th anniversary of cinco de mayo, which commemorates the mexican arm's defeat of the battle of peubla under ignacio zaragosa getting seguin.
led by the general a small poorly armed militia estimated at 4500 men were alto stop and defeat a well equipped french army of 6500 soldiers.
so this is really one of those david and goliath events that happens throughout time.
the victory was a glorious moment for mexican patriots and it helped to develop a sense of national unity.
today we continue celebrating cinco de mayo, simply to remember the struggle that everyone has on a daily basis to act and speak for liberty and freedom, for individuals as well as for the entire community.
and I -- I simply overlooked putting this proclamation on the agenda.
and in -- in meeting the deadlines.
and I just wanted to make sure we didn't forget this date.
thank you.

>> thank you.

>> mr. Pena?

>> thank you judge, good morning, judge, Commissioners, gus pena.
again, also I will echo the battle not actually the independence that occurred before.
anyway I would like to add one more portion to the comments that Commissioner Gomez made.
liberty, freedom and equality.
I’m always about equality.
also a former eeoc discrimination complaints investigator with the department of treasury and justice.
I feel like we need to be treated equally, there's not equality out here, that's why we veterans fought.
but anyway s.h.
45, judge, I again want to thank you for being the chair of the committee.
I learned a lot yesterday at the committee meeting on s.h.
45 on toll roads and, you know, I -- all of us are environmentalists in our hearts, one of the things that we need to remember is remember the edward's aquifer.
remember the recharge zone.
the very important to protect -- protect the essence of what a human being is all about.
this being an environmentalist, a lot of people are, but this is one of these things that we really need to protect and remain cognizant of the comments and the words of the people that live in that area in southwest Austin where s.h.
45 will be heavily impacted by whatever construction is going on, whatever impact it is.
anyway, watches and cameras in the break room at capital metro.
what next?
it's time for a change in administration at capital metro.
I know a lot of people don't want to hear this, because even the drivers and -- fred gillian should resign.
an independent audit in transparency and trustworthiness in the top administrative level.
we also have spoken to various senators and representatives, they also are in favor of an independent audit by the feds.
be sure to exercise your right to vote today, Tuesday may the 5th, early voting ends Saturday.
municipal elections Saturday may the 9th municipal elections.
any questions call Travis County election division, 854-4996, we in Austin are voting for a new mayor for the city council position.
we have registered many new voters among a big number of veterans who we have urged to vote and 18-year-olds who are excited about being able to get the opportunity to vote.
social service agencies need more help.
we see a lot more increasing of poor and homeless people, families with this recession, downturn of the economy.
approximate possible all due respect, you all have been great, I have said that before, I just don't say it because I want to hear you -- for you to hear me say it.
but you all have been great as providing funding for social service agencies, as has the city.
but I think this elected body has been more forthright, forthwith in helping out the needy and have nots.
remember when you see somebody that's less fortunate give them a hand.
like jennifer gale, may she rest in peace.
keep up the good work, god bless you.

>> thank you,.

>> mr. Reeferseed.

>> thank you, judge.
and I would like to ditto everything that has been said earlier by of course mr. Pena and the earlier.
howdy, I’m ronnie reeferseed.
sick and tired of all of us surrendering or sovereignty to our once proud constitutional republic to obama's boys of bankster criminals.
over $14 trillion has gun to those bankster criminals like

>> [indiscernible] bernacke, curly, larry and moe.
the government says no you can't.
that means nothing to our very own controlled zionist media.
there are overwhelming majorities against all of these bailouts, against the evil war spasm, against our continually counter productive war on pot smokers.
and hemp enthusiasts.
here's what we demand peace and freedom, now in the future.
no says our mirage of a messiah, now he's against decriminalizing marijuana.
now he says we need more wars and -- against peaceful iran, against our ally pakistan and others.
and anyone israel wants us to attack.
of course we must keep on locking up behind bars over half a million non-violent pot smoking patriots.
who wins?
only organized crime thugs in their tag alongs like obama and the media and the the zionists cooks who rule the world.
twice on my birthday last week I was denied my constitutional rights.
for the first time ever my placards were stolen from me while visiting the boys room at the Austin city council, at Austin city hall.
that's right.
the manager of the building told me that my signs expressing my political beliefs were not allowed when attending Austin city council meetings.
I cannot imagine hardly a more appropriate place for my expression of political beliefs than during a city council meeting.
our founding fathers are spinning in their graves right now, then I was summarily thrown out of my local h.e.b.
on highway 71 west, h.e.b., 71 west, I was peacefully carrying around my two signs in my grocery cart and freedom of political speech is an absolute right.
shared by all of us.
and fought for by generations of fellow patriots.
now somebody other than me needs to remind the manager in the h.e.b.
on highway 71 west that freedom of political speech has been fought for and died for by generations here in the united states of america.
canceling someone's constitutional rights is not an option.
even when, especially when, expressing love of our sacred peace and fred dumb. on line, am election jones, Monday through Friday, 4 to 6 on Sundays, the campaign for liberty dot-com, rejoice people in -- in -- in ever so inconvenient political truths can still be expressed every day on line at
every day more citizens are learning how and why we can all just say no to those media bankster industrial military complex stooges.

>> [speaking in spanish] don't worry.
every day we win converts to the peace and freedom inherent to our very own sacred skruggs. and

>> thank you, anybody else design in for citizens communication?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 5:40 PM