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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 31, 2009,
Item 21

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Now, we left two items that we did not discuss earlier today, and one of them is a matter involving 21, which is approve modification number 3 to contract number ps080190re, evergreen solutions llc, for compensation analysis services.

>> Commissioners.

>> how are you doing?

>> this is a modification to extend -- to provide additional services from evergreen on your backup, we included the list of the work that they would be doing.
it was 12 meetings -- or ten one-day meetings and I leave that alicia sent out additional information for y'all this afternoon that sort of gave a better explanation of what all they would be doing.

>> okay.
when I look at the dates, and I want -- I don't know whether -- okay, maybe I am looking at the wrong thing.
this is a modification 3?
modification number 3.

>> okay.
part of those dates have already expired.

>> we can change that.

>> because, when I look at -- through number 4, would be 3/30, I guess and --

>> you may have backup that was not a part of the final modification.
i know that a document that you looked at reflected that, and me were asked to revise that and we did, but the backup that is attached to the agenda item has the duration of the service as opposed to dates, but I do see what he is saying, he said the end of February, which February has already passed.
have they already -- they haven't provided that to you yet, have they.

>> they are working with with with us, yes, pending the completion of that and under the existing contract that we had with them.

>> so -- so these dates are still valid.

>> yes.

>> I guesses that what the judge is asking.

>> yes.

>> okay.
but we have already approved compensation for a whole lot of meetings, including, I thought, starting in February through the summer.

>> no, sir.

>> no.

>> no.

>> that's what this contract is.
this particular -- we were under a contract with them for --

>> okay.

>> -- other compensation related services.
when we talk ad with with the court about the desire to put in place such a committee, we discussed with you the resources available to make that happen.
during that time, the court directed hr to -- to the actually modify the existing contract that we had with evergreen to include compensation committee work, and that's with what this modification 3 is.

>> so modification 2 was just for information technology job family and we haven't seen a modification that addressed the facilitating yet until this?

>> that's correct.
that's correct a.
and what happened, even in the parkup, we mentioned, I think there was extensive discussion around the role of facilitator, hr's ability to continue with the fy09 job analysis project and we indicated we needed additional support to make all of that happen.
your backup may be in need of a bit more detail which is what exactly are we talking about in terms of facilitation.
in addition to the ten meetings, they are actually documenting the results of that meetings with minutes and communicating directly with the compensation committee members.
their questions -- there are questions that sometimes committee members that have that rather than coming in through staff to get the facilitators and experts under this contract, they are able to go directly to them with it.
we are paying for their expertise that they have from local regional as well as local full compensation models as well as various structure that is the compensation committee was asked to take a look at and consider.
and there are other things in the additional information that I shared that -- that they are doing, the compensation policies that we are currently working with with and looking at opportunities to actually enhance those on your behalf and to bring those recommendations in to the court in late may, in time for the fy '10 budget consideration.

>> okay.
i have two scope of work and timetable documents.
both of them start in February and go through July.
both of them have ten meetings, and the time has expired for five meetings in both of them.
so if you look at both of these, we are getting five more meetings and they are 1500 a pop.
can you see what I am saying.

>> judge, I am somewhat of a disadvantage because I don't know what you have.

>> he's got a memo that is attached to yours.

>> all right.
let me do this, can we -- can we have another week?

>> I will tell you which one is correct.
the one with with my signature is the one that is correct.

>> all right.
but the scope of work --

>> [laughter]

>> that is the right one, right?

>> [laughter]

>> I move that we take one more week and get the accurate backup.

>> I second that.

>> discussion?
all those in favor?
that passes by unanimous vote.
we need backup that reflects what we're doing.
the other things that I need to understand, the total here will come to more than $50,000.

>> it will now be $52,400.
not just for the compensation committee work, the total of the entire contract --

>> okay.
what I would like is just a document showing what an additional $15,000 will cover.

>> on the back of the form with with with my signature on it, our standard contract modification form has a contractor signature, my signature on the back of that --

>> we just approve a motion to take another week.

>> okay, but it's here.
what we got from lynn and them had those dates, you are correct, that are confusing and we revised those to be durations instead of a date so her memo got the old.

>> maybe we have too much backup.
i need a backup covering the $15,000 in addition that we have been asked for.

>> you want a detail of all of it, judge, in other words?

>> I want documents show what 15,000 is for.

>> okay.

>> and if one page will do it, I am happy.
see that doesn't do it.

>> this is it.

>> that doesn't do it.

>> this is what the contractors agreed to but lisa and them can get you more information.

>> I don't necessarily need more information.
i need something that shows what $15,000 is spent for.

>> we believe you probably have it inm this memorandum judge, but you were just given one more week to take a look at it and if you have any questions --

>> it is marvin's fault.
he just walked in.


>> [laughter]

>> we distributed a memorandum today because I had the same question for us to elaborate on what facilitation meant

>> let's just do it clean.

>> okay.

>> it is just confusion because --

>> next week will be very appropriate.
we will be happy to provide you with with the detail that you're asking.

>> okay.
wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week in preparation for next Tuesday?

>> absolutely, you will get it.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:42 PM