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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 21, 2009,
Item 9

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next is item no.
approve modification no.
11 to contract no.
07k00254rv, stewart builders, ltd., for construction of new buildings for the transportation and natural resources eastside service center.

>> good morning, purchasing.
Commissioner Eckhardt you had a question on this item that you wanted to discuss?

>> I did.
my question is that it's difficult for me to tell from the backup how this particular contract fits into the overall budget and where we are with the budget.

>> okay.
good morning, roger el khoury, director of facility management department.
these are -- these are the items for 3258, it's a result of an inspection, inspection of the project is complete and those are the additional item that requested by the fire marshal.
which are 12 -- 12 emergency batteries.
and also -- also two fire

>> [indiscernible] that's why we bring it back.
we ask the contractor who finished the project to install these items and bring it back to the court.
it's within our budget, yes.

>> so the $5,119,455 spend on this contract is within the budget line items of this project.

>> > line item approve budget.

>> we are still within budget for the original expectation for how much this project would cost?

>> again approve budget and the modification to this budget, yes.

>> to this contract.
I’m asking for the budget for the contract for the entire project.
we don't have project codes for the budget.
for the budgeted items, do we?

>> yes.

>> we do.

>> we have -- well, we have -- we have project codes which are assigned through -- through facilities management along with the auditor's office.
I think what you are asking about Commissioner is the overall project budget.
for example, on a construction project, the overall budget could include design, the construction, the contingency, permitting fees and all of that.
so I think in that light we are still within that budget.
specifically, now to the construction budget itself, I don't want to speak for mr. Roger el khoury, but still within the construction budget of what 5% or 3% contingency that you put on top of that for change orders.

>> sometimes I think to answer the question on that, yes we are within the budget on that construction item.

>> is there a way that we could include -- we could include the -- the adopted budget at -- in terms of line items with the backup so that we could actually see how the project is getting funded out?

>> I think we can work on that, sure.

>> we could ask the departments when they submit -- when we initially have a project, from the bidding phase, we do know what the budget is.
it's typically asked a lot of times in the prebid what's the budget.
bipartisan tale give them a range.
once the contract is -- we can take on the executive summary, I will talk to cyd, purchasing agent, about adding a line to our executive summary that is construction budget.

>> [indiscernible]

>> I understand in most cases the modification is just because you are phasing the implementation with a particular contractor and therefore modifying.
it just struck me since it's modification number 10 the last one was exceeded the 25% threshold it just made me pause for a moment.
okay, 5 million.

>> okay.

>> exceeded the -- the 25% of the -- of the change order number for the Commissioner, added the two -- the two buildings, and the

>> [indiscernible] public assembly building which is in the 1,224, which was clearly over the --

>> [indiscernible] original construction.
so after that, you have to spend one penny on the modification to that particular contractor, we would have to come back to the court.

>> of course, I understand that.
that's why I’m saying because modification number 4 exceeded 25% and so all the six subsequent modifications therefore had to come to court it just occurred to me it would be nice if -- if we could have a little more transparency in the backup, it doesn't speak to me modification number 10, but everything is okay.

>> [laughter]

>> right.
we will work on that Commissioner.

>> all right.

>> let's move approval.

>> second?
all those in favor?

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 4:11 PM