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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 5, 2009,
Item 11

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Mr. Derryberry, what item are you here on?

>> I was just here for the legislative items.

>> okay.

>> on item number 11, consider and take appropriate action on request to remodel the first level of the ned granger parking garage to provide additional parking spaces.

>> good morning, roger el khoury, facility director for if flts department.
the parking garage, what we're trying to do is the parking garage is the first floor, we had a project that was funded on $59,000 and we finished the warehouse at 1600 smith road.
and in the expansion of the warehouse, we're going to -- we can move all the carpeting shop and the paint shop.
they are right here on the first floor of the parking garage.
and by demolishing the concrete, the elevated concrete and the offices and the breakroom and the shop, then we can provide 11 additional parking spaces.
this is also -- this also will enhance the safety and reduce the pedestrian walking in the first floor.
and jim will go over the project for you in a first second.

>> jim barr with the facilities management department.
the drawing on the board here is the existing first floor of the parking garage.
it has several temporarily constructed rooms in it that have been functioning as the facilities management carpentry shop, electrical parts storage, a break room, custodial and landscapers offices.
what we're proposing is to remove these temporary facilities.
chip out an additional floor slab that was put there to level out the parking garage.
it's pretty unlevel.
the new parking spaces would then occur along here which essentially restores it to the configuration that it was when it was built.
it would add 11 spaces and function as it was built.

>> would the people that are across from that space today be able to use those spaces while this project is under construction?

>> I believe they will.
the idea would be in discussions with the contractor, the idea would be to leave those original walls, the exterior original walls up where they're working inside there.
that would protect the passing cars.
the major demolition part of it would take place on weekends and off hours.
so they should be able to continue to use those spaces.

>> I think would it would be a good idea to identify them and give them actual notice of the project and when it will start so they won't be surprised.
sometimes those construction projects sort of get out of control in term of workers in there.

>> in fact, we should probably do that with all the parkers in the garage because this is the primary -- well, this is really the only entrance to the garage.
if you enter way up here, you still have to come around and use this lane.

>> if we do that we can put a sign there at the different entrances, right?

>> yes.

>> there's four or five of them.

>> we can do that.

>> I thought we ought to have it on the agenda so employees would understand the project that's underway.

>> I have a couple of questions, though.

>> okay.

>> we're always welcoming more parking spaces.
I applaud you for moving on this.
I think I heard the comment you made the answer to my question, but are we using outside contractors to do this?

>> yes.

>> okay.
is there a line item budget for this?
cost estimate?

>> yes.
the cost estimate on -- to do this project is $17,000.

>> is there an itemized cost estimate?

>> yes, there is.

>> I’m just wondering, you know -- I’m new at this.
from a Commissioner's court standpoint.
what the risks may be of cost overruns on this and how that would relate to the requirement that we do -- I don't know if it relates or not since we're funding it from sned, but putting it -- from inside, but putting it out for bids and are we putting it out for bids?

>> I think at this time it is a small project and we had like to utilize our minor construction and reno evacuating contracts.
we use them with all our small projects.
less than $300,000 we give it to them and they will do t we got the cost estimate from them about this project.
now, this project, there was no funding.
it was not budgeted in fy 2010 -- fy '09.
but what we're trying to do is we have a saving from the warehouse project, about like $22,000 plus.
and because this warehouse project is kind of like somehow related to this project right here because we're moving the offices and the shops over there, we are asking the court to approve the -- the use of the saving of the warehouse project into this project right here.
so it's going to cost $17,000, but we have savings of 22.
we would like to transfer all of that saving to this project in casey we have some contingencies, leverage about 3,000 plus.

>> so having watched overruns in other projects, which always happens, if the contingency of 3792 isn't enough and we exceed what you've got funded in there, where is the additional funding going to come from?

>> I think we can bank on some other project, but I don't think that's going to cost overrun because the dollars are not really on this one.
it's healthy on the $17,000 to do everything.
really we're not building things up.
we are demolishing most of the time.

>> the only time there could be a cost overrun on something like this is if some unforeseen condition is surfaces as you're doing the demolition.
we don't think that's going to be the case because we've investigated it pretty carefully.
and consulted with people that actually built this thing, which were southern facilities management folks.
the job order contractors, we have two of them in place.
they're compete odd an annual basis, so it is a competitive process.
they give us kind of unit price costs and then the two -- typically the two lowest bidders on that become a job or the contractor for this minor construction and renovation contract.

>> thank you for the education.

>> thank you.

>> any more questions?

>> move approval.

>> Commissioner Gomez moves approval.

>> and that they are able to transfer from the 22,000-dollar savings from the warehouse to this project.

>> thank you.

>> I second that motion.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, May 5, 2009 5:41 PM