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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 14, 2009,
Item 2

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consider and take appropriate action on extending the Travis County drought disaster declaration.

>> last week the court voted to approve a disaster declaration regarding the drought conditions here in Travis County.
s that information was transmitted to the governor's office and also to all of our legislative delegation as instructed.
now, the -- bylaw that declaration is good for seven days and -- until extended by the governing body which is the Commissioners court.
you have the option of extending it for -- for 20 days, 30 days or just extending it until such time is -- we are prepared to lift it.
that would be our recommendation at this point in time, the order that you have before you is an order that extends the drought until lifted by the Commissioners court.
and -- and that would be our recommendation that you approve that.

>> second.

>> okay.
the law requires that if the Commissioners court puts this order in place, only the Commissioners court can lift it.

>> correct, right.

>> one gentleman I had an e-mail debate over that issue, but the court puts the order in place, the court lifts it.
that's the motion.
the county judge has the authority to sign a disaster declaration at any time based on eminent threat of life or property.
it is good for seven days until either ratified or approved by the governing body.
if it isn't, then the disaster declaration actually just -- just is no longer in effect.
we're asking put this in effect and extend it until such time as we are no longer in that exceptional or, you know, considered drought area and then we will bring an order back to you.

>> I would like to thank you for -- for the previous action on the -- on probably the court's direction to mail the -- the elected officials that we requested on this disaster declaration.
they have -- of course I really appreciate you, the court really appreciates you doing that.

>> you're welcome.

>> pete, can you also again describe for us those that are viewing what the disaster declaration could get for us?
and those who are suffering under the drought.

>> the disaster declaration, if declared presidential, by the -- by the u.s.
department of agriculture could open up some financial assistance and additional financial programs.
however, there are current financial programs available because we have been under a farm service administration drought for the last two years.
there are some financial services available right now.
and our recommendation has always been to go ahead and contact our farm service agency to see if you qualify because some of those are very specific.
one, I know for sure is like for water that the -- that the farm service administration has the authority to pay for like half the cost of water for -- for livestock but not for irrigation.
so there's some specifics in there and so so people, if they are interested in seeing what's available currently they need to ask for it.
if we get it, then we need to make sure that this information is -- is transferred to everyone who might have an interest in seeking loans or some other assistance.

>> also, did -- if you had -- actually, it was the agricultural extension office, that had provided us with some statistics on the effects of the drought on agriculture inside Travis County.
could we -- could we get those again in writing?
they were given to us verbally in testimony.
but it would be nice to have --

>> I will ask to see if they can get that put in writing for us and everything because, like I said, in -- within the farm service administration, all they are required to do is show at least a 30% loss in one crop.
in a county to be able to submit the report on up to the usda and request assistance.
i believe they stated last week we had like a 90% loss in our winter grazing oats due to the fact that we had no rain.
that was all they needed to be able to send that.
i know they are in the process of trying to collect some of that other data, I will pass that along, ask them to send what they have.

>> I really appreciate it.

>> all in favor of the motion?
that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 2:20 PM