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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 5, 2009,
Item 12

View captioned video.

12 is to consider and take appropriate on request from the Texas facilities commission for a reduced fee to use the Travis County exposition center parking lot.
the request is to waive the fee, I take it.

>> yes, sir.

>> before we cut the fee in one half.
we gave a 50% discount.
didn't that work well?

>> yes, sir, it actually did.

>> my motion is to do the same thing this time.

>> second.

>> that we reduce the fee by 50%.

>> 50%, judge?
we appreciate your patience this morning.
our problem is we're trying to make the facility self-sufficient and eliminate the public subsidy.
we're not quite there yet.
but we do want to cooperate with you.

>> yes, sir.
I wanted to request that we discuss this morning, if I may present that to you, thank you again for allowing the opportunity to be here.
I’m tom mills.
I am the risk manager for the Texas facilities commission.
one of the things that eventually in this program what we're doing with the rodeo is that this event was supposed to be entirely in-house event.
due to the fact that we're in the capitol complex and space is a precious commodity here, we were unable to provide that space in the most adequate space was at the expo center because this event is going to occur during the week and it's very difficult for employees to ask for their team on the weekends.
so it's put us in a difficult position.
one of the things that we talked about was a 260-dollar custodial fee to the expo center for the use of that, primarily everything that we need for this event will be in-house.
we won't need any additional facilities or structures for this event.
what we're actually requesting is just for parking space only.
we are actually bringing our own staff to this facility that will basically control all the needs all the needs at this facility site for that.

>> facilities?

>> we've discussed that, judge, and I think we're fine with it.
we've worked with these folks before.
they're pretty good.
they pick up after themselves.
and we don't anticipate any major damage.
it's for a time certain.
the 260 I think will cover any work that we need.
they're not going to go into any of the facilities or anything.

>> is that 26050%?

>> it's 50% of the custodial.
go ahead.

>> are we saying the same thing.

>> the first $100 was 50% of the regular fee of the ground rental.
are we talking about the costs for the facility, which is the custodial, which is 260.

>> usually we don't give any kiss discount for the actual -- any discount for the direct cost for custodial.

>> is this activity just restricted to the parking area?

>> yes, sir.

>> in other words, you won't have anything to do with the -- with any of the buildings, anything like that?
this is strictly just outdoors, using the parking lot.

>> yes, sir.

>> is that correct?

>> yes.

>> and I guess from what, nine a.m.
to six p.m.
for that day?

>> yes.

>> what's the staff recommendation?

>> 260.

>> that's my motion.

>> second.

>> any more discussion?
you can live with that, can't you?

>> yes, sir.

>> all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
thank you very much.
thank you for your patience too.
you see how tough our job is.

>> yes, I do.

>> especially keeping us staying on time.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 5:41 PM