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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 14, 2009,
Item 17

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Number 17 is to consider appropriate action regarding space for the information and telecommunications systems department.

>> yes, sir.
this item is really a carryover from last year's budget and it has to do with the need for expansion space for its and some other departments on the fifth floor, and the proposal that is put before you proposes moving applications -- individuals from applications development and the identity management team out of the fifth floor space and into ninth street lease space.
and leslie or roger, I am going to have you go ahead and provide the details of how many we move and --

>> I would -- leslie and I will answer any questions.

>> the identity management department, or team, has 13 people.
and the -- I am sorry, that is the application development, applications development has 13 and identity management has three staff, one of whom is new fte, and then they also need space for our contractors who work with them into girly, the work effort, so they needed a total of five spaces, but those two contracts are offices and the one new identity management staff are not existing spaces, so the spaces that are moving out of the existing granger building would be the two identity management existing staff and the 13 existing applications development staff and two of the applications development staff right now are being housed in a conference room.
and they will occupy the fourth floor of 205 west ninth street that has a rentable area of approximately 6,370 square feet.
when you work out the actual tenant area, it is a a little bit under 5,000 square feet.
when the -- when they move in, the space will be almost completely used, but -- and they are moving -- planning to move in as is, which is one reason why the rent rate that was achieved is economical.
in the future, if there were need to maximize the occupancy of that floor with the minor amount of remodeling at the floor fourth floor of ninth street, four or five more people approximately could fit in there, considering they are compatible to the teams being located over there.
when we moved people out of the granger fifth floor that makes space available to meet current several needs.
the first need is that its new staff needs space on that floor.
that would be two new fte for the its backs team and one new its fte for the b fit back fill component that were approved last year.
besides the space being assigned to -- or being retained and reconfigured for its use, we are going to be able to increase actually the number of what I would call seats or desks on the fifth floor because part of the space that is moving away is an open teamwork area that doesn't have people sit in it permanently.
they come and go and have working meetings together with the staff.
that is one of the functions moving to the lease spaces, will be able to put four cubicles into that open work space they call the scrum area and they will be able to increase the seating capacity in that effect and they will be able to consolidate its over into the main part of their suite on the floor and permit some of the space that is on the fringes of its's domain on the fifth floor to be reassigned to other people who need more space.
currently proposed for four offices in the suite adjacent to pbo, be assigned to pbo now for current use, to create a conference room, which they have none in their department.
a file room, which is well needed, and they have a situation where two people are currently sharing an office and they -- both people need a private office so they would be able to accommodate that need.
it does not provide any future expansion space for them but just addressed current need and then also be able to provide one more office for the intergovernmental relations team.
currently they have a couple of people using a conference room.
that would -- so the conference room is not available for conference use, using executive manager's suite and it is a conference room that is used pretty frequently on the floor, when it is available.

>> where would that one office be?

>> in your backup, there is a colored map.

>> okay.

>> and on the back page of the backup, and you can see in the middle of the floor plan, where it is blue, it shows the two offices existing, intergovernmental relations department and the adjacent office which is currently entered by a short hallway coming off of the long back hallway, we would change the door around so that that office would be entered through the same center suite area of the executive manager suite so the three intergovernmental officers could work together.

>> okay.
roger and sherry now use that room, right?

>> no.
we are proposing another office would be used for the executive managers visiting office and that is marked em on the plan, the pink outline.
we picked that one because it is close to the hallway for them to be available and accessible to whoever they need to meet with on the floor.
and, also, should the need for that third office by intergovernmental relations turn out to be a variable need, of course then that office would be available for use as a second executive manager visiting officer, and there are three executive managers who do not have offices in this building, so it is reasonable that they would be able to use it.

>> it would be like a swing office, when it did not have interns, then sherry and roger or danny could go into that office.

>> so where -- is our special assistant, mr.
smith, where is he?

>> where he is still?

>> we didn't kick him out of county space, did we?

>> no, he is still where he is, so there is no change so I didn't mark him on the plan.

>> okay.

>> the -- the -- we are proposing to move the its to west ninth street to lease costs on that is about 46,754.
43,795 is the actual lease amount on the rate of $16.50s rentable square foot and 2,960 move them there so total is 43,754 and we are proposing to fund it interpretly from the lease account and the reason we have money on the lease account as you know, during this year we had to cancel 40 parking spaces in one of the parking garage and another 40 spaces down here at the 11th street next to 111 knew way neces, so we have enough we will choose for the lease this coming year -- and we will put it in the budget for next year for about $108,000 for the least for next year.

>> so for the funding for fy '09 for the total move and any additions including lease cost would be 86,504 and you can find that on page two of your memorandum.
we can fund that internally this year, between its and facilities management and fy '10 you would see a cost of about 108,000 annual lease costs and that is at 1650 square foot, which is very, very good for the central business district but we have worked with mr.
woodington for quite some time and we just located the office -- the legal office for child protective services in this same building, so -- and we have no significant changes or additions to what is there now so we has given us a relatively good rate.

>> questions?
move approval.

>> second.

>> any discussion on the motion?
all those in favor?
this passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

>> thank y'all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2:20 PM