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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 28, 2009,
Item 29

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>> do we want to take the -- do we want to take the livestock quickly?

>> yeah.
i was about to go to my office and call the sheriff's office.
29 is to receive notice of revised fee schedule related to livestock estray impound and storage fees charged by the Travis County sheriff as allowed by Texas agriculture code chapter 142.
i just think we ought to lay this out for the public so those who may be affected will know about the increase.

>> good afternoon, Commissioner.
we're here to provide you notice about four fees that we're adding to the schedule that would allow us to recoup costs --

>> you're francisco (indiscernible)?

>> yes, sir.

>> and your colleague?

>> I'm the sergeant over the estray unit.

>> okay.
sorry to cut you off there.
i wanted your many fans to know who you are.

>> thank you.

>> we are -- this will enage us to cover rofts when the equipment is damaged or the courts are holding the livestock animals.
these instances happen very infrequently, but when they do, we would like to have the ability to recover those costs.

>> okay.
and the cost increase is what?
for what and how much?

>> we have $40 for -- if the rope is damaged.
$20 for the halter rope.
$20 for the lead rope.
$140 for damaged panels and $100 for whenever the county horse is used in the case.

>> those are five new fees authorized by the agricultural code?

>> the code authorizes the sheriff to adopt any fees that the sheriff feels would help recover costs.

>> okay.
these fees are on the court's agenda today simply to advise the public of these changes.

>> that's correct.

>> okay.

>> yes.
and I got the answer I had posed to you earlier.
and that was if those particular strays or livestocks are not -- ownership of them have not been achieved after capturing them, then of course I think you say that the fees and things as far as your expenses and things that will be recaptured and recovered at an auction.
so they're actually auctioned off.
but my question was before -- my final question on that was where do you keep them at when they're getting ready to auction?
do you just take them to the auction yard and leave them and let them go ahead and deal with them and then they're auctioned off as far as the strays?

>> no, sir.
we actually have an impound lot out at our collier building.
we have pens set there and that's where they're manned while we're trying to find -- that's where they're maintained while we're trying to find the owners.

>> if if they don't claim them within so many days then you take them to the auction yard?
is that correct?

>> yes, sir.

>> when I was county Commissioner, we had a tract of land out 969, two blocks from a church, where we used to keep, I guess, animals.
do we still use that?

>> I'm not sure.
was that property belong -- was that like a lease type program?

>> it was county owned.

>> okay.
we do have -- it's at the collier, the east command center.

>> I know.
this was -- this would have been west of gilbert lane.
it's a tract of land that the county has owned forever.
i'm quite sure the county still owns t.

>> we can find out for you.

>> it's not a big deal, with you we used to keep horses, cows there.
it was really kind of more like -- it was pretty good ag setting, never used for anything else.

>> gilbert and 969?

>> two blocks east of the church.
east of 973.
on the left side.
so it will be north of 969.
i'm just kind of daydreaming.
thinking of the good old days.

>> [ laughter ]

>> you're not talking about the property where they built the new satellite station, are you?

>> no.

>> the old turkey farm?

>> no.
this has just an old barn on it.
and I don't think the barn is used.
but it's good ag -- it's good grazing land, fenced in --

>> I would like to know more about that.

>> [ laughter ]

>> it's there to use if you need it.

>> thank you.

>> it's good to know that there's still a couple of patches of rural in the county where a cow or a horse busts out the fence and you've got to go, you know, get it and put a halter on it and lead it back to the pasture somewhere.

>> I've always referred to as the Biscoe farm.

>> [ laughter ] I don't think anybody else did.
move we recess until 1 h 30.

>> did we take action?

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> actually, we're just to receive notice.

>> correct.

>> just notice?

>> thank you.

>> we don't want to take the sheriff's power.
recess until 1:30.
all in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:10 PM